Archbishop Ambrose Moran Has Resurfaced With SSPX Resistance

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Re: Archbishop Ambrose Moran Has Resurfaced With SSPX Resistance

Post by Barbara »

Yes, there are so many pitfalls today for the seeker after "True truth", so to speak !

Regarding Maria's question, my suspicion is that many knew something was wrong with Abp Ambrose's grandiose claims.
Who could miss those as huge red flags about him ?
Probably the new SSPX offshoot is desperate for clergy to join at this early stage, to help attract further clergy, ideally notable ones as The Imposter sounds like on paper. Likely, they chose to look the other way and give him the benefit of the doubt.

That is interesting about clergy having to present themselves to the Bishop and gain permission to serve in their Diocese in both Orthodox and Catholic venues.

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Re: Archbishop Ambrose Moran Has Resurfaced With SSPX Resistance

Post by Madison Grant »

I'm waiting for February 2nd, 2016.

On that day seminarians receive their cassocks and tonsure.

Tonsure is a sacramental, but not a sacrament, putting the man into the clerical state, that is performed by a bishop.

There is a layman at the Kentucky seminary that is currently running around in a cassock and has been doing so as such for the past 3 years, but without being in the clerical state.

The Prince of Serbia will come in handy because the two SSPX Resistance bishops, Bishop Richard Williamson and Bishop Jean Michel Faure, are not likely to visit Kentucky and raise to the clerical state the seminarians. Bishop Jean Michel Faure of France was in the USA, Canada, and Mexico for about a month this past Fall season performing Masses and Confirmations and giving lectures to the faithful, but he did not visit Kentucky. The only mention of Kentucky was in a Q&A session where a man asked the Bishop if he supports the Seminary in North America and Bishop Faure's reply was in the affirmative but with the most squeamish voice in that it sounded painful for him to answer.

In the past 24 hours Father Joseph Pfeiffer gave a lecture stating that he still believes in the Chinese fables of the Prince of Serbia. You can watch the hour long lecture below:

A thread of discussion is at the link below: ... est-bishop

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Re: Archbishop Ambrose Moran Has Resurfaced With SSPX Resistance

Post by Barbara »

Aha ! Thanks much for the insights and updates, Madison !
Feb 2 is the Catholic Feast of the Purification as well as Our Lady of Good Success.
Seems that date was chosen for the tonsures for the reason of the first-named Feast, at least.

Chinese fables ! That's funny. It might be too embarrassing for them at the seminary to back away from the illustrious
descendant of the Dolgoroukys and one Serbian royal house [ there have a number of dynasties which ruled Serbia in its tumultuous history ]. Didn't our Ambrose give out that he sprung from the Karageorgevich one ? [ I guess there is a proper Serbian spelling for that name ; this is the phonetic one. ]

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Re: Archbishop Ambrose Moran Has Resurfaced With SSPX Resistance

Post by Madison Grant »

February 2nd, 2016 has come and pass.

No signs of the Prince of Serbia on that date in the Kentucky cult.

In the last 7 days or so the Kentucky cult has put out in video format on their YouTube platform videos where the sect's two priests speak vituperatively ill of the bishop who ordained them, namely Bishop Richard Williamson. The accusations against the Williamsonite sect are namely three: pedophilia, Eucharistic Miracles in the RCC, and being in favor of Father Gerardo Zendejas.

Father Stephen Abraham, with two counts of pedophilia to his name that go back into the 1990s, was rehabilitated into clerical service by Bishop Richard Williamson after being suspended by the SSPX. The priest lives in the same house, at the invitation of Bishop Richard Williamson, as the bishop and is sent out to dispense the sacraments and to give, as was done this past December, retreats to the laity in his, and the bishop's, home colloquially known as the Broadstairs manor, an hour's drive east of London, UK.

Father Gerardo Zendejas is an ex-SSPX priest that spends his time ministering in Texas and Connecticut; and, these are the two locations where he spent his SSPX career working in. But Father Joseph Pfeiffer seeks to derail Father Gerardo Zendejas because Father Joseph Pfeiffer was personally hurt in his finances and in his high reptute of himself when Father Gerardo Zendejas began to sheep steal from Father Joseph Pfeiffer's locations in those two states because Father Gerardo Zendejas began to announce his services as SSPX Resistance, the name Father Joseph Pfeiffer ascribes to himself and professes to all who use it that they must pay obeisance to him.

Here is the February 2nd, 2016 video from Kentucky:

Here are the videos where Kentucky is shooting off torpedoes to the Williamsonite sect:

And here is the thread on the webforum for the Kentucky cult members where they proclaim the Prince of Serbia to be an authentic Roman Catholic Archbishop and lawful coadjutor successor to Cardinal Joseph Slipyj; and, the fantastical mental gymnastics taking place are duly noted:

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Re: Archbishop Ambrose Moran Has Resurfaced With SSPX Resistance

Post by Maria »

Here is more information on Bishop Williamson which shows his ambiguity.

