A Cathedral in Army Green for Russia's Armed Forces

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Re: A Cathedral in Army Green for Russia's Armed Forces

Post by Barbara »

Why build extra Churches, let alone grand Cathedrals ?
St John Maximovitch supplies the answer, which harks back to the early 1300s in Moscow :

St Peter the Metropolitan moved to Moscow in 1325 at the request of Grand Prince Ivan I. He reposed in 1327 on January 3, the date which Patriarch Nikon therefore chose for the consecration of his - * newly built * - Church of the 12 Apostles in the Moscow Kremlin right next to the Uspensky Sobor (Assumption Cathedral). The very old Vysokho-Petrovsky Monastery in Moscow is believed to have been founded by Metropolitan Peter.

St John Maximovitch recounted on January 3/16, 1964 - just months before the Rocor glorification of St John of Kronstadt -- himself a builder of Churches and Convents -- the tale of an ecclesiastical building project distant in time but fresh and modern in its power to inspire faith in the need for ever-expanding Churches to grace the 1st and present Russian capital :

"St Peter, the Metropolitan of Kiev, having visited the [ still rather small ] city of Moscow, said to Grand-Prince Ivan Kalita to "build the house of the Mother of God"...

"What is the need of a new church ?", some might ask today, "because even in the small city of Moscow, weren't there enough churches built by [Ivan] Kalita's father, the venerable Grand-Prince Daniel ?"

Without hesitation, [Ivan I] began to build the Dormition Cathedral of the Mother of God.

When it was completed, Moscow began to rise up and her [ grand ] dukes were able to unite around her all of the land of Russia."

- source : "Archbishop John Addresses the Faithful About Building [ the New S.F. ] Cathedral", Spiritual Spring magazine, Vol. 3 Number 2, 2015

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