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Post by Priest Siluan »

Despotovac wrote:

Dear in Christ, fathers, brothers and sisters, Christ is Risen! Abbess of Serbian True Orthodox monastery Novi Stjenik nun Ephrosiny recently visited USA for two reasons: to established contact between True Orthodox Christians and to collect donation for expansion of living space in monastery Novi Stjenik. During the traveling trough USA it was made few videos that are mixed up in 10 – minutes entity. With pleasure we present you this video clip.

This opportunity we use to wish help from our Lord to new editor of this site fr. Anastasios Hudson. /\

Christ Is Risen!

Thank you so much, dear Brother, for sharing with us this wonderful video.

Many years to Matushka Ephrosiniya!

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Post by Martha »

Christ is Risen!
Thank you so much for posting this video. I had the honor and great blessing to meet Mati Efrosyne and Sister Sara Elizabeth on their visit to the US. I have forwarded the link to this video to my parish family. I pray God will continue to strengthen all those of the Serbian True Orthodox Church.
In Christ,

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Post by Catherine5 »

Nice how the Russian and Greek were alternated. Was that Bp Stefan's parish in New Jersey?
Interesting to see the interior of St Markella's Cathedral too for the first time. Is that Bp Christodulos?
Seems Met Pavlos gave a warm welcome to the nuns.
It was a moving moment at the Blessed Metropolitan Philaret's tomb. Did she venerate Archbishop Anthony first, tho, or just was moving past?
I couldn't tell.
Thanks a lot, we need to see a lot more of these - better amateur than none at all - at least the viewers can participate a bit.

Martha, you don't have to bother answering if you don't wish, but can you tell anything about your impressions of the two traveling nuns?
Maybe there is something about Mat. Evfrosiniya's background in the article on their problems in the early 2000's- if not, does anyone have any information about that?

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Post by Despotovac »

Letter of Thanks to the Holy Metropolis of the Genuine Greek Orthodox Church of America

Thursday, 29 April 2010 09:25

Merciful Archpastors, Honored Presbyters, Deacons in Christ, Venerable Monastics, and All Believing Children of the True Orthodox Church in America,

Christ is Among Us! He Is and Shall Be!

With great love and respect we wish to greet you and to thank you for the support, understanding, and help you have given us, both spiritual as well as material. Upon our arrival for our visit we did not expect such heartfelt understanding and empathy for the difficult situation of the Serbian True Orthodox Church, as well as for our monastery, Novi Stjenik.

Through frequent meetings (during a month’s time throughout different parishes), with priests and believers, and especially with Metropolitan Pavlos and Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Attica, as well as Bishop Stefan of Trenton of our sister True Orthodox Church of Russia, we spoke and witnessed about the conditions of church life and the current state of the Serbian True Orthodox Church. The most recurrent questions were: how were we founded, what sufferings have we been going through, what slander and pressure we have borne from the ecumenistic Serbian Patriarchate, and what problems our church life is meeting with while testifying to the Truth under difficult conditions. We did, however, speak most about our monastery, Novi Stjenik, which in 2003 refused all communion with the ecumenistic Serbian Patriarchate and joined the Serbian TOC, which is now under the Archiepiscopal omophorion of the GOC. Because of our action, we have suffered many temptations, including psychological mistreatment from the ecumenical Serbian Patriarchate and complete poverty. The story of our monastery attracted the most interest among believers and clergy, often provoking the listeners to tears.

The parish priests who hosted us, as good pastors, (for whom we are grateful) called upon believers to help the material progress of the monastery. Thanks to them, there was an unexpectedly great response to the appeal for help. Every believer gave as much as he could, which is very much considering the fact that America is suffering such an economic crisis. The parishes which we visited, separately from the individual donations of the faithful, even organized help for our monastery from their church treasuries. Our overall impression and picture of True Orthodoxy in America is: a good confession of the Orthodox Faith, warm-heartedness and great Christian love in the parishes, and easy communication with the bishops, who are accessible to all. We know that, from your perspective, you may often feel that your Metropolis has many problems. But from our objective perspective as visitors, we can tell you confidently that you have the priceless gift of a true Church life, and that your Metropolis has many gifted and dedicated people.

After many meetings with the True Orthodox Christians of America, we felt spiritually stronger and determined in our efforts and zeal on the path of confession for the True Orthodox Faith. This pilgrimage through the United States gave us a totally new experience (which we may have imagined before but never felt), which we would formulate in a few words: there are no borders between brothers and sisters in Christ. Truly, we are one body, one organism, whose head on earth is our shared Holy Episcopate. Oceans are too small and huge distances are not able to separate the faithful who are going the same evangelical Narrow Way.

