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Post by Barbara »

That was indeed kind of you to escort your disabled friend to visit Dr Bill Gray.
I know that name. He is a student of George Vitoukhas [spelling?] the greatest homeopath in the present-day world.
That's remarkable that your friend was able to get advice from him

Did you accompany her to her appointment ? If so I would love to hear any impressions of Dr Bill Gray.
For anyone else, he is not a household name in America, which is WHY I would trust him completely, but never any of these
Dr Oz's or Yogi So and So's so pushed upon the American public. [By the way, SoSo was a nickname for stalin, wasn't it ?]

Dr Bill Gray is the REAL thing.

Now I know why I felt so happy hearing of your trip : besides the celestial side, there was also a really great chance
to attain the help of that pre-eminent homeopath. Did he prescribe any remedies for your ill friend? Remedies are the homeopathic
"medicines", for those not familiar with that field. They WORK !

As far as the Geary Cathedral, it's God's help that you didn't get a parking ticket. You wouldn't have known all the regulation for
meters which are so stringent these days.
Receiving one after a heavenly experience like the wonderful way someone happened to be available to let you in, and
then the stillness of the Holy Virgin Cathedral when no one is there but the sun streams in through the stained glass windows
is - deflating, to say the least !

Did you go for Chinese food ? There are many excellent restaurants in the Richmond District, nearby the Cathedral.
Or Russian food ? Or maybe no time for anything but a Kind snack bar ?!

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Re: Homeopathy

Post by Maria »

This thread has been split from the prayer forum as the subject has changed from prayer and pilgrimage to that of homeopathy.

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Re: Homeopathy

Post by joasia »

I know that name. He is a student of George Vitoukhas [spelling?] the greatest homeopath in the present-day world. That's remarkable that your friend was able to get advice from him.

Yes. He studied with Dr. George. A Greek man told her about him but she couldn't afford to go to him, but thank God, Dr. Bill is closer. How do you know about Dr. George? I'm impressed.

Did you accompany her to her appointment ? If so I would love to hear any impressions of Dr Bill Gray.

I did bring her to his office. It was just down at the next corner from our motel. And I met him. He's a quiet man. And he's considerate; he helped me bring her down the stairs since his office is on an upper floor – no elevators.

[By the way, SoSo was a nickname for stalin, wasn't it ?]

I don't know. I think you're more knowledgeable with that than I am...about Russian stuff.

Dr Bill Gray is the REAL thing.

He is. That's why I accepted to go.

Did he prescribe any remedies for your ill friend? Remedies are the homeopathic "medicines", for those not familiar with that field. They WORK !

He did, but I didn't see the prescription. He will send it to her. I'll let you know how it goes.

As far as the Geary Cathedral, it's God's help that you didn't get a parking ticket. You wouldn't have known all the regulation for meters which are so stringent these days.

There was parking right in front of the Church. I didn't see any meters.

Receiving one after a heavenly experience like the wonderful way someone happened to be available to let you in, and then the stillness of the Holy Virgin Cathedral when no one is there but the sun streams in through the stained glass windows is - deflating, to say the least !

Actually, I had made contact with the Staritsa so he knew we were coming. He asked a volunteer to meet us. I plan everything. I didn't want any disappointments. I also went to the bookstore. There was a lovely young girl there and it happened that there were 4 monks from Mt. Athos. When I walked in, one of them introduced himself so I started telling him about the arrangement with the Staritsa. Then the young lady interrupted and said that they were just visiting. That was a funny awkward moment. I realized that he was waiting for someone to meet with them and he probably thought I was that person.

Did you go for Chinese food ? There are many excellent restaurants in the Richmond District, nearby the Cathedral.
Or Russian food ? Or maybe no time for anything but a Kind snack bar ?!

We didn't go anywhere. I just drove to the motel afterwards. Best Western on El Camino. Very nice. That's why I want to go back and have a chance to really see the city. I wanted to see that Russian store, but my friend was exhausted. I did shop at Trader Joe's for our supper. And we went to Walgreens for some souvenirs. Much cheaper than at the airport. Another funny thing is that I was wheeling my friend, Albena, and there was a woman in our way, so my automatic reaction was to say, Pardon madame. Then quickly, I said, Excuse me Ma'am. The French just came out. I guess you can take the girl out of Quebec, but you can't take the Quebec out of the girl. :lol:

But, most important is that we got to see St. John. Wow!

