Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authorities

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Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authorities

Post by Matthew »


It might not take place for another 25 years, but that is a blink of an eye in time. The point in this post is that it will definitely come to it at some point. The world is headed towards a series of delusions that will convince the world of a new man from the heavenlies, the antichrist! The Alien Cover Story is their ticket to gullible world longing for a show in the skies of false signs and lying wonders.

According to the following two articles we can expect that the government of the United States, the Pope (the office of the Vatican), and the United Nations, will very soon declare that Aliens and UFOs are real and that we have Space Brothers to guide and help us reach new levels of evolution. Looks like Orthodox thinkers like Blessed Seraphim Rose, and others were right: Aliens and UFOs will be the cover story to usher in worldwide worship of the "Saviour from Heaven" the Antichrist who will claim to be partly human and alien DNA, designed by Aliens and the next level in human evolution, and he will invite the world to follow him into the New Age.

USA to Declare Aliens Real: ... s-imminent

An official announcement by the Obama administration disclosing the reality of extraterrestrial life is imminent. For several months, senior administration officials have been quietly deliberating behind closed doors how much to disclose to the world about extraterrestrial life. Dissatisfaction among powerful institutions such as the U.S. Navy over the decades-long secrecy policy has given a boost to efforts to disclose the reality of extraterrestrial life and technology.

While the article is from 2009, just looking at the increasingly positive positions on this subject that major powers and authorities are taking on the issue of ETs and the possibility of alien "first contact" lead one to believe that what this article suggested 4 years ago is now only more likely to come to pass in the near future.

Using research from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, I.T. World article says people who DO NOT believe in Aliens are ignorant: ... her-planet

Official Vatican "Astrobiology" * (see note below) Authority says Pope soon to declare Alien Life real and consistent with Church doctrine:

When the current leader of the VORG, José Gabriel Funes, S.J., also from Argentina, entered the Jesuit order, one of the three examiners was Bergoglio. Funes, who astounded the world with his essay The Alien is my Brother, is infamous for invoking St. Francis of Assisi as an apologetic for accepting ET, “To say it with St. Francis, if we can consider some earthly creatures as ‘brothers’ or ‘sisters’, why could we not speak of a ‘brother alien’? He would also belong to the creation.”[2] In other words, Funes and the VORG are leading the charge to accept extraterrestrials at face value even arguing they could be morally superior to humans.

and again later in the article:

The Pontifical Academy of Science’s 2009 Astrobiology Conference key note speaker Dr. Chris Impey predicted a forthcoming extraterrestrial disclosure saying, “the first discovery is only a few years away.”[4] Impey’s few years are now upon us and recent exoplanet discoveries seem to offer promise. Thus, it appears that Pope Francis will indeed be the sitting Pontiff when that disclosure event occurs.

I have to ask this: WHY, oh WHY, does a Church -- even the RC VATICAN -- fund, organise, and support a conference called, "The Pontifical Academy of Science’s 2009 Astrobiology Conference"? That speaks volumes about the occult nature of this Religious Organisation called, the "Roman Catholic Church." And interestingly, Jesuits are in the thick of it.

United Nations appoints Office of the Ambassador for Earth and already has a not-well-known department "Office for Outer Space Affairs". ... itors.html

Wiki Says this about the "Office for Outer Space Affairs": ... ce_Affairs

When Mazlan Othman was appointed as director in 2010, Mazlan spoke of the chances of contact with extraterrestrial life. It was widely reported in the media that Mazlan's post had been turned into an ambassador for aliens. The UN denied that there was any change in the office's mandate (i.e. space debris, satellites, military uses) however the head of the UK Space Agency said that "Othman is absolutely the nearest thing we have to a 'take me to your leader' person." Some proposed protocols dealing with first contact to reference a role of the UN. UNOOSA has its own protocol for decontaminating equipment that may be carrying alien microbes and also a draft greetings to intelligent extraterrestrial life forms.

Sounds like this UN department is not really having anything to do with Alien Contact? Go to the UN's Official Website for "Office for Outer Space Affairs":
And pump in to their seach feature and put in "Extraterrestrial" or "astrobiology" and you will see they are interested and drawing up policies and doing research on this.

Could the Great Final Deception be afoot? We shall see... In any case, the following article asks that very question and makes some suggestions: ... he-humble/

  • "Astrobiology" - big "scientific" sounding word to make it not so obviously stupid as the common parlance of saying "aliens" or "ETs"
Last edited by Matthew on Wed 27 March 2013 9:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by jgress »

You're digging up articles from years ago (except the last) and presenting them as if they are breaking news. I read the Economist regularly and I'm not hearing anything about imminent alien contact or recognition of UFOs. If the so-called NWO wanted us to start worshiping aliens I would have heard something about that by now.

