Idaho rejects legalizing that repulsive & evil mari juana

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Idaho rejects legalizing that repulsive & evil mari juana

Post by Barbara »

A woman named Elisha Figueroa is the Director of the Office of Drug Policy for the State of Idaho. She is firmly rejecting any possibility of legalizing this demon-packed awful thing in ANY form, with the support of the Governor, Butch Otter, who shares the same viewpoint -- Fortunately !

The article below apprises readers of the sad state of life in 2 nearby states which stumbled down that road. I was appalled to hear of the deterioration of life in these places. That dreadful odor of which Elisha Figueroa speaks here is to me how some layers of Hell smell :

“Have you walked the streets of Seattle lately? During a recent business trip to Seattle, I was staying in a nice hotel. Every time I walked outside, I could smell marijuana on every street corner,” she said. “That’s not the kind of community I want to live in.”

In Denver, she said, there are more marijuana dispensaries than banks, liquor stores and Starbucks combined. “On my way to work, I look at all the banks, liquor stores and Starbucks that I pass and imagine each one of those being a dispensary. That’s not the kind of community I want to live in or the community I want to raise my kids in. I think most Idahoans feel the same.”

A year ago, I [ this is apparently the reporter speaking ] stopped by a retail outlet in Washington State that sold marijuana products, and it had the atmosphere of a Mom and Pop grocery — with all the goodies one might expect to see in an adult candy store. Figueroa saw some of the same things at a store in Seattle but wasn’t nearly impressed.

“It’s not the kind of place I’d go to buy something that I would inject into my system,” she said. She’s also heard her share of horror stories about what happens to people who eat spiked cookies and candy bars — making the retail scene even less appetizing....

Figueroa communicates regularly with counterparts from other states and consistently hears the same advice. “They’re telling me, ‘Don’t do it in Idaho.’” She hears the same advice from organizations, such as the American Epilepsy Society.

Suffice it to say, marijuana will not become legal in any form, as long as Figueroa is working in the governor’s office and as long as she continues to have support from her boss. The Legislature isn’t likely to demand anything else.

Meanwhile, she’ll continue to hear howls of protest from pro-marijuana advocates, and she’ll politely address their concerns — which has become a routine part of her job.

Of course, her answer is still no." ... 2ea0c.html


The article met the predictable storm of angry sarcasm from advocates of this filthy thing being approved for legal use. It shows how much the general state of society has declined.

Hint to the True Orthodox : Colorado, Oregon and Washington and now Nevada are states in which to NOT consider starting a new TOC parish ! Why not aim for creating parishes in Idaho, Wyoming or Montana instead ?!

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Re: Idaho rejects legalizing that repulsive & evil mari juana

Post by Barbara »

For those who are undecided in this matter, here is an excellent reason WHY to keep that foul plant outlawed.
Use of such a vile thing can endanger the lives of many other people as seen in this article from the Miami Herald, strangely enough. Perhaps the embarrassing news was quietly suppressed by Idaho news outlets :

"Boise Idaho : Police officers who entered the Boise Airport air traffic control tower after pilots could not reach controllers by radio Nov. 19 found one controller had fallen asleep and a second one had left the tower and smelled of marijuana, according to reports released Friday afternoon by the Boise Police Department.

Two Air St. Luke’s helicopter pilots were unable to get ahold of anyone on the tower radio frequencies between 2:30 a.m. and 2:40 a.m. One of the helicopters was coming to the airport from the Downtown Boise hospital, and the other was departing from the airport.

The pilots initiated alternative procedures, which led them to announce their movements over the radio to alert other aircraft that might be flying overhead.

Boise police Cpl. Mike Algate and officers Byron Grover, Andrew Morlock and Shane Langton responded to the tower after an airport operations official said he was unable to reach the controllers by land line and emergency telephones or radio, according to BPD reports.

Morlock reached an outer security gate and dialed the tower through a call button. When no one responded, the officer flashed his spotlight at the tower, turned on his overhead red and blue lights, sounded his siren and even used an air horn, to no avail.

A man pulled into the lot, identified himself as an air traffic controller and told Morlock he had spoken to the controller in the tower by phone within the past 15 minutes. The officer appeared to doubt that story, noting in his report that no one else had been able to get ahold of the controller.

Bruce Gard, an airport operations officer, told the man, whose name was blacked out of reports provided to the Idaho Statesman after a public records request, that he was “very concerned” about not getting any response from the tower.

“The man seemed to not be concerned and even stopped at the break/lunch room to grab some pizza and a drink before going with the officers up to the main radio area,” Algate wrote in his report. “The man kept saying it was no problem and everything was OK, and this wasn’t a big deal.”

On the way to the tower by an elevator, the officers and Gard reported smelling marijuana coming from the controller. In his report, Morlock described the man’s demeanor as “slow and confused as to what was going on.”

When they reached the tower, the second controller, who name was also blacked out of the reports, was standing near the center of the room. Gard asked him what was going on.

“The individual in the tower seemed very groggy and sluggish, what I would describe as dazed and confused,” Langton wrote in his report. “He responded by saying he hadn’t heard any radios or phones.”

Langton confronted the controller, asking if he had fallen asleep.

“He didn’t respond for a moment, and I asked him again. He then told me he fell asleep,” Langton wrote.

After they left the tower, Gard told the officers the air traffic controller was calling out wrong directions and runways over the radio.

The second controller told officers he was scheduled to relieve the first controller at 3 a.m. During the overnight shift, when air traffic is light, only one controller is on duty at a time, he said.

Officers were unable to find any signs of marijuana on a table or in the trash on the first floor. No other action was taken.

The FAA has declined to provide any details, other than to say an investigation is ongoing.

No incidents were reported as a result of the failure of pilots to reach the tower, which handles takeoffs and landings for planes at the Boise Airport and at Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport in Montana." ... 00313.html

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Re: Idaho rejects legalizing that repulsive & evil mari juana

Post by Barbara »

Readers may well feel polluted after reading even one of these 2 posts.

REMEDY : Agni Parthene "O Pure Virgin", the best by far of all the versions : that by Valaam Monastery Choir.
The devotion to the Most Holy Mother of God rings through the singing.
As it's only around 7 minutes, this arrangement ends all too soon.
Replay as many times as required to regain serenity !

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