The World's Most Radical nun -

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Re: The World's Most Radical nun -

Post by Justice »

I’m thankful that the Eastern Orthodox Church hasn’t had any radicals like “Sister” Teresa infiltrate. The liberal “Christians” like her use the excuse “we’re bypassing canons that don’t make sense”. This just clearly shows that these “Catholics” don’t understand their own doctrines! I think it was Vatican II that made the modern feminists infiltrate the Roman Catholic Church as it gave them a source to back up their arguement.

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Re: The World's Most Radical nun -

Post by Barbara »

Well, not yet. But one can surely assume that some are being groomed to play future sister Teresa roles !
That's why exposing her is instructive. Hopefully, no MORE agents like her anywhere ~
If one looks closer at that second picture, one can see that her eyes are not good or kind but scheming. Her expression looks smug, a characteristic of demon-riddled people.

I bet in all of her talks, there is NEVER a reference to the Savior, Our Lady or any Saint. She is just an imposter.

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Re: The World's Most Radical nun -

Post by Barbara »

As for that election, the Catalan separatists did win. But it remains to be seen what Madrid's reaction will be. Already the central Spanish government clamped down hard after the illegal October 1 referendum for Catalan independence.

Interestingly, the rest of Europe is quite alarmed. One of the planks of this sister Teresa's platform is withdrawal of an independent Catalan state from the EU. Coming after the Brexit affair, the EU is alarmed.
Already 3,100 of the most important businesses have shuttered their offices in Barcelona and other cities. This means banks, insurance companies, and large firms. This move occurred quite suddenly, after the October 1st referendum, showing how seriously these companies view the separatist threat. Tourism has taken a nosedive.

Thus, it's good to be aware of this struggle. Certainly, one can expect that sister Teresa is not welcome in many quarters in Europe. Her popularity could be probably described as limited, unlike the rave accounts of liberal Western media.
The type of person applauding her may be someone who dislikes the Catholic Church, or any Church ; almost like an anarchist.

Thus one is aghast to realize that this fake-nun spend an entire MONTH at the Weston Priory. Why was she so sought after by those liberal 'monks' ? And why, when each newspaper account stresses her heavy schedule, allowing for an interview merely a few hours between her trips to different countries -- perhaps at an airport, even -- did she permit the Weston Priory in New England to take up a full month of her time ? Perplexing - like everything else about this distressing creature.

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Re: The World's Most Radical nun -

Post by Barbara »

In one [ outrageous ] interview, false-sister Teresa did mention the Savior. However, here, she invents rather a conversation which trivializes Him. Though - probably merely for the sake of creating a laugh for the magazine's readers - she admits His authority to preside at the Last Judgment, the wayward Benedictine 'nun' clearly regards him as her buddy, who can be joked around with like a garden sprite.

This interview was conducted by a dreadful organization called "United Church" for its magazine this past October.
Neither the interviewer nor the purported nun bother to capitalize the pronoun He when referring to the Savior. Then, too, for all her vaunted English skills, the Catalan separatist advocate fails to have Jesus speak grammatically. He should have said : "No, Teresa, it wasn't I".

In fact with such radical stands, one might rather safely assume that the Savior did NOT call her to become a nun to stridently attack her Church -- calling men's ordination as clergy as 'sinful', as she does in the extract below. Surely it was a demon which gave her the idea to enter a convent and St Benet in particular, which looks quite liberal from a glance at its website.

Hence, what sister Teresa speculated was in fact right : the Savior would tell her "No, Teresa, it wasn't I : it was the Devil who lured you into putting on a nun's habit in order to sabotage religious orders in general and to stir up major trouble on the European political and religious scene."

Note that the only manner in which this imposter nun employs the word sin or sinful pertains to the Catholic Church hierarchy, a convenient punching bag for Freemasons, Protestants, and so many others.

No hint has emerged of her discussing how she worries about saving her soul. Or where her soul will sent after that Judgment chat with her imagined pal, Jesus.

Q How do you reconcile being a feminist with your active role in the Catholic Church, an undeniably patriarchal institution?

A ....If you were to ask me, “Are you sure it was God calling you?” I would say, “Yes, I am existentially sure.” But my intellect tells me I could be deceiving myself.... Sometimes I imagine that when I go to the final judgment and I’m face to face with Jesus, he might say, “No, Teresa. It wasn’t me.” But I will tell him, “Okay. Fair enough. You know better, but I thought it was you. And that was enough for me to give my life to this.” I think he would like this answer.

Q I think he would too. But what about this question of patriarchy?

A I do call my church structurally misogynist. It’s not just a couple of priests here and there or a particular bunch of cardinals. The whole structure needs to be undone. Fully. Because it’s based on clericalism, and clericalism is based on ordination, and only males can be ordained and access the places where decisions are made. I find this completely sinful. ... _forcades/

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