In Preparation for the Resurrection - Fr Joseph

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In Preparation for the Resurrection - Fr Joseph

Post by Maria »

I have written the following for Holy Week, if you would post it for me.

Thank you.

With love in Christ,
Archpriest Joseph

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[b][size=150]In Preparation for the Resurrection[/size][/b]

The fasting rule the Church gives us during Great Lent not only cleanses our bodies, but also weakens the hold of all that keeps us from finding repentance, prayer, and communion with God. We benefit from joining fasting and humility. When we do this, we will not notice how well others fast, but only how far short of God’s perfection we ourselves fall. Those who practice humility do not notice faults of others, but call to mind their own sins with sorrow. A humble Christian, like the Publican, will not notice who else is in the temple nor how attentive they are, but will fervently listen to the inspired prayers of the Church, weeping for how far he is from the sanctity of the saints.

The whole purpose of Great Lent is to prepare us for the great and glorious day of the Resurrection of Christ our Lord. Christ died and rose from the dead that we too may have eternal life. How can we possibly take part in this Holy Mystery with filthy souls? How can we expect the Holy Spirit to dwell in our souls if we remain mired in the daily cares of today, for which the Lord has told us that He will provide all that is needful? We need the fast to purify our bodies as well as our hearts. We need humility to remove the self-centered pride that blocks God’s mercy that purifies us. We cannot unite ourselves to God nor make ourselves holy on our own. This realization is the beginning of humility. “A broken and contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise.” Let us strive for that humble heart. God will see our effort, small though it may be, and reward us with His grace to accomplish the fast and rejoice in the Risen Lord.

Let us, then, accomplish the course of the Fast, prepare ourselves during Holy Week, and "we shall behold Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, Who causes life to dawn on all."

Archpriest Joseph Sunderland
Rector, St. Joseph of Petersburg Orthodox Church
Palm Sunday, 2013

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: In Preparation for the Resurrection - Fr Joseph

Post by Priest Antonios »

Thank you Maria.


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Re: In Preparation for the Resurrection - Fr Joseph

Post by Barbara »

Very NICE sermon !

We need to hear more from Fr Joseph !

I hope he will be sending in contributions regularly as he finds time.
A real "pro" !

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Re: In Preparation for the Resurrection - Fr Joseph

Post by Barbara »

I think Fr Joseph's writing is quite popular. Look, 145 people have read his essay.

Hoping for more material as Fr Joseph S. has time.

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