The 'Hard Words" of Archbishop Averky

Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »

I take that as a no, you don't think he meant footballs. Anyone else? :)

Lol, I know about those kinds of balls... but does he mean a different kind? Or perhaps grown men hitting each other as hard as they can just so they can carry an oblong pigskin-covered object across an imaginary line is a Christian endeavor? Ok, I'm being silly, but seriously, I'm curious about what everyone thinks here.

Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »

Is competition an Orthodox principle? How about running full speed at someone and hitting them as hard as possible? You see, I don't know that Archbishop Averky was talking about football, hockey, et al., but then I don't find it impossible to think that he was.

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You have the worng kind of balls methinks!

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

I still think Vladyka was not speaking of baseball, bowling, voleyball, batmitton, shuffleboard or miniature golf. One can play competitive games, as long as one is a good winner or loser.

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Post by Bethany »

No, he wasn't talking about "balls" in the sense of something to be tossed around. The Russian church (and the Greek church for that matter) sponsors many dances. ROCOR holds numerous balls for various occassions. And speaking from experience, these balls are not inappropriate. They are merely waltzes and such with fancy dresses. No different than Imperial Russia, or any of the balls that the aristocracy of England and other countries hold. These are attended by clergy (who do not dance, of course) and people from ages 10-100. These balls are not inappropriate, as nothing bad happens. It's simply a time for people to talk and eat Russian (or Greek) food.

I have never heard any other bishop or clergy member condemn these dances. Maybe secular dances, but not balls. They are even encouraged by most clergy and bishops because it provides ample opportunity for matchmaking (a very common hobby among ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Russian people :-P)

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Interesting Canon

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

That Christians attending weddings must not waltz or dance, but must sup or dine in decent fashion, as becomes Christians. :shock:

Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »

Oddly enough, over the past few months, I've not strayed from my general feelings about sports ("balls"). Yes, Arch. Averky was not talking about those types of balls. At other times people have talked about those types of "balls," however (or more accurately, the almost religious fanaticism that has become a part of them). What do some of the ball games teach us? That it's ok to beat up other people, and get beat up yourself? For what? The thrill of competition? The chance "to be top dog"? For "fun"? And legalized assaults? What do we call that? Boxing? Hockey? I'm someone who used to go to small time "professional" hockey games and love the fighting (I used to go watch hockey in the same arena and town they filmed Slap Shot in, as a matter of fact). But is this what Christianity teaches us? That two guys should beating each other up? And not for freedom, or protection, mind you, but for the fun of it, or because they are their teams "enforcer" or goon? Besides, it's entertaining to watch people punch each other's daylights out. :roll: We'll turn the other cheek on Sunday morning, but Saturday night we want to see a Heavyweight boxing match and a couple hockey fights. Then after Sunday morning, we can watch 300 lb. guys hit each other as hard as they can all afternoon so that they can carry an oblong ball covered in pig skin across an imaginary line so that... um... well there's a lot of money to be made, I guess.

I'm not saying that all sports are evil. I'm not saying that throwing a football around is bad, or that roller hockey is of the devil. I do think we Christians have bought into Satan's latest trick, however, and have left off even pursuing the goal of meditating on God day and night. When it comes down to it, the various balls (sports) are no different than the various balls (dances). Both try to grab ahold of our attention. Both can become worldly, prideful obsessions. Both can be harmless if done properly. However, both are rarely done in a Christian manner.

steps off the soapbox

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Post by bogoliubtsy »

Didn't you guys see Footloose?! I think Kevin Bacon made it quite clear, once and for all, that dancing is a constructive and beautiful activity.


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