American Politics enters even Christmas display -

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American Politics enters even Christmas display -

Post by Barbara »

"American Christians are shocked that Ferrigno, the family-owned and operated business which is known worldwide for its elaborate creche scenes, has added a new character to its Nativity figures for 2012: a statue of President Barack Obama wearing a gold crown.

Marco Ferrigno is a descendant of the company’s founder Giussepe Ferrigno, who introduced the elaborate Nativity sets in Naples, Italy, in 1836. Marco explained on November 7 that

“Every time a major event occurs we create a new figurine, and today after Obama’s victory, we have made a new figurine of Obama and will put him in our ideal Nativity scene.”

So there he’ll be: “King” Obama, praying before the newborn King of Kings."

There is actual picture of the "obomination" at the original site,
I did not know how to make the picture display here.

Pathetic !
Especially so this idolization of humans in the place of Almighty God. But especially this particular human ...

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Re: American Politics enters even Christmas display -

Post by Matthew »

I remember reading somewhere, there is no absolute freedom for any of us. We are either the bond-servants of Christ as St. Paul describes himself (in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, one of the well known prayers says, "Whose service is perfect freedom" - in other words, being a true servant of Christ is what frees us from slavery to the world the flesh and the devil), or we are slaves to lower created things (the devil, passions, or men, etc). Slavery is total when one imagines that servitude and worship of creatures or created matter or passions is proof of their freedom and they exult in their debased condition and thinking.

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Re: American Politics enters even Christmas display -

Post by jgress »

How do you know Obama was being put in the place of God? If it's a Nativity creche, wouldn't he be in the place of one of the Three Kings? That would make a lot more sense. Still, of course, they should just have used the traditional figures of the Three Kings, rather than trying to make it "contemporary". But it's not as bad as you make out. The end of the article makes it explicit that the figure of Obama is meant to be praying for the "King of Kings".

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Re: American Politics enters even Christmas display -

Post by Matthew »

Yes, I was aware of that when I made my point. I am only pointing out that they are making a democratically appointed leader into A KING! That is certainly going in the direction I am concerned about. No they are not saying he is God yet, but there is this exalting of a sinful very questionable man to the status of a venerable potentate. I have a big problem with that.

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Re: American Politics enters even Christmas display -

Post by joasia »

For Barbara's original post....that's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Not about your post, but about Obama's figurine. Come on people! This has to be the end times. I mean... really?? This is more ridiculous than aliens from outer space. At least that was based on a fantasy outside our world view. But this? If there was a petition, I would sign it. Marco Ferrigno is obviously insane or has his arm twisted behind his back. And another point is that the figurine isn't in a position of worship as the traditional kings are. He's standing up smiling. Is this Marco insane? Seriously! Is he?

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Re: American Politics enters even Christmas display -

Post by Matthew »

Well, he's certainly not his right mind to be making such abominations. To use the Nativity of God the Son to promote Obama is a blasphemy.

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Re: American Politics enters even Christmas display -

Post by Barbara »

Good ! Joasia and Icxypion UNDERSTOOD how BEYOND OUTRAGEOUS this was !!
THAT kind of reaction is what I expected !!!

I am still reeling over that.

Seeing the picture of the smug obama makes a difference, too.

And to think I was only searching for the Christmas stamps put out by the Post Office this year - not
that I approve of them, for the Flight into Egypt one was pioneered by the Washington National Cathedral -
which "welcomes people of ALL faiths" according to its tacky webpage - and features a woman wearing some
kind of fake 'vestments' - of course what can one expect, as it is Episcopalian ??

By the way the new OCA metropolitan's MOTHER is one of these Episcopalian "clergy" -- which most people have
heard by now.

Back to this, the figure of obama at the Nativity defies any description.

A commenter said he must be a King indeed, Herod ! I am sure this person referred to the killing of all the unborn children
through obama's forcing of abortion on this country.

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