New Book dealing with 1054 Schism and Intercommunion

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New Book dealing with 1054 Schism and Intercommunion

Post by catholicdogma »


I recently read a "new book" that deals with the so-called lifting of the Anathemas of 1054 by Paul VI and Athenagoras I.

The book is called: Communicatio in Sacris by William DeTucci.

It has direct well-documented quotes from the Latin and Greek Fathers.

Funny, it calls Fr. George's book: "I Confess One Baptism" -- Heretical!

And, it deals with the variations within the Traditionalist Movements in Roman Catholicism calling them Schismatic!

Here is a link to the book:

Felt I needed to write this brief informal review.



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Post by Suaidan »

How sad.


Post by Euthymios »

"ny, it calls Fr. George's book: "I Confess One Baptism" -- Heretical! "

My Response: In the Orthodox Church, one mans heresy is another man's orthodoxy. Everyone has a darn opinion and they split over the dumbest things. I'm really getting tired of this people. Enough is enough. I have remained silent for years but I'm tired of this.

There's no centralized monolithic authority in Orthodoxy and thus no unity. This is why I was tempted to go Roman Catholic last year.

There is far too much pride. Everyone has to have their own opinion and whole churces split over them.

They don't care about the little man and the layman and the harm they cause us.

Orthodoxy is rapidly turning into a type of protestant system of vast diversity.

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Post by Suaidan »

Euthymios wrote:

"ny, it calls Fr. George's book: "I Confess One Baptism" -- Heretical! "

My Response: In the Orthodox Church, one mans heresy is another man's orthodoxy. Everyone has a darn opinion and they split over the dumbest things. I'm really getting tired of this people. Enough is enough. I have remained silent for years but I'm tired of this.

There's no centralized monolithic authority in Orthodoxy and thus no unity. This is why I was tempted to go Roman Catholic last year.

There is far too much pride. Everyone has to have their own opinion and whole churces split over them.

They don't care about the little man and the layman and the harm they cause us.

Orthodoxy is rapidly turning into a type of protestant system of vast diversity.

Yawn. If you got away from sectarians you'd know it's not that bad....

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