The Giver with Brenton Thwaites, Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep

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The Giver with Brenton Thwaites, Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep

Post by Maria »

Review by Abby Johnson, former director of a Planned Parenthood Clinic

  • It’s a movie about a futuristic type of life where there is no emotion, no love, no hate, no war, and no death. Sure, people die. But they don’t call it death…they call it “going elsewhere.” It is a society where only the “best” people are kept. Those who are unable to contribute are sent to “elsewhere.” Those who are elderly are sent to “elsewhere.” And yes, babies who do not pass specific infant evaluations are also sent to “elsewhere.”

    The whole plot is too complicated to type out in this article, but basically a young man is given the power to see emotion. He is able to love. And he is able to see the truth about sending people to “elsewhere.” He realizes that they are killing people. One of the best lines in the movie is when this young man says, “They haven't eliminated murder. ... They just call it by a different name."

To read her awesome review, please visit: ... -the-truth

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Re: The Giver with Brenton Thwaites, Jeff Bridges, Meryl Str

Post by charbelkaleab »

Maria wrote:

Review by Abby Johnson, former director of a Planned Parenthood Clinic

  • It’s a movie about a futuristic type of life where there is no emotion, no love, no hate, no war, and no death. Sure, people die. But they don’t call it death…they call it “going elsewhere.” It is a society where only the “best” people are kept. Those who are unable to contribute are sent to “elsewhere.” Those who are elderly are sent to “elsewhere.” And yes, babies who do not pass specific infant evaluations are also sent to “elsewhere.”

    The whole plot is too complicated to type out in this article, but basically a young man is given the power to see emotion. He is able to love. And he is able to see the truth about sending people to “elsewhere.” He realizes that they are killing people. One of the best lines in the movie is when this young man says, “They haven't eliminated murder. ... They just call it by a different name."

To read her awesome review, please visit: ... -the-truth

Amazing book! I will be watching the movie soon! :D

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Re: The Giver with Brenton Thwaites, Jeff Bridges, Meryl Str

Post by joasia »

What a wonderful testimony.

“Father forgive them. They know not what they do.” You see, Christ recognized spiritual blindness in others, yet we are not able to see. That is part of our own blindness. Christ gave us the perfect example of how we should treat those who truly don’t know. We pray for them. We forgive them. We love them.

We must give everyone a chance to repent as long as they are living, they can repent.

Don’t doubt the power of God to change any heart.

If Saul can change...if Moses the Black (Ethiopian) can change...if Mary of Egypt can change...and be saints in God's eyes, then we can change.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Re: The Giver with Brenton Thwaites, Jeff Bridges, Meryl Str

Post by Cyprian »

Can anything good come out of Hollywood? There is a reason why the Church has never blessed actors. A corrupt tree (Hollywood) cannot bring forth good fruit.

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Re: The Giver with Brenton Thwaites, Jeff Bridges, Meryl Str

Post by jgress »

Cyprian wrote:

Can anything good come out of Hollywood? There is a reason why the Church has never blessed actors. A corrupt tree (Hollywood) cannot bring forth good fruit.

I think maybe you missed the point. The movie is pro-life and ends up condemning this kind of society.

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Re: The Giver with Brenton Thwaites, Jeff Bridges, Meryl Str

Post by Cyprian »

The point is, this is a Hollywood production, so we have assurance that there were absolutely no good intentions with the production of this film.

Actors like Jeff Bridges and Meryl Streep must be initiated into satanic rituals before they are permitted to rise to the level of stars in the entertainment industry.

Some are even brazen enough to admit they have sold their souls publicly, for example Bob Dylan and Kanye West, Jon Bon Jovi, and Katy Perry.

That is why Katy Perry (the whore of Babylon) was dressed in the flames of hell "riding the beast" as she made her entrance into the most recent Super Bowl halftime show. What was she singing as she rode in? "You're going to hear me ROAR..."

The queens of Narnia (Babylon) Susan and Lucy ride "the great beast" Aslan, who ROARS. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe takes place at Christmas time, and it is a full moon.

Then a wind sprang up and it became freezing cold. Finally, the clouds rolled away and the moon came out. It was a full moon and, shining on all that snow, it made everything almost as bright as day - only the shadows were rather confusing.

This December 25 (Western) Christmas is a full moon. It has only been a full moon one other time on December 25 since the Narnia series has been published and that was 1977. Prior to that it was 1920. So you see, it does not happen too often.

What else does Katy Perry sing? Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)

The full moon on (Western) Christmas Friday December 25, 2015 is the "Last Friday Night" of the year.

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Re: The Giver with Brenton Thwaites, Jeff Bridges, Meryl Str

Post by Barbara »

I agree with Cyprian, as usual. Though I didn't know any of that. I will be awaiting this Western Christmas for hopefully a joyful day rather than a glum one.

Who IS this "Kanye West" ? I can't stand to see his face [always splashed over the gossip columns which pass for Yahoo News. I had never heard of him previously. Prefer NOT to have, ever !

Rock stars did the selling-soul-to-Devil routine. Alice Cooper was one of them who admitted to such a pact to ensure fame.

I never cared for the "popular" Meryl Streep. What a NAME ! Sounds like strep throat !!
I recall that she was touted for her professional acting training as opposed to many other non-professionals in the field.
But big deal ! We know what St John of Kronstadt would say here !

There was only one actress who had any purity at all : Loretta Young. Even she wasn't a saint, but did attend Mass every morning in her later years and notably REFUSED roles back in - shock ! - the late 40s or more like the early 50s because she deemed them too racy. Imagine what strength that took back then. Then think what sort of roles are offered today and one can be absolutely sure any actor or actress who would accept them has sunk their morals like the Titanic.

Also, if I sound like I am judging this movie without paying attention to what it's about, all we need to do is keep firmly in mind the warning of the great preacher of repentance, St John of Kronstadt. He let us know that when once in awhile, a play [there were no movies yet] which seemed to have a moral theme would appear, we should not be deceived.
This is only a ruse to allay such fears as are expressed by those who see through the degrading effect on society of acting productions. It is not because producers want to reach out to conservative Christian audiences. But only a trick to pull them in further.

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