Ice Age Nears with Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Sinkholes

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Mini Ice Age Approacheth. Will the Thames freeze over?

Post by Maria »

Last night was the coldest night we have experienced this summer here in Los Angeles. This is an early Fall.

We had three blankets plus warm flannel sheets on our bed. Brrrr.

I found this interesting scientific article that deals with the very real possibility of a mini-ice age and global cooling.
Anyone living on the East Coast of the USA was aware of the record cold spell that Boston and other cities experienced in the winter months of 2014-2015. What will the fall of 2015 and the winter months of 2016 bring?

In the paper below, scientists have noticed that during a Solar Minimum there is an increased chance of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Already we have had some devastating earthquakes and increasing volcanic activity. In Hawaii, the lava flow has been increasing since 2008. By the way, the Pacific Ring of Fire is an active seismic area that is known for both earthquakes and volcanic activity. And yes, Cyprian, on March 11, 2011, when that 9.0-magnitude registered 231 miles northeast of Tokyo at Fukushima, the solar sunspot number was still very low. ... __2015.pdf

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Re: Mini Ice Age Approacheth. Will the Thames freeze over?

Post by Maria »

Look at the graph pictured below called the Sunspot Number Progression. This is a monthly plot using a formula to derive the sunspot numbers.

Now look at the current sunspot number, the blue smoothed graph for this year, and the predicted red graph. Do you see the huge discrepancy? Following the blue smoothed graph and the current sunspot numbers, as late as January 2017 or as early as January of 2016, in four more months, we should be at the bottom of the graph, and it should be one of the coldest months on record with record snow here in Los Angeles. If this coldness persists, then we will certainly see even greater global cooling with a buildup of glaciers.


NASA scientists have said that in 2002, we had entered into a Solar Minimum, and that even in 2008, we were still in a Solar Minimum.

In July 2002, the sunspot number was right at 100, which happened to be the average for the year 2002. Using that 100 mark as a benchmark for the Solar Minimum and running a horizontal line across the graph, one can easily see that we have not really entered into a new Solar Maximum since 2002. In other words, we are already into a Mini-Ice Age.

Even though we are currently in Solar Cycle 24, this Solar Cycle 24 has been the weakest in a century, and it actually falls within the Solar Minimum. Although the sun has been dynamic, producing an X4.9 on February 25, 2014 seen in the graph below, the sun has not exceeded the sunspots seen in 2002 based on the smoothed blue curve line. Only once in that same month of February 2014, does the monthly spike exceed 100 sunspots, but not by much, reaching 103!

02-25-2014_ X4.9_goes-xray-flux-6-hour.gif
02-25-2014_ X4.9_goes-xray-flux-6-hour.gif (9.95 KiB) Viewed 2957 times

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Re: Mini Ice Age Approacheth. Will the Thames freeze over?

Post by Cyprian »


Interesting that you mention the Thames in connection with ice, or freezing over. When enunciated, the beginning of the name ISIS contains the word "ice" in it. As in the Illuminati "ice bucket challenge" meme.

The Isis

The Isis is the name given to the part of the River Thames above Iffley Lock which flows through the university city of Oxford, England, past Christ Church Meadow and the focal point of rowing for Oxford University.

Historically, and especially in Victorian times, gazetteers and cartographers insisted that the river Thames was correctly named the River Isis from its source until Dorchester-on-Thames, where the river meets the River Thame and becomes the "Thame-isis" (from which the Latin, or pre-Roman Celtic, name Tamesis is derived), subsequently abbreviated to Thames; current Ordnance Survey maps still label the Thames as "River Thames or Isis" until Dorchester.

The name "Isis" is especially used in the context of rowing at the University of Oxford. A number of rowing regattas are held on the Isis, including Eights Week, the most important Oxford University regatta, in the Trinity term (summer), Torpids in the Hilary term (spring) and Christ Church Regatta for novices in the Michaelmas term (autumn).

