Requirements to joining a Monastery?

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Re: Requirements to joining a Monastery?

Post by Barbara »

In contemporary America, people have become so narcissistic in many cases that I could imagine an average American snidely retorting to the above Abbot, "Plant them yourself !" Said not as a joke but with ill-concealed fury that an authority would dare tell that person to do a task.

Of course, an Orthodox individual considering monasticism would assumedly be a far more humble type. But this belligerence is so pervasive today that it could infect candidates for monasticism as well.

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Re: Requirements to joining a Monastery?

Post by Maria »

Living Orthodoxy has been compared to Marine boot camp. This is its appeal to men who are truly men. It is a great test of a man's virility precisely because of the heroism where Christ, True God and True Man, calls us to follow Him, and not only to follow Him, but also to accept His Cross and to die with Him. This requires death to oneself in order to rise with Christ.

Whereas in the Marine Corps, men are called to sacrifice their very life for their country, in Holy Orthodoxy, men are called to sacrifice their very life for Christ our God. This is not suicide, let's be clear about this. Offering one's life for another is a manly virtue that is often not understood by women. Whereas a woman bears life into the world, a true man is willing to offer his very life so that his wife and their child might live. This is the ultimate sacrifice of love. And yes, we see heroic women who refuse abortion even in the face of death (cancer) in order to bring a child into the world. Through Christ's life, love, and death, True Life came into the world. And we are all called to follow Him.

At Holy Baptism, the newly baptized is led around the font, singing "All of ye who have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ, alleluia" because Baptism is dying to oneself. Similarly, the new monastic and newly married are led around the table with the song of the Holy Martyrs because life is martyrdom, death to oneself.

Hence, Orthodoxy often appeals to men more than women, so that when a man discovers Holy Orthodoxy, his girlfriend or wife may resist and initially come kicking and screaming along with him, or she will refuse like a donkey.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Requirements to joining a Monastery?

Post by Barbara »

Is that right about the obstinate women in the life of a man who wants to become Orthodox ? Are you talking about conversion, Maria ? It does seem that the men often find Orthodoxy first and the women SLOWLY adjust themselves. Though it's not talked about in the conversion stories, the women may offer intense rather than token resistance. The public never hears the true story. At most, that the wife was reluctant. There may be many behind the scenes arguments, however.
That's where the intercession of the Heavenly Queen and appropriate Saints must be invoked to quell those fights, which likely are instigated by the devils to prevent family harmony and the entrance into Orthodoxy of the entire family.

Absolutely fascinating. And beautiful description, Maria. A little tear came to my eye. Please explain more if you feel in the mood.

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