Lesson from Hurricane Sandy - Prepare

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Lesson from Hurricane Sandy - Prepare

Post by Matthew »

After the fallout of Hurricane Sandy, and having seen other disasters like the Tsunami in Sendai Japan, and in the Indian Ocean in 2005 that destroyed a quarter of a million lives in Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Mauritius on the African coast, I thought I would start a thread on the theme of disaster or emergency preparation. Here are my initial thoughts.

I think the difficulties in many hard hit areas of the East Coast by Hurricane Sandy, we have a real an eye opener, that we should be like Noah and prepare our lives not only spiritually, but also with practical preparations for emergencies like this. Storable food, alternate power sources, candles, batteries, first aid kit, clean storable water, and so forth. Many people I heard are totally unprepared and the supplies in the average home are only enough for a few days, not even a week. If there was a serious disaster (like Sandy or worse, which is entirely possible if we live long enough) then we are more likely to be in an area that will not see basic supplies and needs being restored for weeks or even a few months if it is bad enough. Preparation is not paranoia, but ought to be seen as practical and down to earth "common sense." I think asking our priest about having the parish meeting form a set of protocols and plans in case of a neighbourhood, citywide, or regional disaster, and make some practical preparations as well, would be a good idea. What do you guys think?

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Re: Lesson from Hurricane Sandy - Prepare

Post by Barbara »

Well presented, Icxypion !
That's how I think, as well.

Do you have any specific ideas about HOW to do this all ?

True Orthodox are not always the best planners. It is time to catch up in this regard.

I hate to bring in Mormons, but many serious ones keep gigantic supplies in their basements
for 7 years, then gradually rotate out the grains and perishables, eat them, and replace them with

I don't know any more about the process than that, but it IS smart.

People living in apartments or big cities where the "culture" is to live from moment to moment
rather than the sober, careful planning of more rural areas may have to work extra to keep their
attention on this vital subject. There may be too many distractions claiming their attention.

This is what I think: we all have to keep our minds focused on what God is asking us to do -
and sometimes it's boring, but it's going to really pay off down the road, should some
major cataclysm hit anywhere.

I am having a difficult time concentrating on reading my usual Lives of Saints, except a few
that I reread over and over, paradoxically !

I think it's because of the need to redirect attention to practical realms from the airy spiritual ones.
We all fight that - but there ARE times that it is imperative.

AFTER the planning is done, after the provisions are acquired and well stored, THEN
there will be time to delve back into the thoughtful reading that rests the soul.
This process is tedious and tiring physically, but I am sure investment of time and energy
in these months to start to prepare will never be lost.
This is my particular angle - anyone else?

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Re: Lesson from Hurricane Sandy - Prepare

Post by Matthew »

There are so many things to take into account and preparation techniques and supply lists and strategies are quite variable depending on what a group of people see as their major need or area of concern. For example a parish in Boulder CO is not likely going to need to prepare for massive flooding or tsunami disaster response. :) Some people prefer to keep their preparations a family thing. Others prefer to organise things through the cooperation of the whole parish. Perhaps some will do both. In any case, there are many ways to approach this. Also, I think that we need to keep a peaceful reflected and collected mind and not hope that after we have wrapped up some other things we will finally be able to settle down. We don't know what the future brings from day to day so we need to simply prepare day by day and build and nurture spiritually day by day at the same time.

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Re: Lesson from Hurricane Sandy - Prepare

Post by Cyprian »

Greetings Icxypion,

Since you asked us for our opinion, I will oblige and proffer mine.

The Tsunamis you mentioned were not natural "disasters," but rather deliberate acts of war and terror. They were perpetrated by men; however, we must acknowledge that God allowed these diabolical schemes to come to fruition, because He is in control, and nothing happens apart from His will. The one in the Indian Ocean that you mentioned actually took place at the end of 2004, on "Christmas" depending on where in the world you live, or "Boxing Day" (Dec 26th). Local time, in Southeast Asia, it was the morning of December 26th, an offering to the mass-murdering communist Chairman Mao on his 111th birthday. Not unlike how the Columbine psy-op attack in Littleton Colorado was scheduled for Hitler's 110th birthday. This was April 20th, which is also the exact day (11 years later) they purposefully blew up the BP oil rig in the Gulf, causing that massive oil spill. I assure you, these dates are not just mere coincidence. The number eleven is significant to these evil men, and 911 days after 9/11 the 3/11 (2004) Madrid bombings in Spain took place, killing 191. The following year there was the London "7/7" bombings, yet another military intelligence operation, and seven years (to the day) subsequent to Madrid, they perpetrated the 3.11.11 Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami. Now that we have come to 11 years after 9/11, I believe they may have something extremely dastardly and evil planned for "Black Christmas," a mass-fatality event on the anniversary of the Sumatra Tsunami. For, according to local Phoenix and Atlanta time, the Asian Tsunami took place in the evening of December 25th, 2004, and we are fast approaching the eighth anniversary.