As I have mentioned in other threads, the ISIS militant group or Islamic State is a Zionist creation conceived decades ago. The popular accounts of their recent formation by militant Muslims are lies and fabrications. When one hears of the acronym ISIS, they should think: "Israeli Secret Intelligence Services". Notice the lying media presents ISIS as going around blowing up churches and mosques, but the synagogues seem to go unmolested. Perhaps I have not paid careful enough attention to the propaganda missives from the press. Can someone direct me to a press report of ISIS blowing up a Jewish synagogue?

The River Thames is known as Isis. The Oxford University student magazine, since its formation in the late 19th century, is called The ISIS.

The Isis Magazine

As mentioned previously, before ISIS became a household word in the last couple of years, the Judaeo-Masons were already showing their intentions to foist ISIS programming and propaganda on the unsuspecting public with their Illuminati publication The Da Vinci Code (2003).

From chapter 52:

Wait! Langdon now recalled the bitter beverage he had been served on his last visit and realized
this question was a trick. "Lemon!" he declared. "Earl Grey with lemon"
"Indeed." Teabing sounded deeply amused now. "And finally, I must make the most grave of
inquiries." Teabing paused and then spoke in a solemn tone. "In which year did a Harvard sculler
last outrow an Oxford man at Henley?"
Langdon had no idea, but he could imagine only one reason the question had been asked. "Surely
such a travesty has never occurred."
The gate clicked open. "Your heart is true, my friend. You may pass."

First of all, why the Earl Gray tea reference? Because Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, from which the tea takes its name, was born on 13 March 1764.

Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey ... _Earl_Grey

13 March is the day Jorge "Super" Mario Bergoglio was elected pope. As I have said, and will not cease repeating, all their plans for the long-scripted retirement of Pope Benedictos (=666) and the installation of Pope Francis are shown in advance in the The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons novels and films.

If one desires to learn the proper methodology given to us by the holy fathers for counting the number of the beast, it is called Greek isopsephy. alpha = 1, beta = 2, gamma = 3, and so on. Here is an example:

BENEDIKTOS (2+5+50+5+4+10+20+300+70+200) = 666
B=2 E=5 N=50 E=5 D=4 I=10 K = 20 T=300 O=70 S=200
(2+4) = 6
(5+50+5) = 60
(10+20+300+70+200) = 600

If some have an aversion to analyzing the satanic Da Vinci Code novels/films, that is quite understandable. The pre-determined election and scripted retirement of the "Wizard of Oz," Joseph "Luigi" "Ratso" Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, "the traitor"—as was Judas, was shown seven years before he ever took office, in the demonic film Meet Joe Black (1998), starring effeminate actors William Bradley "Brad" Pitt, and Anthony Hopkins. Anthony Hopkins is from Wales, which has the red dragon (Satan) on its flag, and the actress from London who is in the starring role as his daughter in the film, Claire Forlani, the "Pretty Woman," shares the same birthday as the Princess of Wales, Diana Frances Spencer. This was not by accident, but carefully arranged by design.

This Princess Diana figure in Meet Joe Black falls in love with Death, who takes on a body, portrayed by Brad Pitt, as in the pit of hell. Recall, I already demonstrated in the Harry Potter thread how Princess Diana is Queen Isis, and how the Isis perfume with the white rose was specially made for her.

The white rose, of Diana and sub rosa ("beneath the rose") figure prominently in The Da Vinci Code.

Sub rosa

So does the figure of St. Mary Magdalene. Magdalen College is a prominent fixture of Oxford, as is Magdalen Tower, completed in 1509. The Oxford Rowing reference in chapter 52 of The Da Vinci Code, which is also featured in the film, is a reference to ISIS.

Only 4 minutes into The Da Vinci Code (2006) film, actor Tom Hanks is referring to the Madonna and Child figure as Isis and her son Horus.

