What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

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What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

Post by Maria »

Over at other forums, there is strident language used against women who dare to wear headcoverings during the Holy Services of the Holy Orthodox Church or at all times in imitation of the Holy Theotokos and other righteous saints. Some World Orthodox seem to think that we wear the headcovering because we are proud and legalistic. Yet, they deny that they are disobedient in choosing not to wear a headcovering even when visiting a monastery.

What are the reasons for wearing a head covering?

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Re: What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

Post by Priest Antonios »

I found this article interesting. Maybe you will too, if you have not already read it.



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Re: What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

Post by Barbara »

I could live without her discussion of lutheran ministers and this and that.
The article drags on too long and hits only a few high points.

Still, it's an attempt to convey one woman's obstinacy in the face of perhaps contempt on the part
of so many World Orthodox, as well as many other modern types.

Is this a known author ? I doubt she would be in a Toc, but maybe Antiochians ?

I do like that she mentioned that book by the Romanian abbess, Mother Alexandra.
Not that I have read it, but the story of her seeing her own Guardian Angel when she was young
has always been so touching.

I see that book is available on amazon.

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Re: What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

Post by Jean-Serge »

First, the reason is not in order not to entice men's appetites, which could be rather a muslim explanation, because why then, wouldn't men cover their face too. The reason is dur to the angels. These angels are the spiritual creatures and not the monks as some suggests. This is really clear from these two extracts, the second being the clearest :

St. John Chrysostom ca. 347-407

For this cause ought the woman to have a sign of authority on her head.
For this cause: what cause, tell me? For all these which have been mentioned, says he; or rather not for these only, but also because of the angels. For although thou despise your husband, says he, yet reverence the angels.
It follows that being covered is a mark of subjection and authority. For it induces her to look down and be ashamed and preserve entire her proper virtue. For the virtue and honor of the governed is to abide in his obedience.
Again: the man is not compelled to do this; for he is the image of his Lord: but the woman is; and that reasonably. Consider then the excess of the transgression when being honored with so high a prerogative, you put yourself to shame, seizing the woman’s dress. And you do the same as if having received a diadem, you should cast the diadem from your head, and instead of it take a slave’s garment.

(Homily 26 on First Corinthians)

St. Paulinus of Nola ca. 354-431

Let them realize why Paul ordered their heads to be clothed with a more abundant covering: it is because of the angels, that is the angels who are ready to seduce them and whom the saints will condemn…A woman ought to cover her head especially in prayer and prophecy. Then she becomes pregnant with the Spirit, and accordingly rouses the hatred of the tempter all the more when she leaves behind the boundaries of her womanly weakness, and aspires to human perfection…So because a woman becomes spiritually pregnant,…she has a power over her head, so that the wiles and snares of the enemy may not confront her.

(Letter 23 to Severus)

Source here

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Re: What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

Post by Maria »

Jean-Serge wrote:

First, the reason is not in order not to entice men's appetites, which could be rather a muslim explanation, because why then, wouldn't men cover their face too. The reason is dur to the angels. These angels are the spiritual creatures and not the monks as some suggests. This is really clear from these two extracts, the second being the clearest :

St. John Chrysostom ca. 347-407

For this cause ought the woman to have a sign of authority on her head.
For this cause: what cause, tell me? For all these which have been mentioned, says he; or rather not for these only, but also because of the angels. For although thou despise your husband, says he, yet reverence the angels.
It follows that being covered is a mark of subjection and authority. For it induces her to look down and be ashamed and preserve entire her proper virtue. For the virtue and honor of the governed is to abide in his obedience.
Again: the man is not compelled to do this; for he is the image of his Lord: but the woman is; and that reasonably. Consider then the excess of the transgression when being honored with so high a prerogative, you put yourself to shame, seizing the woman’s dress. And you do the same as if having received a diadem, you should cast the diadem from your head, and instead of it take a slave’s garment.

(Homily 26 on First Corinthians)

In this case, the text of St. John Chrysostom seems ambiguous, but perhaps this is the fault of the English translator.

"Yet reverence the angels." Does this line refer to the guardian angel?

St. Paulinus of Nola ca. 354-431

Let them realize why Paul ordered their heads to be clothed with a more abundant covering: it is because of the angels, that is the angels who are ready to seduce them and whom the saints will condemn…A woman ought to cover her head especially in prayer and prophecy. Then she becomes pregnant with the Spirit, and accordingly rouses the hatred of the tempter all the more when she leaves behind the boundaries of her womanly weakness, and aspires to human perfection…So because a woman becomes spiritually pregnant,…she has a power over her head, so that the wiles and snares of the enemy may not confront her.

(Letter 23 to Severus)

Source here

Here the reference concerning angels seems to be the demons (or fallen angels).
The woman is to cover her head to show humility, and thus prevent the demons from tempting her.
Am I correct here? Is this what St. Paulinus and St. John Chrysostom had in mind?

How can the saints condemn us? Isn't Christ our judge? Or do the 12 Patriarchs of the OT and the 12 Apostles of the NT have a say in the Final Judgment?

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Re: What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

Post by Jean-Serge »

As far as I understand, the saints will condemn not us but will condemn the demons according to Saint Paulinus of Nola. I understand that for ladies who pray the veil is a protection against demons. As far as I understand Saint John, the veil is also put for respect for the angels but he does not develop this idea very much...

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Re: What are the reasons that women wear a headcovering?

Post by Lydia »

I read once(I can't remember where) that one reason women cover their heads is the same reason other Holy Things are covered. It is to remind men that women are the bearers of life and should be esteemed and protected.

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