MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

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MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by Jean-Serge »

Dear all, spread the word...

Nobody of us knew the information and I have discovered it today only. In November 2008 (probably), Metropolitan Hilarion of ROCOR and Metropolitan Platon (Russia) met with free masons dignitaries in Brazil. The information is told in Brazilian in the masonic newspaper (AO ZENYT, number 6) of the Local lodge available and downloadable here at page 4 and 5 :

The cover of this number is here :

Look at the pics! Hilarion, Metropolitan of ROCOR is easily recognisable:

The man at the right of the pic is the masonic great master that can be seen on this pic at the center with his mason uniform.

The article in Portuguese (Brazilian) says the masons wanted to end the myths about masonery and explain masonery wanted to promote freedom, justice, equality and was ready to work with other spiritual forces to do so. After that, the article describes the history of the Russian church.


ps : the information is already in French here : ... 37804.html

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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

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This is the English link to my blog for this information : ... 04293.html

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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by joasia »


Vraiment, c'est tragique. Truly, this is tragic.

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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by Catherine5 »

GREAT detective work to uncover this dastardly behavior.
I had just been thinking there is something VERY STRANGE about Met Hilarion Kapral. I couldn't think what it was. Maybe THIS is part of it.
This is bad enough, yes, outrageous to the EXTREME.
But what else is there to uncover?
This was a really clearcut case: the pictures make the story undeniable.
Keep working Jean-Serge and anyone else, to find more airtight evidence for nauseating behavior in some other field.

Maybe Mr. Kapral is next going to surreptitiously having conciliatory meetings with AIPAC, the notorious Zionist lobby.

His devoted "spiritual children" excuse his weird behavior as "weak" and "affable", as though he is merely too nice a guy to say no.
But there's MORE to it than that with this unsavory man. Who in their right mind would meet top Masons even as a private individual? Let alone representing an entire church which traditionally reserved more condemnation for Masons than almost anyone else on the planet besides Sergianists and chekists?

This Hilarion has got to be stopped by God before he leads ROCOR into further quicksand. That's my opinion. I don't have to give him saccharine praise for His Mediocreness like the ROCOR-MP rank and file do. They're even celebrating the 25th anniversary of his consecration. Guess the Masons will be sending him congratulations which Bishop Jerome will have no shame to read to those gathered at the Synod next month.
I bet anything a lot of the more savvy types are shaking their heads thinking: "WHAT did we get ourselves into with this clown - no offense?"

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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by Jean-Serge »

Well, I'm not a great detective; the story was posted in an English speaking forum, and previously someone had put this on a Russian site... He's the real detective because he could find an article in an unkwown Brazilian masonic newspaper. Wow! I simply put the things in an article which helped spread the new that is still unsufficiently spread. For instance, who knows about this in Greece (I've sent some emails to sites and newspaper that may be friendy), Romania, Serbia and so on... If translators could translate it, it woulf be better. In all cases, world orthodoxy is trying to hide the facts and deny it. ... 04293.html

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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by Catherine5 »

Well credit goes to all involved in unearthing this incredible specimen.
I agree that it must be spread FAST around the world to frankly everyone who would be upset. Not just True Orthodox, but all those who oppose Masons vehemently. And there are a lot of people who still do. Of course few would be as interested in the doings of ROCOR-MP as conservative Orthodox circles.
Hope this can be swiftly translated and sent everywhere! Thanks for your contribution, Jean-Serge.
I'm surprised few people here have noticed it yet.

The other point that must be addressed is this.
If "Met" Hilarion Met Masons, then what ELSE has he been doing on his supposed pastoral visits in various countries where he is beyond the ROCOR-MP circles and thus safe thinking he could get away with such outrages.
I am very suspicious. I think he should be deposed at the next Bishops meeting. If I were in ROCOR-MP I would depart immediately upon seeing the shocking photos.

I'm going to say something here, because no one else has the temerity to: I have always wondered whether Hilarion Kapral was a very secret homosexual.
If that is a mean slander, I am sorry, but there is something wrong in that department with him. [Was he ever blackmailed by any one - something to speculate. Why else would he be keeping such strange company as shown by the report?]
Notice how nobody dares breathe a word on official ROCOR-MP outlets against either Masons or homosexuals these days. Obviously both categories must be wielding some degree of influence, assumedly very small. But imagine to have ANY influence at all from those unsavory quarters.

What sort of place has ROCOR-MP become? They seem like children, intoxicated by getting finally invited to the grown-ups' Orthodox parties. One looks at the report of the meeting this week of Hilarion and Jonah and wonders, did Hilarion fly back from London because Jonah generously agreed to find time to see him? The ROCOR-mp metropolitan was supposed to go to Australia from London, unless the original itinerary called for him to fly farther around the world, via New York.
In the description/photos, Hilarion appears the supplicant; Jonah just extending hospitality because he couldn't get out of the event.

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Re: MP bishops meeting free mason dignitaries.

Post by Jean-Serge »

We must be honest. Metropolitan Hilarion issued an answer by email to Vladimir Kozireff while questionned about this! I think it is all a masonic manipulation. Here is Metropolitan Hilarion answer. I believe him because on Monday 16th, I emailed the masonic lodge to ask for more details; I'm still waiting. I first thought the information was right because it was involving Jafé Torres. I googled his name and found he is a honourary citizen of Brazilia, meets important persons in Brazil tec. Not the type of person you would suspect of making an false article based on a quick photo.

This is Metropolitan Hilarion answer

De: Archbishop Hilarion Kapral [mailto:abphilar@...]
Envoyé : vendredi 20 novembre 2009 4:20
À : ****
Cc : ****
Objet : Re: Meeting with masons

Dear Vladimir,

I was very amazed to learn that I had attended a Masonic meeting. Such a
thing has never happened.

What in actual fact occurred is being totally distorted. During the visit ofthe delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church to South America with thechoir of the Sretensky Monastery some two years ago, the delegation wasinvited by the ambassador of the Russian Federation to a reception at the embassy. Many different dignatories were also invited to attend.

While Metropolitan Platon and I were standing at the reception, two distinguished-looking gentlemen came up to us and asked if they could be photographed with us. We said, why not? We did not ask who they were. Itturned out that they are high-ranking Masons of Brazil. That is the extentof our involvement with Masons.

The enemies of the Russian Orthodox Church are very quick to pick up on such
an unexpeced and innocent encounter to defame and slander the Church and its

For the record: I am not a Mason and have nothing to do with Masonry. It is
impossible for a Christian to be a Mason at the same time as Masonry is a
religion of its own.

In Christ our Saviour,

  • Metropolitan Hilarion

I also updated my blog with this information. Unless the masons give a better explanation about their article, I think we can believe Metropolitan Hilarion.

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