Serbian nuns

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Post by ioannis »


My point was not meant to be rude. It was simply to say that many people already know the history of these nuns and the picture was just another suppliment in that long story.

So why you would come along and start stomping your feet that the picture "doesn't prove a thing" is bound to attract the obvious point - nobody was or is trying to prove anything to you. And, there is enough "proof" of murder and persecution that if that dones't bother you already, why should we think this would make any difference to you?

Now, since you, (Milla, Katya, Mariam) all live together, along with Milla's husband, you are bound to save allot of money in rent. These nuns would be most grateful for any support you could send them.

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Post by Ekaterina »

Please either address myself or Milla....we are not the same person. She does not speak for me and I do not speak for her.

I take exception to your comments. You do not know me, you do not know what if anything I do to help struggling monastics, churches or anyone else who happens to need aid. Quite frankly it is none of your business and quite judgemental of you to infer that I do not help.

I also find exception in your disparaging our living arrangements. Again you do not know us and do not know the circumstances of our lives. It also is none of your business. Making disparaging remarks only belittles you and not me.

It was never our intention to reveal half of what was revealed here, but for Fr Siluan's unwarrented inferences. I had answered his inference elsewhere but he won't except my answers. Not my problem, personally I think he owes me a public apology.

As to the "story" , I do not know this "old" story I have never seen any news stories about these nuns. So I would naturely question any statement made of suffering when accompanied by a picture of smiling nuns. It would have been kinder to simply post an explanation than to create such adverse emotions all around.


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Post by ioannis »


Just some clarifications if you please. I was addressing you and Milla together since you were both saying the exact same thing. I have done this many times with other people under similiar circumstances.

Therefore, I have never suggested that all of you were the same person nor do I really care or want to dwell on the subject.

Also, I think if you read what I wrote again, you will see that I did not suggest anything about what you give to the needy. I was simply trying to suggest these monks as a possible direction for any aid or help you might be offering.

Finally, I didn't post any explanations about the nuns since you did not ask or seem interested. You said the picture didn't prove anything, and I was simply responding that nobody was or is trying to prove anything. But I think you are right, a simple explanation would have been good. I will see what I can find in my archives. ;)

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