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Post by XPress »

We are a family in financial need.We don't want to lose our home ,it is paid off all we want to do is move it, but we really can't afford it,We are really struggeling trying to make things work.Please pass this on to family and friends so that they can pray for us. Thank you and God Bless all of you. Please read our story at [/url]http://www.canuhelpus.com

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Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

XPress, please tell us more about you. You have posted twice and both times it was a plug for your site, asking for money.

Recently the news covered how people are getting literally thousands of dollars, weekly, off sites like this and they aren't even poor.

If you don't participate and only post such messages I think you could see how people would view you this way. So please. If this is a legit need, let us know by participating and telling us more about you please.


It Is A True Story

Post by XPress »

Nicholas wrote:

XPress, please tell us more about you. You have posted twice and both times it was a plug for your site, asking for money.

Recently the news covered how people are getting literally thousands of dollars, weekly, off sites like this and they aren't even poor.

If you don't participate and only post such messages I think you could see how people would view you this way. So please. If this is a legit need, let us know by participating and telling us more about you please.

This is really a true story we are a family in need of help, We haven't received any money from our website. We are not trying to get rich just trying to live with a few less worries in our lives. We live on a fixed income and it barely pays our bills each month. We would like to thank everyone for their support in prayers for us.And we all know that prayers work. God Bless All

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Maybe this is some helphul advice?

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Ty & Carol, people have been doing pretty well at cyberbegging, as the attched article will show you, but to make the money I think you need to sign up for PayPal so people can send money straight from their account to yours safely. Click here to sign up.

Since you are in Arizona, are you going to one of Fr. John McCuen's churches? Definitely ask him to pray for you. Ask others at the parish as well. Very often prayer from the right people can get one out of trouble and into a good situation. Whatever you give to God, he will give you back 100-fold.

If you aren't currently going to one of his churches, here is his contact information:

Holy Archangels Mission 2425 E. THOMAS RD., SUITE 11 PHOENIX, AZ 85016
Telephone: 602/565-2725 Email: frjohnmcc@msn.com
Service Schedule: Vigil Sat. 6PM; Divine Liturgy Sun. 8AM; weekdays feasts 8AM, as announced. All services are in English. This is less than 20 miles away from your P.O. Box!

He also has a church in Tucson, it's St. Germain of Alaska Orthodox Church. That phone number is 480/759-0342

And feel free to join us in other threads here at the boards. God Bless!

P.S. Here's the article I mentioned before:

Send money! 'Cyberbegging' takes hold

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) --They make their pleas for help via the World Wide Web. Some are struggling single moms or recent college graduates loaded down with student loans and maxed-out credit cards. Others are childless couples seeking treatment for infertility. One site even makes a pitch for a cat named Buster.

The tales of woe vary. But the request is the same: They want people to send money via home pages that are becoming a cottage industry on the Web. Skeptical Internet experts have even coined a term for the trend; they call it "cyberbegging."

Take Mandy Aylward, a 23-year-old fashion major and waitress from Chicago who created a Web site earlier this month to try to pay off nearly $30,000 in school and credit-card debt.

So far she says the project has only raised about $160 -- some of it from her mom. But she hasn't lost heart: "I am looking for a generous soul to get me out of a bind," she says.

Brian Nolan, a self-described "real, 26-year-old, kindhearted, hardworking, aspiring paramedic" from Los Angeles County, says he's having more luck. More than $40,000 in debt when he posted his site in November, Nolan says now regularly receives more than $1,000 a week in donations.

"I'm sure I could pay off my own debt someday," Nolan says. "But why not take the help now if I can get it?"

Cyberbegging started gaining momentum late last year after a 29-year-old New Yorker named Karyn Bosnak claimed that members of the public sent enough money to SaveKaryn.com to help pay off more than $20,000 in debt.

A TV producer-turned-"cyber-celebrity" has since signed a publishing contract for her story and expects to finish her book later this year.

Some experts who study the Internet question the claims from Bosnak and others that they're making money from their Web sites.

"I'd like some proof," says Steve Jones, chairman of the communications department at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

'Light' reading

Bosnak, who would respond to questions only by e-mail, declined to offer financial records until her book is out. Nolan provided a bank statement showing weekly deposits to a checking account -- including some from PayPal, an online payment service -- with payments to credit card and student loan companies.

The key to his success, he says, has been creating a site that is visually appealing, updated regularly -- and that makes for "fun, light" reading. Desperate sob stories, he says, tend to be a turnoff to many Web surfers.

Christine Kent, whose cat is featured at SaveBuster.com, agrees, and says a lot of people who've created pages have misunderstood why Bosnak got so much attention.

"Her site is genuinely fun to read," says Kent, a public relations consultant whose own site actually raises money not for herself or Buster, but for a San Francisco nonprofit that helps people with AIDS and other illnesses keep their pets.

Kent says donating money to such sites is like spending money on a magazine, or paying a cover charge to see a band.

"I bet a lot of people thought, 'Hey, she amused me for 10 minutes so I'll send her a couple of bucks,"' she says.

That's exactly why Meg Cadwell, a 23-year-old medical research administrator from Clearwater, Florida, sent a few dollars to both Bosnak and Kent -- though she doubts she will donate on the Web again.

"After something has been done, it loses its novelty," Cadwell says. "People lose interest."

Other ways for bailouts

Financial planner Michelle Hoesly also applauds the "creativity and initiative" of the people who've created the sites.

But she's worried that, too often, people in debt look for someone to bail them out -- "whether it be winning the lottery or having some rich guy or woman step in," says Hoesly, a spokeswoman for the Million Dollar Round Table, an organization of finance professionals.

She says most people would be wiser to change the behavior that got them in debt in the first place -- and then create a plan to pay it off themselves.

Penny Hawkins, a nursing student and mom from Lakewood, Washington, who caused a stir when she posted a site called HelpMeLeaveMyHusband.com, says she's certainly heard that message. (So far, she says she's raised about $2,000 of the $12,000 she needs to pay for tuition and daycare, allowing her to leave her husband, who is aware of her plan.)

One visitor to her site, who said he had financial troubles because of a health problem, wrote: "I didn't go asking for money from strangers to help me. I just had to re-budget my income and bills."

The hate mail got so bad for one suburban Seattle couple, who were seeking help with in vitro fertilization, that they withdrew their Web site.

But many Web surfers, Hawkins says, have been encouraging and regularly track her progress, even if they don't send a donation.

Says Hawkins: "It's really helped motivate me."

Find this article at: http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/internet/0 ... index.html

Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »

I will pray that the Lord's will be done :)

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