Demonic sprite over Austria

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Demonic sprite over Austria

Post by Maria »

SPRITES AND COSMIC RAYS: Last night, cameras in Czechia recorded a magnificent display of sprites leaping up from a thunderstorm in neighboring Austria. Photographer Martin Popek of Nýdek, Czechia, selected this specimen from many frames he recorded:


Sometimes called "space lightning," sprites are a true space weather phenomenon. They inhabit the upper atmosphere alongside auroras, meteors and noctilucent clouds. Some researchers believe they are linked to cosmic rays: subatomic particles from deep space striking the top of Earth's atmosphere produce secondary electrons that, in turn, could provide the spark that triggers sprites.

The link to cosmic rays is particularly interesting at this time. Despite a brief reduction in cosmic rays last week caused by the sweeping action of a passing CME, cosmic rays are intensifying. For the past two years, space weather balloons have observed a steady increase in deep space radiation penetrating our atmosphere. This increase is largely due to the decline in the solar cycle. Flagging solar wind pressure and weakening sunspot magnetic fields allow more cosmic rays into the inner solar system--a trend which is expected to continue for years to come. These changes could add up to more sprites. for July 22, 2017

NOTE: This demonic image over Austria does not surprise me at all. Just before World War I and during World War II, Austria in collusion with ungodly marxists was martyring Orthodox Christian Priests and monastics. Lord have mercy.

p.s. If this thread detours into politics, I will move any offending posts into the private political forum.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Demonic sprite over Austria

Post by Maria »

With an increase in galactic rays bombarding the earth, due to the approaching solar minimum, we can expect to see earth's core heating up so that there will be more unusual activities, like increased volcanism with more earthquakes, lava and pyroclastic flows, more and stronger earthquake activity especially in the Pacific Rim of Fire and in Turkey, more sprites, and more protons and neutrons hitting the earth.

Perhaps this Demonic sprite is a warning of worse things to come, especially from Germany, Austria, and the E.U.

Will we be plunged into World War III shortly? Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and save us.

Heavenly signs like this trigger fear and insanity in people. Back around the year 600 A.D. Islam was sweeping across the Middle East, Northern Africa, and the Mediterranean, and during that time, the earth was experiencing a very low solar minimum with an associated mini ice age, just like we are beginning to experience. Mini-ice ages give rise to famines and civil unrest due to the increases in volcanic activity, forest fires due to lava flows, and associated massive earthquakes. When plumes of ash and volcanic smoke cover the sky across the globe, the sun's rays cannot warm the earth, this causes global cooling, crop destruction, widespread famine, and worldwide chaos due to roaming bands of criminals and refugees.

Read the accounts of the End Times as told by Jesus Christ and the Church Fathers. They describe these cyclical events. Perhaps we will live through these dire times as did the people in the 600s, during the Bubonic Plague, and in the early 20th century with the rise of Communism. Perhaps the End Times are not yet upon us but will even be worse. Whenever Christ comes again, we must be found ready and welcome Him with repentant hearts.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Demonic sprite over Austria

Post by Barbara »

Ooh ! Wow, scary. Thanks for this pic and info and especially your interpretation, Maria. That is alarming to consider the sun's rays not being able to reach the earth's surface due to the plumes of ash. I never had imagined that possibility. God Forbid, it never occurs, or anything else close to it. We need that sun nice and warm in a healthy way !

Do you have more info about the Austrians' ill treatment of Orthodox Priests ? I can imagine that once the East Bloc came into existence, the Austrians might have been influenced by fear of the Soviet bear occupying all the neighboring lands.
However, the Austrians were supposed to have started a large prayer procession which was credited with the sudden withdrawal of Soviet troops after WWII ended. Otherwise, Austria would have been occupied in the same manner that Eastern European countries endured for tortuous decades. Austria remained fairly neutral and not powerful, but at least it was not physically occupied by the Red Army - and armies of commissars, etc.

Well, could the sprite be related to the activity online of ... a certain ryassaphore nun en Autriche ?

Last edited by Barbara on Wed 26 July 2017 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Demonic sprite over Austria

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Ooh ! Wow, scary. Thanks for this pic and info and especially your interpretation, Maria. That is alarming to consider the sun's rays not being able to reach the earth's surface due to the plumes of ash. I never had imagined that possibility. God Forbid, it never occurs, or anything else close to it. We need that sun nice and warm in a healthy way !

Well, could the sprite be related to the activity online of ... a certain ryassaphore nun en Autriche ?

Most likely, yes. The devil has been dancing with glee over this particular nun's arrogance and disobedience. However, should we be surprised? Didn't she leave Lestonac to pursue her advanced studies, which is leading to her loss of salvation?

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Demonic sprite over Austria

Post by Barbara »

Oh - I see, that's why she kept moving away from the French Convent and also Mt of Olives, too. Which one she stayed at, I don't know : St Mary Magdalene or Ascension.
It was not good that she glossed over that time in her recent interview [ with a publication no one has ever heard of ! ] for it raises questions. Maybe she will do a video some day like Brother Nathanael "My Time in A Monastery [s]", complete with footage from Mt Athos rather than the actual monasteries involved ?!!

Well, that same night I heard about all this, I opened my Elder Amvrosy book to a page, and even to the sentence of the great Elder telling a questioner [< = this parallel by itself points up her attempt to be seen as a wise eldress, for it was to a questioner that she replied so repulsively. I don't even know that that questioner was real. I somehow feel a bit of doubt about it. She could have made up the mother "N" and put her as a Byzantine Catholic in order to avoid blame amongst the Orthodox world for the advice she was just hankering to make public. One feels the whole thing was staged so the nun could 'shine' - DARKLY - in the eyes of so many liberals from various jurisdictions, and amongst that targeted audience which would now "Like" her posts and sign up as followers of her facebook page, etc. ]

The real article, St Ambrose of Optina, answered that too much education -- even in that time, the 1860s and 70s -- removes one from Church and God. He felt it was better to spend one's time following the cycle of Church services than to excessively pursue academics. He stated it politely, but it was clear that St Amvrosy felt that science especially was detrimental to advancement in the spiritual life.

That sprite is SO UGLY ! It hurts my eyes to look at.

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