Christ is Risen!

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Christ is Risen!

Post by Maria »

Let us greet one another in as many languages as we can, for Christ is Risen!

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Христос Воскресе!
С Праздником Праздников!

Светлое Христово Воскресение. [Деяния 1:1-8, Иоанна 1:1-17]

Пасха, Господня Пасха! От смерти к жизни привел нас Господь Своим Воскресением. И вот Воскресение это "ангелы поют на небеси". увидев светлость обоженного естества человеческого в предопределенной ему славе, в лице Господа Искупителя, во образе коего, силою Воскресения Его, имели претвориться все истинно верующие в Него и прилепляющиеся к Нему вседушно. Слава Господи, преславному Воскресению Твоему! Ангелы поют, сорадуясь нам и предзря восполнение сонма своего; нас же сподоби, Господи, Тебя Воскресшего чистым сердцем славить, видя в Воскресении Твоем пресечение снедающего нас тления, засеменение новой жизни пресветлой и зарю будущей вечной славы, в которую Предтечею вошел Ты Воскресением нас ради. Не человеческие только, но вместе и ангельские языки не сильны изъяснить неизреченную Твою к нам милость, преславно Воскресший Господи!

(Святитель Феофан Затворник, "Мысли на каждый день года")


Christ is Risen!
Congratulations on the Feast of Feasts!

The Bright Resurrection of Christ. [Acts 1:1–8; John 1:1–17]

Pascha, the Lord’s Pascha! The Lord has led us from death to life by means of His resurrection. And this resurrection “the angels hymn in the heavens,” having seen the brightness of the deified human nature in the glory foreordained for it, in the countenance of the Lord and Redeemer. All Who truly believe in Him and cleave to Him with all their soul are changed into His image by the power of His resurrection. Glory, O Lord, to Thy most glorious resurrection! The angels hymn, rejoicing with us and foreseeing the filling of their assembly. Vouchsafe us also with pure heart, O Lord, to glorify Thee resurrected; seeing in Thy resurrection the severing of our consuming decay, the sowing of a most bright new life, and the dawn of future eternal glory, into which Thou hast gone before us by Thy Resurrection for our sake. The tongues not only of men but also of angels are have insufficient strength to express Thine unspeakable mercy toward us, O most gloriously resurrected Lord!

(St. Theophan the Recluse, "Thoughts for Each Day of the Year")


Cristo ha Resucitado!
Felicitaciones por la Fiesta de la Fiestas!

La Resurrección Luminosa de Cristo. [Hechos 1:1–8; Juan 1:1–17]

¡Pascua, la Pascua del Señor! El Señor nos ha llevado de la muerte a la vida por medio de su Resurrección. Y esta resurrección, “los ángeles cantan en cielo,” por ver el resplandor de la naturaleza humana, deificada en la gloria a la que ha sido destinada, en el semblante del Señor y Redentor. Todos quienes en verdad creen en Él, y se unen a Él con todo su alma, son transformados a su Imagen, por el poder de su Resurrección. ¡Gloria, Oh Señor, a tu Gloriosísima Resurrección! Los ángeles cantan, regocijándose con nosotros, al vislumbrar la plenitud de su asamblea. Concédenos también con corazón puro, Oh Señor, glorificarte resurrecto, al ver en tu Resurrección la supresión de la corrupción que nos ha consumido, la siembra de una nueva y radiante vida, y el alba de la futura gloria eterna, en la cual Tú has sido antes que nosotros, a través de tu Resurrección, por nuestra causa. No solo la lenguas humanas, pero también aquellas de los ángeles, no poseen la suficiente fortaleza para expresar tu Indecible Misericordia hacia nosotros ¡Oh Gloriosísimo Señor Resurrecto!

(Obispo Teófano el Recluso, "Pensamientos para Cada Dia del Año")

Thanks to Father Siluan of Argentina

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Christ is Risen!

Post by Barbara »

Truly He Is Risen !

That was a nice passage from St Theophan the Recluse, and thanks for the translation into English and Spanish for the benefit of all such speakers worldwide !

I don't have any other languages to advance, but let me say this. Notice that Pascha fell on [ rose on might be more positive way to describe this Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord ] -- May 1 this year.
Isn't that remarkable that it symbolizes the defeat of Communism ? For as many know, the odious 'holiday' of that evil philosophy was - none other than May 1, Mayday - also the international call of distress for sea vessels. [ Briefly remembering here the former active member sailor Alexander Kuzmin, whose ship sank off the coast of New Jersey nearly 30 years ago. He tells the exciting story of his rescue by the US Coast Guard in a thread on our forum. That dramatic event occurred in the very beginning of the fall of the Soviet Union, not that it has vanished completely. ]

Let us hope that God is showing us encouragement that Communism and what used to be called 'hegemony' over other nations and ALL such strategies, large and small, of the Devil to entrap the world will soundly defeated by the power of Good, in the Lord's own time.

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Re: Christ is Risen!

Post by Luke »

Alithos Anesti!!!

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