With a great prostration we thank Fr Maximus Marretta (superior of Holy Ascension Monastery, Woodstock, NY), who gave us a most precious and unexpected gift: the holy relics of St John the Baptist, which is certainly a confirmation of how much the pilgrimage in the US was blessed and essential for us, in the name of the spread of Truth, the existence of the Serbian TOC, and our monastery Novi Stjenik. With love in Christ we also greatly give thanks to every single brother and sister in the church, and every wonderful priest who gave his fatherly blessing. We thank Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Attica for his warm pastoral conversation, the beautiful Gerondissa Synklitiki and her sisterhood, and all of our hosts in New York. Above all we thank His Most Reverend Grace Metropolitan Pavlos, an icon of Abrahamic hospitality, an extraordinary host in his eparchy, and a true Pastor, who showed to us, as he does to many others, true mercy, showering us with many spiritual comforts.

Our sensation of spiritual isolation and loneliness, which we feel very often in our Serbian fatherland, (due to the very strong influence of the ecumenistic Serbian Patriachate, who despite their apostasy have a great hold over the Serbian people), now has disappeared and transformed into a feeling of courage because we are a part of the Victorious Church of Christ, against whose doors the terrible apostasy of the modern age will never prevail.

Christ is Risen!

Glory to God for all things!

The Unworthy of God’s Mercy
Servant of God
Nun Efrosyne, Superior, and all the Sisterhood in Christ of Novi Stjenik Monasery
Kučaj Mountains, Serbia
April 2010


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Post by Despotovac »


(What Fr.Justin himself said about Serbian Orthodox Church)

" First of all, inevitable is question that bothers every concencious Orthodox faithfull: why has Belgrade Patriarchit (I shall never say: Serbian Orthodox Chuch) under rule of Patriarch German, has enrolled in heretical association called "World Council of Churches" which consists of 233 heresies? And more: why did the Patriarch of Serbian orthodox Church accepted the Presidency of those 233 heresies?
Astonished, wounded, hit in the heart, orthodox concienciousness is crying to the heavens and beyond the heavens: Oh, what a horror beyond all horrors! Oh, what a shame beyond all the shame!
The Heir of Apostoles and Holly FAthers and St.Sava-(became) the head of the Sabor which has, in numerous ways, denied the dogma of Holly Trinity , the Dogma of One, Holly and Apostolic Church, the Dogma of God-Man Lord Jesus Christ, of His Resurection, of Most Holly Mother-of God, of Holly Eucharist , of Holly Icons, Hierrarchs and so on, and on and on"

the extract from "THE ANSWER TO ANONIMOUS POST-CARD" (biblioteka)


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Post by Martha »

I was most blessed to spend a little time with Mati Ephrosyne and Sister Sara Elizabeth. The novice Sara Elizabeth is an American, daughter of an Orthodox priest, who only about 6 months ago chose this path, after having lived and worked in Serbia. She is a delightful, gifted young woman of great faith, who has chosen a path of hardship that most of us can hardly imagine. Glory to God for her commitment to the true faith.
As for Mati Ephrosyne......she is wise, humble, encouraging,has a peaceful spirit, a woman of great, great faith and full of love.....easy to converse with and often found serving others others(as was Sister Sara). To be in the presence of this true confessor of the faith was and is encouraging and inspiring to me...a young convert (actually, I am not young....but only 4 years ago was baptized into Christ).........Should God allow, I would love to visit the convent in Serbia and learn more from this Godly woman.

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Post by Catherine5 »

Thanks to both of you for this helpful info: for the material which Despotovac posted, the letter of thanks was well-written - must be of inspiration to all in that Church to hear the reaction of Mother Evfrosiniya that they are in great shape actually - and the quotation was poignant and searing.
Martha, thanks a lot too for the lively portrayal of the two Serbian nuns.
Isn't that remarkable about Sister Sara Elizabeth? Yes, what an incredibly difficult path, she is quite brave! Does she speak Serbian a little by now?
I guess all the other nuns are Serbian nationals.
I would like to hear updates as we go along about the progress of this monastic community!

Wouldn't it be great if you could be the one -or one of the ones, for I'm sure they would really love to have many many pilgrims, visitors and those considering a monastic life - to go over and relay impressions to readers on this Cafe ? I think you would love it. Cold winters wouldn't bother you, I'm sure.
If any opportunity arises, please do consider to visit them. I'm sure Mother Evfrosiniya [sorry spelling it the Russian way] invited you.
Wonder if it's difficult to get to the Kucaj Mtns, wherever they are-!, from Beograd. You could fly there for very little. I remember JAT, the former Yugoslav airline, Jugoslav Aero Transport.
I flew it a couple times within Yugoslavia and even from the States once en route somewhere else.

Please consider it! I already am looking forward to hearing your great adventures over there.
P.S. Sorry I did not write back about Mother Juliana, but the info was already out there as it turned out. I was hoping to learn some update but haven't so far.
Thanks very much for your parish's contributions to her.

It was inspiring to hear in the letter above how generous the far-flung parishes were able to be to the two Serbian nuns - that's impressive. All these parishes and individuals deserve rich praise for helping out the beleagered Serbian TOC as well as the epic struggler of the era, Abbess Juliana.
Lesson learned: we all have to help each other with true charity of spirit. God will not neglect then to help us in our own needs at some future date/

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