UFOs strike me as really old hat. They were all the rage decades ago when Fr Seraphim was around, but I'd hardly say they're topical today. Maybe in the late 1990s when you had those movies about extra-terrestrial intelligence like "Contact", but not recently.

Just my contrarian two cents.

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by Lydia »

I'm staggered by the number of people who believe in the existence of aliens, and who swear to have been in contact with these beings. I waver between thinking that they are nuts or attention-seekers, and that these beings are demons. I have read that these "beings" will disappear at the name of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
That said, I think the powers that be would stoop to anything in order to lead the sheeple into obedience.

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by Matthew »

jgress wrote:

You're digging up articles from years ago (except the last) and presenting them as if they are breaking news. I read the Economist regularly and I'm not hearing anything about imminent alien contact or recognition of UFOs. If the so-called NWO wanted us to start worshiping aliens I would have heard something about that by now.

UFOs strike me as really old hat. They were all the rage decades ago when Fr Seraphim was around, but I'd hardly say they're topical today. Maybe in the late 1990s when you had those movies about extra-terrestrial intelligence like "Contact", but not recently.

Just my contrarian two cents.

Two of the articles are new and the oldest one was only from a 2009 article and I dealt with that gap in time issue of the article in my post. The other "older" articles are from more recent years (mainly 2010). And as you must admit my link to the official UN site includes my search results for these keywords that show the issue is NOT dead. They continue to study it. Besides is 2009 that long ago? It seems just like last month that they were putting up trailers for the movie 2012. Old would be 1980 when Seraphim Rose was writing about these things; besides also, you are not facing squarely all the evidence that is mounting for a world elite building this up as a vehicle or story to sell their agenda to unite the world with the "Event to Change Everything" to a gullible public. I appreciate your contrarian words, but you know that simply being contrarian or "Sceptical" which is venerated as a great virtue in modern humanist institutions of so-called higher learning, is far from any kind of virtue of the mind for Orthodox Christians, who view not scepticism as any kind of defence against deception and delusion (the bolsheviks were definitely masters of the vaunted discipline of scepticism) , but spiritual sobriety, and watchfulness, hence we speak of the "Neptic Fathers," not the "Sceptic Fathers!" Be careful about whose bed you lie in intellectually. You might find your "sceptic intellectual bedfellow" is a scorpion or venomous serpent.

I posted all those articles including a video interview with the Vatican official that is more than 2 minutes long at 7:29. You posted your response and 7:44. There is no way you could have actually READ the articles to say that interest in the possibility of alien contact is dying and "old hat" that has lost relevance to where things are going. You really should read what is posted before judging it. A quick or spotty glance here and there does not serve a careful researcher well in presenting a case when made so unfamiliar with the subject. I can absolutely assure you, Jonathan, that both belief in and interest in the possibility of alien life and possible contact with them has never been more alive and on the rise. You need to "get out" more, and then you would now this. Anyone who watches TV, movies, browses the popular book stores, and does searches for latest articles in science magazines as well as UFO mags, books, websites, radio shows, and websites, would see this is truly something robust and on the rise.

Last edited by Matthew on Wed 27 March 2013 9:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by Matthew »

Lydia wrote:

I'm staggered by the number of people who believe in the existence of aliens, and who swear to have been in contact with these beings. I waver between thinking that they are nuts or attention-seekers, and that these beings are demons. I have read that these "beings" will disappear at the name of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
That said, I think the powers that be would stoop to anything in order to lead the sheeple into obedience.

Indeed, the average person does seem at the very least to be quite open to this idea of space travelling and intelligent aliens existing. It would only take a consensus of world governments, or other authorities like the UN and the 2.2 billion strong Catholic Church to sell the idea to the world and the average person and evolution believing dupes of the world to buy into this absurd claim because the luciferian claim that we evolved from monkeys and primordial sludge getting blasted by lightning bolts, is exactly the thinking that makes the claim of alien visitors seem reasonable to the average person.

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by joasia »


UFOs strike me as really old hat. They were all the rage decades ago when Fr Seraphim was around, but I'd hardly say they're topical today. Maybe in the late 1990s when you had those movies about extra-terrestrial intelligence like "Contact", but not recently.

What about Men in Black? It's the top movie of the latest times. A trilogy. The main focus of movies in the past 10 years is about aliens.

Or what about Independence Day??

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by jgress »

Icxypion wrote:
jgress wrote:

You're digging up articles from years ago (except the last) and presenting them as if they are breaking news. I read the Economist regularly and I'm not hearing anything about imminent alien contact or recognition of UFOs. If the so-called NWO wanted us to start worshiping aliens I would have heard something about that by now.

UFOs strike me as really old hat. They were all the rage decades ago when Fr Seraphim was around, but I'd hardly say they're topical today. Maybe in the late 1990s when you had those movies about extra-terrestrial intelligence like "Contact", but not recently.

