The Ecumenist False Council of 2016

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Re: The Ecumenist False Council of 2016

Post by Maria »

Although distinguished Professor Dr. Dimitrios Tselengidis proclaims the ecclesiastical self-identity of the Orthodox Church, and recognizes Her as the “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church," his conclusion is but a weak warning call:

With all that is written and what is clearly implied in the text above, it is clear that its initiators and authors are attempting the institutional and official ratification of Christian Syncretistism-Ecumenism by means of a Pan-Orthodox Synod. This, however, would be catastrophic for the Orthodox Church. For this reason I humbly propose the text’s total withdrawal.

This particular conciliar document on the "Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World" is not the only symptom of this widespread World Orthodox Modernism-Syncretism-Ecumenism, which began during the life of St. Nectarios of Aegina, who valiantly fought this heresy with his writings, his speeches, and with all night vigils and supplications to the Theotokos until his last breath in 1920. After the saint was silenced, Meletios Metaxakis gained control of the EP, ignored his synod, and unilateral imposed the New Calendar in 1924 along with the abandonment of the priestly cassock and facial hair.

Modernism and Ecumenism continued to advance in 1965 when Athenagorus and Paul VI unilaterally lifted of the Anathemas, which led to inter-Christian Ecumenical Vespers services followed by the infamous World Day of Prayer in Assisi on October 27, 1986 with John Paul II, the World Orthodox, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.

How can World Orthodox theologians and clergy acknowledge the Pope and Protestants as "Christians" when the Pope and his Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Protestant "Christians" say that they worship the same god of love as do the Jews and Muslims?

Now that World Orthodox agree that they worship the same god as do Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and Muslims, in their rush to embrace ecumenism, they have become heterodox themselves. The truth is that all these heterodox groups, which include the World Orthodox, the Catholics, and the Protestants, have left the "One Holy Catholics, and Apostolic Church."

Thus, we the True Orthodox are the faithful tiny remnant, which Christ is protecting from the pan-heresy of Ecumenism. Remember, Christ warned us that the faith of many would grow cold before His Second Coming. We are in the End Times, and Christ's return is imminent. We just do not know when, for He will come as a Thief in the night.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: The Ecumenist False Council of 2016

Post by Matthew »

Good analysis. Any updates on the Powwow not getting cancelled?

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Re: The Ecumenist False Council of 2016

Post by Jean-Serge »

The people in Greece opposing the text of some documents of the council are holding a conference March 23rd with key speakers.

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Re: The Ecumenist False Council of 2016

Post by Maria »

Regarding the 5th Preconciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference held in Chambesy in October entitled Decision – Relations of the Orthodox Church to the rest of the Christian world, Metropolitan of Limassol wrote, "What unity are we talking about? Those who departed from the Church are heretics and schismatics"

The Metropolitan of Limassol was the mysterious hieromonk (now bishop) who was referenced in The Mountain of Silence and GIfts of the Desert written by Dr. Kyriacos C. Markides. These books were of tremendous spiritual help when I was new to Orthodoxy. Of course, they should only be read with the help of one's priest as Dr. Kyriacos was searching and asking some very tough questions at the time these books were written. See:

Feb. 11, 2016
... In a letter, of which the Agency of Religious News has published extracts, the eminent hierarch does not consider there to be any problem of restoring the unity of Christians, since this, in his opinion, was never disrupted. Rather, certain Christians chose a path different to the one we follow, that of the original Orthodox truth.

There are no churches or confessions. Rather, these have cut themselves off from the Church and must be considered heretics and schismatics, notes His Eminence, expressing confusion as to why such an important issue has been ignored.

The stance of His Eminence, who invokes the right of each hierarch to express his opinion regarding such an important event, is sure to cause discussion and debate within Orthodoxy. ...

No doubt, Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol, will add fuel to the fire when the Greeks meet in March. See Jean-Serge's remark above.

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Re: The Ecumenist False Council of 2016

Post by Jean-Serge »

The new might be unknown to some, so I am posting it. The Synod of the Church of Georgia rejected the document regarding "The relationship with other christian communities". What will happen in the other churches? For sure, the opponents are bolstered now.

The interesting thing is that Mount Athos is silent. I guess that Patriarch Bartholomew has now secured his puppets at the head of all the monasteries.

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Re: The Ecumenist False Council of 2016

Post by Maria »

Jean-Serge wrote:

The new might be unknown to some, so I am posting it. The Synod of the Church of Georgia rejected the document regarding "The relationship with other christian communities". What will happen in the other churches? For sure, the opponents are bolstered now.

The interesting thing is that Mount Athos is silent. I guess that Patriarch Bartholomew has now secured his puppets at the head of all the monasteries.

Are the Greek monasteries in the USA under Elder Ephraim also silent?

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Re: The Ecumenist False Council of 2016

Post by Jean-Serge »

A new step of the opposition to the council within world orthodoxy was made recently with Bishop Longin of Moscow Patriarchate (but based in Ukraine in Bucovina where they also speak Romanian) who decided to stop commemorating Patriarch Kirill. The news is reported at the following links :

In Romanian: ... =WAQGmZXUe

In French: my blog reports the news : ... rille.html

Video in Russian:

Priidite, poklonimsja i pripadem ko Hristu.

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