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Re: Homeopathy

Post by Barbara »

Good timing ! I just logged in right then and your post had meanwhile appeared.
I was really eager to hear more details of the trip.
If I had seen that post, I would have offered to help even with advice or anything.
Glad you escaped the sharks of the meter maids, though ! God and St John helped, clearly.
Maybe you parked in the places reserved for the clergy by mistake ?! I haven't looked for awhile but
they always used to be kept meter-free for the Cathedral clergy, choir director, etc.

I am so interested to hear about Dr Bill Gray !
Please do let me or all of us know what remedies he decides upon and how they take effect on Albena.
As you know, but for the benefit of the many readers who don't know, homeopathic remedies reach WAY DOWN
to the deepest levels to heal the problems BEHIND the surface problems.

That's why it's so authentic.

Do you know that the Imperial and royal families of France and England in the last century used homeopaths ? Not
allopathic medicine ? Homeopathy is much better understood and more widely used in these countries than in
America, unfortunately.

I urge anyone to look into it. There is no better homeopath in the Western hemisphere than Dr Bill Gray.
I will write in a separate post how I know about him and his teacher, Dr. George.

I have to say that it IS ironic that he is such an outstanding Greek but I bet few expatriate Greeks have even heard of him.
So I want to publicize him and his tradition to benefit them and EVERYONE !

Especially I want to see the True Orthodox both Greek and Russian to learn about this wonderful alternative
to drug therapy and all the other evils.

Homeopathy uses plants in a very low dose. But it is so powerful that that dose echoes through the entire person's system
and even soul, probably, to heal what's REALLY wrong at its CORE.

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Saint John of Kronstadt and the homeopathy

Post by Archimandrit Nilos »

We all know Saint John of Kronstadt (1829-1908): He enjoyed a very high authority, earning thanks for his gift of speeches and philanthropic activity. Beside this he was known for his healings. Ioann of Kronstadt rendered a very significant support for homeophathy in Russia by word and by deed. Later, some priests treating with homeopathy mentioned in the homeopathic periodicals that it was Archpriest Ioann's of Kronstadt speeches concerning homeopaths showed how Russian Orthodox clergymen created miracles in the treatment of the sick with homeopathic medicines, that led them to begin with homeopathic activity.

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Re: Homeopathy

Post by Hieromonk Enoch »

If anyone here remember hearing about (or knowing someone who met, Bp. Constantine (Essensky) ), but, he was interested in, and, I believe, practiced homeopathy. Bp. Constantine reposed in 96', I think. He was a ROCOR bishop.

In Christ,

Fr. Enoch

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Re: Homeopathy

Post by joasia »

Barbara wrote:

Good timing ! I just logged in right then and your post had meanwhile appeared.
I was really eager to hear more details of the trip.
If I had seen that post, I would have offered to help even with advice or anything.
Glad you escaped the sharks of the meter maids, though ! God and St John helped, clearly.
Maybe you parked in the places reserved for the clergy by mistake ?! I haven't looked for awhile but
they always used to be kept meter-free for the Cathedral clergy, choir director, etc.

I am so interested to hear about Dr Bill Gray !
Please do let me or all of us know what remedies he decides upon and how they take effect on Albena.
As you know, but for the benefit of the many readers who don't know, homeopathic remedies reach WAY DOWN
to the deepest levels to heal the problems BEHIND the surface problems.

That's why it's so authentic.

Do you know that the Imperial and royal families of France and England in the last century used homeopaths ? Not
allopathic medicine ? Homeopathy is much better understood and more widely used in these countries than in
America, unfortunately.

I urge anyone to look into it. There is no better homeopath in the Western hemisphere than Dr Bill Gray.
I will write in a separate post how I know about him and his teacher, Dr. George.

I have to say that it IS ironic that he is such an outstanding Greek but I bet few expatriate Greeks have even heard of him.
So I want to publicize him and his tradition to benefit them and EVERYONE !

Especially I want to see the True Orthodox both Greek and Russian to learn about this wonderful alternative
to drug therapy and all the other evils.

Homeopathy uses plants in a very low dose. But it is so powerful that that dose echoes through the entire person's system
and even soul, probably, to heal what's REALLY wrong at its CORE.

I parked right in front of the Church. So, if that's for priests, then you are right. But, service was over so maybe others are allowed to park? There were other cars parked already. I was blessed to get that one empty spot.

As for the homeopath comments. I agree with you. I will let you know how it progresses. Give it a few weeks and I'll give you an update.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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