Chapter 26:

The question met with several seconds of silence.
"It was Isis," Langdon told them, grabbing a grease pen. "So we have the male god, Amon." He
wrote it down. "And the female goddess, Isis, whose ancient pictogram was once called L'ISA."
Langdon finished writing and stepped back from the projector.
"Ring any bells?" he asked.
"Mona Lisa... holy [expletive]," somebody gasped.

They are deliberately associating the red-haired "virgin" character "princess" Sophie in The Da Vinci Code (she ends up being the Holy Grail) with the red-haired "Mary Magdalene" figure in the painting by Leonardo Da Vinci, the "prostitute" as Sophie calls her, and Princess Diana (the supposed or pretended virgin goddess) who rather is the whore of Babylon, and Queen Isis and the Mona Lisa.

Red-haired Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman is the whore or (Sandy) "hooker" figure Diana.
Red-haired Sophie (sofia: "wisdom" goddess i.e. the sacred feminine principle) character in The Da Vinci Code
The "Pretty Woman" in Meet Joe Black, i.e. the "Princess of Wales" with the exact same birthday, 1 July, as Lady Diana, fornicates with Death, who has taken up residence in the body of William "Brad" Pitt.

There is much circumstantial evidence that points to the apostate pope serving the role as the father of the Antichrist. Pope Benediktos (=666) is named Joseph, in imitation of St. Joseph the Betrothed, who was the stepfather of our Lord.

The film Meet Joe Black (1998) is a subtle way of telling us to meet the next pope: Meet Joe Ratzinger.

Let's meet Joe Black:

Joseph Black

Anyone notice anything curious about his birthday?

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Re: Mini Ice Age Approacheth. Will the Thames freeze over?

Post by Barbara »

Wow ! What a lot of brainwork you do, Cyprian ! We appreciate it. I am trying to absorb all that you are saying.
It's good to know where that numbering system you use originated. With the holy fathers ? Great. I was wondering how you were calculating the numeric values of people's names or other words.

I remember that ad for the Issi perfume ! That was for sure what you said.

You are right that I would NOT open up a da vinci coe book if it were materialized on a lecturn on a desert island ! I completely ignored the entire craze. I don't watch the movies anyway so the plot is unknown to me. You have mentioned that particular book so many times, though, that it seems a pivotal message-sender for the [very ill] Ill's.
Along with what must be the sequel, Angels and demons ?

Let me diverge for one minute and ask WHY so many mediocre books have been skyrocketed into fame, NYT bestsellers list, etc. Remember, for example, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by ? Richard Bach ?. [ I don't want to look it up ! ] Simply 'Everyone' HAS to go out and buy it and read the volume so as to be able to discuss at parties or even in school.
There seem to be SO MANY of these blah books sponsored by the forces of darkness, clearly, or they would never rise on ANY list based on their literary merits. There was one more recently called something about a bridge. Apparently no substance whatsoever, just silly, empty.
This is how I classed the da vinci code books from the instant i heard about their existence. I tuned them out !

But you are saying that these books are chockfull of hints about future evil plans by the powers that reign over most of the planet. Sounds likely based on the arguments you have cumulatively laid out here.

I must say : I am glad that YOU are the one analyzing all this material, so i can learn. But not have to actually set eyes on any of the books or films.

I have some material to report on another thread in this vein tomorrow.

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Re: Mini Ice Age Approacheth. Will the Thames freeze over?

Post by Barbara »


Bac to the subject, sorry ! It was that cold in LA Friday ?? I never expected such a thing so far south.
You rarely get ANY snow. But this year, how much is forecast ?

Thanks for letting us know about this possible phenomenon ahead. Keep us posted as it is important to make plans around this predicted cold winter. Fiji, here i come !

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Re: Mini Ice Age Approacheth. Will the Thames freeze over?

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:


Bac to the subject, sorry ! It was that cold in LA Friday ?? I never expected such a thing so far south.
You rarely get ANY snow. But this year, how much is forecast ?

