Starting a mission parish.

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Starting a mission parish.

Post by khomes »

I know this topic was brought up in another post, however their question was a bit different than mine.
How does one start a mission parish? where does one get icons? makeshift iconostasis? all things needed for services?

also how does one evangelize and spread the news of the new Church when you are just starting out? I mean, how do you practically start from just two people to large enough to get a church property? any and all help is greatly appreciated :) .

I was baptised into the Genuine Orthodox Church with the name Matthew on March 1 2016

"Preserve my children: patience, compassion, wisdom, gentleness, humility, silence, fasting, prayer. Prayer gives humility, modesty, and obedience. He who keeps these reasons that lead to the imitation of Christ, provides for the salvation of his immortal soul; he who despises them, despises his own salvation."
- St. Matthew the New Confessor

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Re: Starting a mission parish.

Post by jgress »

Both Anastasios and Fr Mark Templet have relevant practical experience of starting and running missions. You should talk to them. In your situation, it sounds like you'd be doing reader services to begin with. To do this formally you'd probably need to be tonsured a reader. Best to talk to your nearest bishop or priest.

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