Just my contrarian two cents.

Two of the articles are new and the oldest one was only from a 2009 article and I dealt with that gap in time issue of the article in my post. The other "older" articles are from more recent years (mainly 2010). And as you must admit my link to the official UN site includes my search results for these keywords that show the issue is NOT dead. They continue to study it. Besides is 2009 that long ago? It seems just like last month that they were putting up trailers for the movie 2012. Old would be 1980 when Seraphim Rose was writing about these things; besides also, you are not facing squarely all the evidence that is mounting for a world elite building this up as a vehicle or story to sell their agenda to unite the world with the "Event to Change Everything" to a gullible public. I appreciate your contrarian words, but you know that simply being contrarian or "Sceptical" which is venerated as a great virtue in modern humanist institutions of so-called higher learning, is far from any kind of virtue of the mind for Orthodox Christians, who view not scepticism as any kind of defence against deception and delusion (the bolsheviks were definitely masters of the vaunted discipline of scepticism) , but spiritual sobriety, and watchfulness, hence we speak of the "Neptic Fathers," not the "Sceptic Fathers!" Be careful about whose bed you lie in intellectually. You might find your "sceptic intellectual bedfellow" is a scorpion or venomous serpent.

I posted all those articles including a video interview with the Vatican official that is more than 2 minutes long at 7:29. You posted your response and 7:44. There is no way you could have actually READ the articles to say that interest in the possibility of alien contact is dying and "old hat" that has lost relevance to where things are going. You really should read what is posted before judging it. A quick or spotty glance here and there does not serve a careful researcher well in presenting a case when made so unfamiliar with the subject. I can absolutely assure you, Jonathan, that both belief in and interest in the possibility of alien life and possible contact with them has never been more alive and on the rise. You need to "get out" more, and then you would now this. Anyone who watches TV, movies, browses the popular book stores, and does searches for latest articles in science magazines as well as UFO mags, books, websites, radio shows, and websites, would see this is truly something robust and on the rise.

If unbridled skepticism is not a virtue, neither is unbridled gullibility and completely uncritical acceptance of any report that happens to fit our preconceptions. Aren't we meant to practice discernment? What happened to trust but verify?

OK, you got me. I didn't bother to read through every link. But now I will and I'll offer my critique:

For the first one, on the "imminent disclosure of extraterrestrial life". That was in 2009, but we haven't heard any such disclosure. Sounds to me like this source ("Michael Salla", whoever he is), is not trustworthy or competent. Next!

The "IT world" article is arguing for the existence of extraterrestrial life on the basis of probability: the universe is so vast that intelligent life must have evolved somewhere else. Perhaps, but there's no indication the author believes we are about to contact these alleged extraterrestrial beings. In fact, he explicitly ridicules conspiracy nuts who believe we have already contacted ET. Next!

The third source seems to be attempting to read a belief in ET into the views of Pope Francis and this Fr Funes. All I get from it is typical RC theological speculation on impractically remote possibilities such as contact with intelligent ET life and the soteriological implications thereof. Again, no indication such ET beings are about to be contacted or revealed.

With the other sources, yes it does look like there's an ongoing research interest in ET life, but I don't see a reason to believe in some "imminent disclosure".

In addition, you say that these beliefs are "absurd". But the notion of "absurd" changes with the times. Here's a good example: very early Church Fathers (e.g. St Justin, St Hippolytus) believed that angels sometimes seduced human females, mated with them and produced offspring. Later Fathers, e.g. St John Chrysostom, thought this absurd, since angels were not corporeal beings. I'm inclined to side with St John on this issue, but clearly what seems absurd in one age may not seem so in another age. (See V Moss' article on "Genetics, UFOs and the Antichrist" for references).

I think for many the miracles we believe in seem "absurd", e.g. the Resurrection, the Virgin birth of Christ etc. And in a sense, of course, that's precisely the point: "where God so wills, the order of nature is overcome". But if we believe clearly "absurd" things ("credo quod absurdum" and all that), on what grounds do you criticize others for believing what seems "absurd" to you, e.g. evolutionary theory, extraterrestrial life, and so on?

If any source expresses the views and commonly held beliefs of the global elite, it is the Economist. I have never read anything in the past few years concerning imminent contact with aliens. I have read the odd article concerning programs like SETI, so clearly it's an ongoing research interest for some, but not in any way a priority. Consider the following blog post: ... _diplomacy

The whole thing seems to me rather frivolous, and the author takes a similar view:

So is there going to be an alien ambassador? Well for one thing, distances in space are so vast the chances of anything more than a signal arriving from aliens is fantastically remote. For another, it is more likely that if we discover alien life it will be some form of microbe found under a damp rock on Mars or some pattern in the chemistry of a planet several hundred million years away.

The views of global educated opinion seem rather skeptical about the possibility of contact with intelligent alien life.

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