12 Psalms, Agbeya

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12 Psalms, Agbeya

Post by robb7thurston »

Christ is amongst us!
I am looking into the early history of monastic practice, such as
the Pachomians. I saw a statement in a critique of the Agbeya that
the Pachomians were given twelve pslams, apparently very much blesed
by God, by an angel.
I would like to clarify this a lot as I do the Jesus prayer and
would like to increase slightly.
Please help: Is there a good article on the twelve psalms of the
which were those twelve psalms?
Also i would like to buy a nice edition, easy to read, of the
Agbeya or Agapeya.
The best would be large print, with English at least, and no problem
with English and native language, hard binding.
Please advise me!
Glorify Christ!

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