I pray that I am wrong, and by the intercessions of the Most-blessed wonderworker Spyridon, God will extend mercy, and not judge us by what we deserve.

Nevertheless, I strongly urge everyone to prepare themselves spiritually (and physically) for the possibility of completely devastating attacks and massive loss of life in the next ten days. I would definitely avoid the cities of Phoenix and Atlanta, just to be safe.

The mind-controllers in the media and movie industry have been subliminally preparing the populace for a "war on Christmas" for quite a while now. In fact, Bill O'Reilly and Fox News were just ranting about that last night. Not quite 8 months ago, Obama joked at the White House Correspondents Dinner, "In my first term, we ended the war in Iraq; in my second term, I will win the war on Christmas."

He deliberately left it ambiguous as to which side he was taking in this "war".

Kyrie eleison!


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Re: Lesson from Hurricane Sandy - Prepare

Post by Matthew »

Well, interesting claims. There are many rumours out there these days and we must not allow ourselves to think that they are sources of guidance. They may lead us to true conclusion or false ones. It remains to be seen. But it is interesting to consider your words.


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Re: Lesson from Hurricane Sandy - Prepare

Post by Barbara »

Greetings to both of you.

Cyprian, look! Your post went on at - amazing ! -
9:11 --

There ARE NO ACCIDENTS, [for those rational-minded types who play down any such thing as "coincidence"]

He was talking about the number 11's significance to the EVIL power circles controlling - well, everybody who
lives in a Western country. Or Russia, or China, etc etc.

All populations everywhere today are virtually controlled by many forces all orchestrated by a central command
structure which is hazy. No one knows it, but there are a lot of GOOD GUESSES and THEORIES.

Icxypion, I urge you to consider strongly what Cyprian said here.

I have a slightly different version but I keep thinking to myself every time these "school killings" are all over the news
that they are ALL STAGED, to frighten the population of this country. Obviously to get rid of private ownership of weapons, too,
which was a constitutional right - not that I am wild about the US Constitution at all, unlike most people who have these ideas.

Virtually ALL THE "NEWS" is STAGED or FALSE FLAG EVENTS. All the supposed "terrorists" are Mossad agents and
their helpers in every affected country.

All "Taliban attacks" on "women, schools, embassies" etc. are completely engineered by same :mossad agents and
perhaps Indian intelligence ones helping out.
The whole purpose is to convince the American public that the US needs to "stay' in Afghanistan. As if it were there legally anyway!
Just a brutal plunder operation for the drug trade to gain cash for sinister operations and drug the American public into non-resistance.

Every sage person knows these things. It's just that no one ever lets out a squeak in the Controlled Media. Not even a hint.
Journalists are all bought off and long ago sold their souls to the devil in order to have "power". So they won't ever
tell the truth. NEVER !

It's actually scary that SOME US special operations even during the Cold War were very subsersive to supposed allies,
Western Europe. Look up the video on
Operation Gladio - it's very scary. I think there are 3 in the series - I saw them awhile ago and what they reveal is pretty damaging.

Why is this not a headline but every immodest new outfit is staged as top of the line news.
Interspersed only with stories of violence.

All the supposed "killers" were inside agents. Funny thing, you almost never hear of them actually being sent to jail.

i don't even bother to look at the headline, because it's a complete lie. Let's say ONE attack out of 70 could be real.

Why torture your brain with worry over a cruelly contrived incident. It's been long "proven" about the Columbine school shooting.
Why is the latest one any different? Then the whole nation can be held spellbound while police unearth "clues" ---
see? It's like a circus operation to keep the public fascinated with evil, and "entertained". They might get restless
and start noticing how bad the economy REALLY is and start doing something about that, otherwise !

