Google Adsense has been installed

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Google Adsense has been installed

Post by Anastasios »

Greetings Everyone!

I have installed Google Adsense on the forum, after much thought on the matter. It was a tough decision, because I don't like advertising, but on the other hand, I have always done the projects I worked on for free, and yet as my time became more constrained, I had to neglect things that did not provide me with income in favor of those activities which short, I have had to neglect some of my volunteer projects when I had paid engagements (such as my web development side business I am in the process of establishing). At this point it is an experiment and we'll see how it goes. If I generate income from this site, for instance, I will be able to upgrade it more often and promote it better, etc.

Google Adsense, as I understand it, generates ads in two ways: it looks at what is written on the pages it appears, but it also uses data it gets from your google account if you have one and choose to share information with google. So, for instance, you may see an ad for a website domain name service, even though we aren't talking about that here, because you wrote an email to someone else about websites or because you searched on google for website domains. Note that this is something you do have some control over, and those concerned about privacy should consult their google account privacy settings, or switch to a non-google account if it bothers them.

Also, those who are strictly opposed to ads can install various ad blocking ad-ons on their browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer.

For the time being, there will only be an ad after the first post on each thread. This should be a minimal distraction for those who hate advertising.

If you should notice any inappropriate ads being displayed, please contact me at with the subject line "Inappropriate ad on" and I will block it from re-ocurring.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

In Christ,
Fr. Anastasios

PS: Of course, if someone wants to donate a few hundred dollars a month to me, we could forgo the ads altogether ;) Just sayin'. I don't want to come across as greedy, but the issue is that trying to do everything I have done over the past 4 years has taken its toll on me and my family.

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Re: Google Adsense has been installed

Post by Barbara »

Thank you for all the work, then, Father. We here maybe don't realize what it takes, some of us not having any experience ourselves
with a discussion Forum [or any thing to do with computers for that matter ]

Well that is better if it only pops up after the first post on a thread. I thought it would be every time one tries to post a reply
throughout the entire threads.

Would you mind if i ask which are these ad-blockers for Internet E ?

I was told very recently about some program called adblock plus, I think the name was. But it does not have the Internet Expl. blocking faculty setup.
Though the company, maybe a one-man operation, seemed to be working on it and promised fairly soon.

Are there any other reliable companies that you or anyone knows of to recommend ?
Thanks, that would be really a gigantic help, overall, too. Not just here. Some ads show the most ugly faces leering at one !
It's scary.

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Re: Google Adsense has been installed

Post by Priest Antonios »


Thank you for trying to find ways to keep this forum going.


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Re: Google Adsense has been installed

Post by Matthew »

Most of the ads seem to be for russian women and fat loss! :lol: But so far seem inoffensive. The costs of maintaining this site totally justify your decision. You should not be the one to carry such a financial burden.


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Re: Google Adsense has been installed

Post by Anastasios »

I am probably going to remove the google ads, dear users. We only made 1.50 in the month since I installed them :) I could have probably tweaked them a bit to try and maximize the return, but I was not really ever completely on board with them in the first place, so I am going to brainstorm other ideas to raise revenue.

Again, the issue is not with asking for donations for site maintenance. The server this forum resides on is paid for right now through other donations I have received. My concern is raising personal revenue (which I would share with the moderators) to compensate me for the time invested, so that I could then turn around and devote more time to this and other internet projects. I am not completely comfortable asking for personal donations at this time, so i am not going to. I have some ideas cooking in my head; I will let you know when they come about.

The ads will disappear when I find the time to edit the code on the site. For those who can't wait to see them go, your continued patience will be most appreciated. :)

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Re: Google Adsense has been installed

Post by Barbara »

Thank you, Father !

Terrifically good news ! We all felt awkward with them, I know.
But stoically tried to manage nonetheless out of respect for the financial burden you must have been enduring.

You seem very innovative as far as having brainstorming ideas for handling tricky Internet Forum problems, so we are
confident that the right solution will present itself, with the help of the All-Holy Mother of God, who looks out for all of her
children's needs, including material, as we all know.

What a relief !

And those moderators do deserve compensation because they put in a lot of time here. How many of my earlier posts were revised by
Maria, for example, to be in alignment with Copyright worries ! That's significant work right there.

Then moving threads, tidying up topics that took a right turn into some other area, etc.

We do appreciate all of your help, Father and moderators !

Archimandrit Nilos
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Re: Google Adsense has been installed

Post by Archimandrit Nilos »

Can you explain me: What is "Google Adsense" ? In the moment I cannot send a private E-Mail to mebers of the Forum.

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