The Law of God

Patristic theology, and traditional teachings of Orthodoxy from the Church fathers of apostolic times to the present. All forum Rules apply. No polemics. No heated discussions. No name-calling.
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Seraphim Reeves
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The Law of God

Post by Seraphim Reeves »

I have a question which for me, while not effecting praxis (at least not for me), is a point of interest that I've yet to have cleared up. It relates to the whole subject of the "Law of God."

I know many Orthodox catechisms and emphasize the importance of instructing catechumen (and the young) in the "Law of God." However, I have a question of just who (or Who) this Law (as understood and taught in the Church) was promulgated by.

First, I'll start by giving the traditional Roman Catholic answer (which I learned in my RC days). According to the RCC, the Law promulgated by the Prophet Moses (given to him by God on Mt.Sinai) has a ritual and moral dimension, and came in the form of a covenant (sealed by the sacrifice of beasts). Both of these were fulfilled and brought to an "end" by Christ. The Saviour has made a new covenant in His own blood. This covenant has it's own "ritual" (sacraments) and it's own moral law ("Law of God".) This Law is promulgated by Christ, and is in most respects the same as the Law given through Moses, except it calls for a much higher standard (for example, the Lord cites the Old Testament rule on divorce, but in turn promulgates a rule which is much stricter on this matter; the same can be said about the Old Testament rule about "an eye for an eye"...He cites it, but says "rather", mercy is to be preferred.)

In short, according to the RCC, while they observe the 10 Commandments in principle, they do so because Christ promulgated them (and because they reflect the natural law regarding man's duty towards God and his neighbours), not because Moses did.

Would it be fair to say this is the position of the Orthodox Church? From my studies, this would seem to be a fair assessment, since St.Paul goes to great lengths to emphasize the powerlessness of the Law given by Moses, and how our peace (and even that of the Old Testament fathers who waited patiently for Christ in hades) with God is founded upon Christ, and not the Torah.

Thanks for your replies...


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I agree.

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Christ is Risen!

Deraphim, I think it would be a fair assesment too. But am waiting to see what those far more knowledgable that I have to say.

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