ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

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Re: ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

Post by Maria »

Thank you Father Mark for updating us about this situation.

I am glad that the two hierarchs are now free, but it sounds like they are under house arrest with no communication.

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ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

Post by Maria »

Here is the latest posting from Met. Gregory of HOCNA

September 8, 2016:


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have sent a letter of concern about the continued harassment of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church to the United States Department of State, the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, the United States Embassy in Moscow, as well as to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.

Below I attach the text of my letter, which you are welcome to copy and send it to your Senators and Representatives.

In order to find your Senators and Representatives and their email or other contact information, you can use the following handy website, in which you can search for your Senators by State and for your Representatives by zip code:

Below is the text of my letter, which you are welcome to use.

In Christ,

  • Gregory, Metropolitan of Boston

  • The Honorable Senator/Representative (full name)
    United States Senate/House of Representatives
    Washington D.C.

    Dear Senator/Representative (last name)

    I am writing to bring your attention to a shocking violation of basic human rights that has recently occurred in Russia.

    On September 6, 2016, the headquarters of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC) in Suzdal were raided by Russian security forces. The Primate of this Church, Metropolitan Theodore (Gineyevsky) of Sudzal and Vladimir, and Bishop Irinarkh (Nonchin) of Tula and Bryansk were both detained and taken to the regional department of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Computer equipment was also seized from the church headquarters. The two bishops were later released.

    The Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church is an ecclesial body that fully adheres to the traditional doctrine and practices of the Orthodox Church, while remaining fully independent of the Moscow Patriarchate for reasons of faith and conscience. This independence from the state-controlled “official” Russian Church has made it the target of religious persecution for many years. The friendship between the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church and another independent jurisdiction, the Holy Orthodox Church in North America (HOCNA) has more recently led to ludicrous accusations that the former is engaging in “American espionage.”

    This religious persecution is a direct result of Russia’s new so-called “Yarovaya Law” (federal law 374-FZ) that, in the name of anti-terrorism, “severely undermines freedom of expression, freedom of conscience, and the right to privacy,” as Tanya Lokshina of the watchdog group Human Rights Watch recently stated. Needless to say, the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church has absolutely nothing to do with terrorism or extremism of any kind. Its only crime is to remain independent of the Moscow Patriarchate and to maintain friendly ties with its coreligionists in North America.

    I therefore urge you to do everything in your power to pressure the Russian authorities to put an end to the ongoing harassment of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church. What gives this matter particular urgency is that, as noted above, this Russian religious minority is being persecuted due in part to its friendship with a church group based in the United States. This fact alone should make this a matter of urgent interest to the American government.

    If such violations of human rights, which are already enshrined in Russia’s draconian legislation, are allowed to continue, then matters can only grow worse for all Russian citizens, especially those with ties to the United States, and the relations between our country and the Russian Federation can only further deteriorate.

    We thank you for your help and consideration.


    (your full name and address)

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

Post by Barbara »

Is there any update on the 2 hierarchs' situation a month later ? I am glad they were released that same day.

Mark Templet
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Re: ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

Post by Mark Templet »

Everything's quiet at this time. It's likely that war tensions with the US it taking up most of the government attention at this time.

Fr. Mark Templet

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Re: ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

Post by Barbara »

Thanks, Fr. Mark, that's good to hear. I hope ROAC will left in peace from now on, forever !
And that Metropolitan Feodor and Bishop Irinarch have been able to fully recover from that appalling experience.

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