Name-Glorifying's Encroachment into Russian Orthodoxy

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Andrei C.
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Re: Name-Glorifying in Russian Church

Post by Andrei C. »

Maria, i completely agree with you. That's why i tried to say that sometimes we use same term, but we mean different things.
You make no difference between imyabozhie and imyaslavie, but the others do. In any case, name-glorifying in your definition is trully not an orthodox teaching.

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Re: Name-Glorifying in Russian Church

Post by Maria »

Alexander Kuzmin wrote:
Dcn.Ephrem wrote:

I do not speak Russian and so I do not know many people in Russia. I only know that ROAC's position is that name-worshiping is heretical. If you are simply looking for information, the GOC has put a lot of English materials online concerning name-worshiping.

I speak Russian, and I know so many people here, and I studied the information about ROAC here in Russia, and I came to different conclusions about current ROAC's position.
I read in English very slowly.

Truly, there is no need to continue this conversation. Just let me know if you heard about somebody of your views in Russia.

Father Anthony Gunin, a Russian Orthodox Priest, who has recently joined HOCNA (sometime in the Fall 2013) and who is temporarily living in the USA while doing Iconography, used to belong to the ROCOR (A). He told me that there are quite a few Name-glorifiers in the ROCOR (A) Russian Church who remain in that jurisdiction because Met. Agafangel has neither spoken against it nor has their official website condemned it. He said that if Met. Agafangel were to speak out against it, he would then lose a sizable portion of his clergy. Do you know anything about this?

Joanna Higginbottham did a little digging, and found to her great dismay that several nuns in the ROCOR-A are Name-glorifiers.

BTW, you may find Father Anthony Gunin on facebook.

Do you know anyone in the ROCOR (A) who openly teaches Name-Glorifying?

I am defining a Name-Glorifier as one who teaches that the Name of God is an Energy of God and who uses (misappropriates) the teachings of St. Gregory Palamas to give validity as this was the position given by Father Anthony Gunin.

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Alexander Kuzmin
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Re: Name-Glorifying in Russian Church

Post by Alexander Kuzmin »

Dear Maria, I know Father Anthony Gunin. But unfortunately I cannot count the Kyprianites to be True Orthodox, so the opinion of ROCOR(A) is not valuable for me. But they do have people who do not count Name-Glorifying a heresy. I do not think Met Agathangel will struggle with them unless they make a scandal.

I study English, forgive my mistakes.

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Re: Name-Glorifying in Russian Church

Post by Maria »

Alexander Kuzmin wrote:

Dear Maria, I know Father Anthony Gunin. But unfortunately I cannot count the Kyprianites to be True Orthodox, so the opinion of ROCOR(A) is not valuable for me. But they do have people who do not count Name-Glorifying a heresy. I do not think Met Agathangel will struggle with them unless they make a scandal.

Well, the former Cyprianites are now part of the GOC-K, so they are considered to be True Orthodox.

What a small world! How long have you known Father Gunin? And did you attend his church while he was in Russia? He came to visit California in August and again in October 2013. I was able to talk with him both times, and he is very devout. He kept apologizing for his poor English, but he actually was quite good in English. Nevertheless, I was shattered when he gave arguments in favor of Name-Glorifying.

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Alexander Kuzmin
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Re: Name-Glorifying in Russian Church

Post by Alexander Kuzmin »

Well, the former Cyprianites are now part of the GOC-K, so they are considered to be True Orthodox.

I can see that even at this forum there are some people who do not agree with this. They did not reject Cyprianism (that even bishops of Etna confirmed) and Met Agathangel allows to commune people from Moscow Partiarcate.

What a small world! How long have you known Father Gunin?

I have not met him. He is from the city of Voronezh, this is about 12 hours by train from St.-Petersburg. But he is a famous person. He is well-known and respectable in Russia among TOC.

I study English, forgive my mistakes.

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Re: Name-Glorifying in Russian Church

Post by jgress »

If nobody has any more information to contribute on the position of the Russian TO churches regarding name-worshiping or name-glorifying, then this thread will be locked. There are other threads that discuss Cyprianism and the GOC-SiR union.

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Post by denis_ »

I agree with Alexander that would be hard to find some conscious Name-haters in the Russian Church.
What more proofs do you need? Most likely, anyone of the Russian-speaking faithful will tell you the same thing. There aren`t modern conciliar documents condemning of name-worshipping.

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