That Hideous Strength - returns to haunt Biden

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That Hideous Strength - returns to haunt Biden

Post by Maria »

C.S. Lewis has a humorous episode near the end of his novel, That Hideous Strength, which depicts a scenario in which people speak in gibberish. Even their written notes are filled with nonsense reminiscent of the Tower of Babel and the curse that befell those who tried to get to Heaven on their own. For without God, nothing but chaos is possible.

Biden apparently has been affected by this babel and cannot speak correctly, nor can he read the teleprompter.

Has he suffered a stroke and is he showing signs of aphasia? Notice that he is coughing. Could it be that he has the same unspeakable brain disease as Hillary Clinton and Merkel?

Joe Biden stumbles, slurs, coughs through speech — Wonders ‘What am I doing?’ ... or-speech/

July 12, 2019
By Kyle Olson

... Biden repeatedly stumbled through his speech, slurring words, struggling with the teleprompter and saying things multiple times.

“Donald Trump and the democrogs— demagogues around the world are learn— leaning into these forces,” Biden said.

After slurring “fascism,” he mistakenly said “process” instead of “progress,” being forced to correct himself.

Biden said President “Tump,” and suffered an awkward coughing fit. ...

“Partnerships built of cohesion— excuse me, coercion,” he corrected. ...

Talking up his plan to tackle “climate change,” he said, “We’ll look, we’ll look for enforceable commitments that’ll produce emissions— reduce emissions.”

He seemed confused at the end of the speech, stepping back from the podium, saying, “What am I doing?”

This seems to be taken from a page straight from C.S. Lewis with names changed of course.
Could this be another attempt at plagiarism?


Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: That Hideous Strength - returns to haunt Biden

Post by Barbara »

Shrewd of you to link this consummate politician's strange inability to articulate much at all with the book. I never read that particular one, but I remember well considering reading it during my Narnia epoch as a child. That was well before the recent wave or waves of such. [ One looks for more books by the same author after having finishing the famous series. ]

That is indeed funny : tump. Could the speaker have a mental illness which is rearing its head, while usually suppressed with medications or some tool like that ?

Please let us know, Maria, if you hear more about this strange phenomenon either in this or any of the others of that unwholesome group called American politicians !

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That Hideous Strength - returns to haunt Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Maria »

This is a copy of my tweet on youtube with extra comments added in brackets for clarity.

It could be that [Jeffrey] Epstein partially earned his wealth by accepting donations from filthy rich Luciferians [such as Bill Clinton, HRC, Prince Andrew, Bill Maher, etc.] who wanted to observe special days of satanic worship in which child pedophilia and horrific child sacrifices were observed. In other words, Epstein did not need to blackmail his clients as they were willing to donate to be part of this satanic worship. These Luciferians had already sold their souls to the devil, so going on these island retreats was part of their satanic religion. Epstein did not register as a "church" as that would have been a red flag, which would have included more governmental intrusion. Instead, use of a tax free foundation enabled him to launder money, engage in child pedophilia and human trafficking, etc.

Read That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis. Lewis explains this perverse mindset [of the Luciferians] very well using the novel and theological fantasy as his preferred media.

Furthermore, C.S. Lewis has said that for many folks reading the novel will open them to the truth. This is why C.S. Lewis wrote Narnia, so that people may find Christ through Aslan, the Lion, which is a figure of Christ.

These people who are into human sacrifices as part of satanic rituals [Luciferians] are sick mentally, physically, and spiritually. Once a person has sold his or her soul to the devil, there is almost no chance of redemption because that act usually involves the sin of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, from which there is no forgiveness neither in this world nor in the afterlife.

There is a book written by monks of Mt. Athos. It details the story of men who have come to Mt. Athos in an attempt to get out of the contract with the devil. In other words, these men have sold their souls to the devil and are having second thoughts because every night they have dreams of being in hell once they die. They fear hell, but they do not really love Christ. They are the most miserable of men because they are being tormented by demons night and day, but they cannot repent. Their fear of hell drives them to Mt. Athos where they hope to repent and be freed of diabolical possession and obsession. The priests at Mt. Athos try to exorcise these most miserable men, but the demons will not depart claiming that these men belong to them. Finally, these men meet an untimely death, unrepentant and damned to hell. One such man, taking a break from prayer and exorcisms, went out in a boat to catch some fish. His boat was caught in a vortex, where he and the boat went down into the deep, never to be seen again.

The moral: do not sell your soul to the devil for power, wealth, and love. These things are temporary. Only the love of God endures.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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