From France: ... 412#p67412

From Novus Ordo Watch: ... 410#p67370

When most "professionals" say that pedophiles cannot be rehabilitated or ever trusted, how can one trust Bishop Williamson who lives with a convicted pedophile. It is risky. I had heard about this problem priest back in the mid-1990s. That is why I did not attend the SSPX chapels.

And then there is this link provided by Arch. Nilos: ... ctator.htm

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Re: Archbishop Ambrose Moran Has Resurfaced With SSPX Resistance

Post by Matthew »

Maria wrote:

When most "professionals" say that pedophiles cannot be rehabilitated or ever trusted, how can one trust Bishop Williamson who lives with a convicted pedophile. It is risky.


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Re: Archbishop Ambrose Moran Has Resurfaced With SSPX Resistance

Post by Madison Grant »


…is the advent of “Archbishop Ambrose” Moran: a self styed successor of Cardinal Slipji, but in fact a liar, a forgerer and a schismatic intruder.

i understand the need of Fr Pfeiffer for a bishop, but it cannot be someone who cannot prove that he is even a priest. the contents of William Moran’s papers and affirmations are self refuting. That dog don’t hunt.

I did all i could to warn Kentucky privately, but i am shivering at the prospect of a misfit bishop (and his progeny) going around in such dubious ministrations. Hopefully the Resistance at large rejects the idea, except two(?) priests and a few angry bloggers.

yet after recoiling in late November, and despite the very factual and canonical study of Fr Ortiz, the bird is out the cage, again, in January. At first i believed that the sole enumeration of W.Moran’s claims would suffice, but even the facts and evidences brought by Fr Ortiz are met with rejection and the accusation of evil intent against Fr Pfeiffer, who views our attempts to expose W.Moran as public attacks.

If Kentucky cannot understand that the Resistance will reject this invalid and seriously illicit episcopal line (and all the fruits thereof), let them consider that W.Moran, even within the Orthodox schismatic Church, was always a vagus. The same pattern as with bishop Hiroji will repeat itself. W.Moran did not stay long with the sedevacantists either. Beyond the lies and forgeries, there is something that we don’t yet know about W.Moran, that makes him jump somewhere, anywhere else.

For, my biggest hope as far as Moran is concerned, is Moran himself. Fr Hewko reports that he told the seminarians they should join the Eastern Rite because it would allow them to become married priests. So Fr Hewko says Moran is History as far as he is concerned, and because he is an honest gentlepriest, I believe him. But is this the case with Fr Joe now? My guess is that he is hesitating because he cannot afford to lose Fr Hewko and no other priest of the Resistance is backing him up on this.

When one considers the difficulties Fr Cekada experiences to refute the attacks of Fr Jenkins against the validity of the Thuc line, one can imagine the uphill battle Fr Joe would face to impose the Moran line. And with Moran validity is not the only issue, because until 2015, he was still officially a member of the Orthodox Church.

Once Fr Joe realises that our grounds are serious and not hostile to him, let us try to hope he will recognize his mistake. next cross please.

(Thankfully, Fr Joe is replying also to his emails now. He denies vehemently any moranic mass happened with his permission. He is a gruntlepriest, so i believe him. Yet i as i still harry him on why he gave that stupid pro moran sermon on January 7th, i am not getting any reply. Perhaps he is stirring the pot, trying to get us all wind up, showing we are after them, creating a siege, or just wanting to tell Fr Ortiz to get lost, as Fr Hewko told me. Yet what is on Fr Ortiz menu is no small thing and really happened, and in normal time, is assorted with a whole array of canonical sanctions. Luckily there are no canonical courts to issue admonitions, declare the penalties incurred, ferendae or latae sententiae, impose them and, should Fr Joe repent, lift them). So i am very happy Fr Joe does not get away, and bashing the Old Circus Horse will not deflect the blame that successfully, even by calling him a Bishop Fellay bis, a resistance bishop Fellay.

If i call a non priest to perform sacrileges and deceptions up there in my bamboo seminary, i will need a Fr Pfeiffer to torpedoyoutube me into submission, or at least help force me to change bearing. Let us hope that Fr Joe will kindly realise that because we are in a state of necessity and exception, we are not allowed to do anything we please, nor to get away with anything bad that happen. Bishop Williamson is not getting away, so, please Father, get in line. Yours truly is next.

otherwise there is an already long line of impfellayible people, suit yourself.)

The above was posted to the website of the SSPX Resistance chapel in Canada in the last 48 hours.

It is from Father Francois Chazal, who is mentioned in this thread, and who is still based in the Filipino Islands. It is a update from how things are viewed in his part of the world.

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