Miracle of St. George, Russia, 1930s

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Miracle of St. George, Russia, 1930s

Post by Maria »


Catacomb Christian P.M. writes: “I want to tell about the miracles of God of which I was a witness. In our village they closed the church and made it into a club. And then they declared that they would be showing a film – this was the first opening of the club. In the church everything was as it had been before, even the iconostasis was standing with its icons. They put in benches, hung up a screen and began to show the film. About half an hour passed, and then suddenly the people began to shout. Those who were at the back jumped up and rushed towards the exit, while those in front fell on the floor or crawled under the benches. What had happened? As many people later recounted, the holy Great Martyr George came out of an icon that was on the iconostasis on a horse, and taking a spear, galloped at the people, who began to flee in fear. But that was not the end of it. Somehow they got at any rate some of the people together again and continued to show the film. It was being shown by a mechanic and his assistant. And suddenly up in the choir they began to sing the Cherubic hymn – and so loudly that the film was scarcely audible. At that point they decided that some believers had climbed up and wanted to interrupt the showing of the film. So about seven members of the Komsomol and the assistant climbed up in order to catch them all and bring them down. But then they said that when they had climbed up the stairs the singing stopped, and they rejoiced – the believers had got frightened and fallen silent. But when they climbed up into the choir they saw that it was empty. They stood in bewilderment and could not understand how the singers could have run away. And then suddenly in the midst of them unseen singers began to sing the Cherubic hymn. Pursued by an unknown fear, they rushed to get out, not knowing the way, pushing and shoving each other. The assistant mechanic, who was running in front, suddenly fell down, and everyone ran over him since there was no other way because of the narrowness of the place. Having run down, they rushed out into the street. Now the showing was finally abandoned. The assistant mechanic was ill for a month and died, while the mechanic left, and nobody wanted to go to work in the club as a mechanic for any money. So from that time they stopped having a cinema in it.”

-- Vladimir Moss

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Re: Miracle of St. George, Russia, 1930s

Post by Barbara »

Marvelous ! If only such things could have happened every single time encroachments were made on the Churches by the Communists. Maybe the Soviet regime would have crumbled not long after it seized control.

Is there any indication where in Russia this event took place ?

It would be wonderful if a film could be made out of THIS - and shown in that same parish, if it still exists.
How dramatic it would be to watch Great Martyr George emerge from the icon, charging on horseback at the Komsomol crew, threatening the unbelievers with his spear. Someone could do excellent cinematography and make the scene breathtaking, thus instilling the deep lesson that Good wins over Evil.

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