Tea Time - Share your favorite teas and bisquits

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Re: Tea Time - Share your favorite teas and bisquits

Post by Barbara »

I was thinking about your avocado leaf tea, in fact, Maria !
For I received some avocados in the mail which were ALL too old by the time they got here.
I had to throw them into the garden area and remembered that the avocado pits are actually considered
in some Latin American cultures to be healing for diabetes.
One cleans and boils the avocado pit [ I am not sure for how long ] and drinks the broth.

So not only the leaves of the avocado tree are good for health.

Still, I would like to try the tea Maria described.
I don't have any trees near me. Maybe I will have to go hunt for one
so I can acquire some leaves from it to try this intriguing beverage !
Or perhaps Maria can brew some up for the Euphrosynos members so we can test and discuss it.
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Re: Tea Time - Share your favorite teas and bisquits

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

I was thinking about your avocado leaf tea, in fact, Maria !
For I received some avocados in the mail which were ALL too old by the time they got here.
I had to throw them into the garden area and remembered that the avocado pits are actually considered
in some Latin American cultures to be healing for diabetes.
One cleans and boils the avocado pit [ I am not sure for how long ] and drinks the broth.

So not only the leaves of the avocado tree are good for health.

Still, I would like to try the tea Maria described.
I don't have any trees near me. Maybe I will have to go hunt for one
so I can acquire some leaves from it to try this intriguing beverage !
Or perhaps Maria can brew some up for the Euphrosynos members so we can test and discuss it.
For, this IS a Cafe, isn't it ?!

Perhaps someone can mail you some leaves. The leaves do not have to be green.

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Re: Tea Time - Share your favorite teas and bisquits

Post by Barbara »

A fairly new line of tea cups is out from the French producer of classic healthy cookware, Le Creuset, my favorite company in this field.

Here is a sample of the mugs which are available in a large range of attractive colors. They keep beverages warm, a perennial problem of tea drinkers. One returns and finds the tea lukewarm, then cold - ! Reheating doesn't work.


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Re: Tea Time - Share your favorite teas and bisquits

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

A fairly new line of tea cups is out from the French producer of classic healthy cookware, Le Creuset, my favorite company in this field.

Here is a sample of the mugs which are available in a large range of attractive colors. They keep beverages warm, a perennial problem of tea drinkers. One returns and finds the tea lukewarm, then cold - ! Reheating doesn't work.


The origin is Thailand/China.
Now one must be careful of lead in these cups.
Lately, cups sold rarely say lead-free, so one must depend on those swipe tests for lead.
I just do not buy colorful cups, which are more than likely to have a lead based paint.

Best to stay with the simple white ones.

p.s. I have split out and edited one of my earlier posts as the image became corrupted (not available).
http://www.euphrosynoscafe.com/forum/vi ... 779#p65779
Besides, I found it to be quite off topic. Please forgive me a sinner.

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Re: Tea Time - Share your favorite teas and bisquits

Post by joasia »

No other tea can top the delicate flavors of the Rooibos de Provence blend. It's not really a tea but herbal as it doesn't come from a tea plant but a South African root plant. It's a red tea with blueberries, rosehips, rose petals, lavender, black currents and red currents. France is well known for their currents. They use it in their dishes with flare. This is the blend I have from David's Tea. The flavor is so distinctive. The first time I tried it, I was in awe. The blend I tried was from France. I had never tasted anything like that. It was such a delight to my palette. And this was after a long service in the morning without food or drink. So, when we finally sat down for trapeza (during a lenten period) I was given a cup of tea. Afterwards, I found this blend with David's Tea and it did not disappoint. I re-discovered that delight. And it is such a comfort during cold weather. I sip it on the way to work and it warms me up.

If I had to choose quitting coffee or tea, I would chose coffee. I have a collection of all kinds of teas.

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Re: Tea Time - Share your favorite teas and bisquits

Post by Maria »

I usually have a cup of hot water in the morning.

Sometimes I will squeeze a fresh organically grown lemon to add to my cup of water.
Other times, I will add 1/4 cup of organic apple juice with a tablespoon or two of organic apple cider vinegar.

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Re: Tea Time - Share your favorite teas and bisquits

Post by Barbara »

First, Maria : you are right ! I didn't realize that about colored mugs ! Thanks I was about to order the Cassis mug.
On the theme of Joasia's reference to Provence, Cassis is a town of that area. A friend of mine was an au pair there between high school and college, very fortunate opportunity !

I am going to change to the white.

But it is distressing that these come from Thailand, let alone China. A lot of the new lines offered by Le Creuset do have that look, I admit. Maybe it's only the wonderful cast iron pots and pans which are actually made in France ? These other lines maybe are all made in cheap places. Aha. Thanks for being alert to check that !

PS. Now it's my time to turn the table : what about that organic apple juice ? I am SO suspicious of ANY apples anywhere
unless one grew them on their own tree or someone one knows.
Apples commercially produced just have that feeling of something unhealthy about them. Same with oranges.
Not to toss cold water on your excellent regime, Maria. Just check the origin of those organic apples in the juice. Or the brand, of course.

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