Thanks for letting us know about this possible phenomenon ahead. Keep us posted as it is important to make plans around this predicted cold winter. Fiji, here i come !

The early morning temperatures on Saturday, September 4, 2015, reached a low of 54 degrees here in the San Fernando foothills. Since our temperatures are marine-influenced, we rarely ever experience freezing weather or snow.

Here is an extended graph showing past solar cycles, so you can see the variation. Note that the current solar cycle 24 is the lowest one, even lower than the one in 1970.


If you click this link, you will see the entire graph:

"Source: WDC-SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels".

Back in 1987s, it was very cold, so cold that I had purchased some snow clothes for my son and made him mittens and several ski caps. We had about ten inches of snow in the early morning hours Spring of 1987, but it did not last more than 12 hours. That low temperature spell and snow coincided with the solar minimum.

Then around Pascha 1993, we had a snow slurry that resembled that used to make snow cones. It was very cold.
And that was a declining year dropping into a solar minimum that reached its low from 1993 to 1998.

Every year during solar minimums, Los Angeles foothills get a sprinkling of snow with the higher elevations getting more snow. Here in the Southland, we do have Big Bear which is a ski resort. That is in San Bernardino Country about four hours East from us.

1999 through 2001 (3 years) was the maximum of Solar Cycle 23, with a double peak in the years of 2000 to 2001.
Peak 1 was in July 2000 with a Sunspot Number 170 (highest value)
Peak 2 was in Aug. 2000 with a Sunspot Number 150.
The two peaks were 13 months apart.
2002 through 2008 (7 years) was the last solar minimum.

Current Solar Cycle 24 pictured below. With a projected blue line.

This Solar Cycle 24 has been the lowest one in about 100 years, if it can be called a solar maximum.
It is more like a bump in the road than a peak cycle.
This solar cycle began to awaken in 2009, with a predicted end of 2020.
Mid 2011 through mid 2015 (4 years) has been our last solar maximum with an extended double peak.
Peak 1 was in Oct. 2011 with a Sunspot Number 97
Peak 2 was in Feb. 2014 with a Sunspot Number 103 (highest peak).
The two peaks were 28 months apart, which is considerably longer. Scientists were puzzled.

This next solar cycle might be another mere bump in the road as happened during the last Maunder Minimum, when there was a series of small solar cycles, much colder weather, and an eery absence of auroras in the Northern and Southern latitudes.

According to government sources, this solar cycle could end in 2020, but with an extended cycle, a new solar cycle might not awaken until 2024. However, some astrophysicists say that this solar minimum could last through 2030.


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Re: Mini Ice Age Approacheth. Will the Thames freeze over?

Post by Maria »

Below are the 100 year solar cycles which have been recorded as early as the 1700s when mankind started to observe the sunspots on our Sun. Notice that some solar cycles are not very active, and these correspond to "Maunder Minimums."

1645 to 1725 was an extended solar minimum called the Maunder Minimum.

1790 to 1825 was also a very long solar minimum called the Dalton Minimum.

1875 to 1925 was still another lengthy solar minimum, not as low as the Maunder or Dalton Minimum, that is not being brought to our attention.

Mid 2002 to 2025+ seems to heading for the next mini-ice age following the pattern of a 100 year cycle.


Note that the editors at Wikipedia censor any information to that effect as they prefer the "global warming conspiracy" and have disregarded NOAA, Belgium, and Australian government data. See their fudged chart below (cut off on the far right). If you click the link, you will notice that they have not even included Solar Cycle 24 as that would refute any evidence of their "global warming."


click this link to get the full fudged chart from wikipedia: ... umbers.png

Instead of having a solar cycles with increasing maximums as Wikipedia suggests, we are having normal 100 year cycle. Wikipedia's graph has omitted the data from 2000 to 2015 showing a solar minimum in progress. Very telling.

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