So Cyprian and Icxypion are very right about this need to get ready.

By the way I think what Cyprian is referring to about the disasters NOT being "natural" is the fact that earthquakes and many
other things can be done actually by malevolent scientists. It's called HAARP.

Many people thought the second to last earthquake in iran was one of these, as well as previous events.

The Japan one is considered either a mini-nuclear attack planted perhaps by again, Mossad, which always does the dirty work.
Or as a HAARP, as others think.

Oklahoma City for sure was a mini-nuclear event, done by government to scare the people.
No maverick individual could have created a huge crater like that.

However, on the other side of the coin, mini-nuclear devices are used BY the government to frighten the people too.
If there is someone like Viktor Bout they want to find, they make sure to pretend they found "a nuclear suitcase" on
someone he was contacting of Colombia's FARC rebels [leftists by the way but no serious threat to anyone].

This information about " a nuclear suitcase" is broadcast around the world, even though no one really knows what one is !

It sounds terrifying, and everyone immediately believes the government's charge against a mild low level gun runner
like Viktor Bout. Hardly a gigantic threat to the world, worthy of a movie being made about him as "Merchant of Death" -
full of lies.

One has to see things clearly and fairly. By letting the media influence one AT ALL, one is unable to see obvious things
like the manufactured event of that same 9:11 !

However to distract the population of the US and the world, there are numerous - false - stories about "end of the Mayan Calander".
It's not even true anyway, but who cares about a Mayan Calendar ?!?

If repeated often enough, people start to believe this nonsense of the world ending on the Winter Solstice.

However, Cyprian's idea of some Black Christmas is a possibility. Remember the NIgerian "bomber" to amuse the country
on - Western Christmas ?

That quotation about obama "winning the war on Christmas" is appalling ! He is a devil to his very marrow.

So what can we do ? Pray.

Why did you choose St Spyridon, Cyprian ? I can't remember, did he stop earthquakes ??

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Re: Lesson from Hurricane Sandy - Prepare

Post by Matthew »

Well, let me say that I do indeed adhere to an alternative view of several historical events. I also am inclined to believe that there is a lot more behind the scenes decision making that goes on to form the events that the media often portrays as unplanned or accidental events or trends. For example, the economic situation we are in is largely the result of a deliberate cash grab that the Banking executives knew would result in massive inflation and currency devaluation. They do deliberately seek to enslave not only people but whole nations and continents into debt. However, there are also so many factors and people and organisations involved with different ambitions and actions that I think it is stretching it a bit too far to say that EVERYTHING is staged and planned down to about 98 percent of all events and trends. That someone with a genius on the level of the devil himself could orchestrate so much is something I doubt. On the other hand, I do think there is something to the numerology of many major events. The number 11 does figure in masonic ritual and power seeking. A good article that simply puts the facts forward on the connection of events on this point is found on this website: http://www.threeworldwars.com/june06-2006.htm

The webpage begins by saying:

"June 6, 2006: 6 Things You Must Know

You might disagree, but hear me out on this...

There are at least a dozen credible sources reporting on the strong occult 'signatures' stamped all over major world events recently, implying that events of global import are planned using certain patterns. Oft quoted examples are:

The '777' patterns found in the London bombings on July 7th, 2005; The '11' patterns found all over the 9/11 attack; and, The Madrid Train Bombings 911 days after 9/11 on March 11, 2004.

If this information is new to you, download a free explanatory report."

The report is worth downloading and reading. Lots of evidence of occult signature there. You can find it here:


And another is here:

However, whilst I do think some awareness of these things can be somewhat helpful, I want to say this very clearly: I personally do NOT advocate delving into such matters very much, though I have in the past. The reason is because these things are rabbit holes that can distract us interminably from our proper focus and attention on the things that truly benefit our souls and prepare us for our departure. I think it is simply a dangerous game to dig into these matters after a certain point. Learning about and studying the works of the evil one and his servants is not a worthy past time. Doing so distracts, confuses, and worries the mind with useless and uncertain fears. Rather, we must put our attention on holy and spiritually beneficial matters. That is my position on these matters.

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