Positive steps to stay healthy

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Re: Positive steps to stay healthy

Post by Barbara »

Yes, that's exactly what I had in mind : those noxious music pieces to which one must listen. Most are jarring and jazzy, therefore terrible for one's soul, jazz being a creation of the dark side. To think that even relatively insipid piano or other classical - sounding pieces can be deleterious. Important to be alert about the potential damage.

Maria, you were smart to not compromise. I have hung up, too, when I just can't stand the blaring "music" a minute longer.
This must be the REAL reason why it irritates sensitive people so much.

Thank you for this valuable information. If you happen upon any other places where such dark messages are lurking, be sure to let us know !

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Russians & Greeks know that onions prevent flu and cold infections

Post by Maria »

Here is an interesting article on onions.

Whenever anyone is sick in a Greek family, the Greeks will stir fry onions and garlic in olive oil, and then they will put this delicious mixture all over the feet, wrap the feet in plastic, and then put a sock over it all to hold it in place. This is done every night and the person can actually taste the sweet onions while they sleep.

Russians know the value of onions and garlic in preventing colds and the flu as they use these two vegetables to make hot soups.

https://healthybliss.net/healing-power- ... s-and-flu/

This is not a new idea. Onions were used by certain individuals in Europe to successfully fight off the plague in the early 1900’s. Ayurvedic medicine has been using an onion poultice for the chest or feet to cure coughs, fevers and flus for centuries. They also use the onion poultice to reduce pain and inflammation in the joints. Homeopathic doctors also use the healing power of onions to heal from viruses and illness. ... in the North American Hutterite community ... it is common practice to place onions in their homes during winter flu season and to use cut onions in the room of an ill person to relieve their symptoms quickly and naturally. ...

To read the entire article, please click the link above.

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Root canals can lead to cancer and even depression

Post by Maria »

Many times a root canal procedure if not done properly can lead to depression or worse, cancer.

Here is a chart that explains how teeth can affect the rest of the body. This chart was done by a German doctor and is not from the Orient.

http://toothbody.com/learning-center/me ... oth-chart/

http://www.naturalworldhealing. com/Dentalinfo/toothorganchart.htm

My husband has had at least three or four root canaled teeth removed because of the systemic infections they had caused. When these teeth were removed he felt so much better physically and mentally because these systemic infections disturbed his sleep, gave him fevers, and caused much pain.

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Root canals can lead to cancer and even depression

Post by Barbara »

I was able to look at the 1st link, which is fascinating ! I had not known much if anything about the meridians' connections to various teeth. I had vaguely heard of this idea years ago, but had completely forgotten. Great find !

Now, Maria, did you say that Xenios was vastly IMPROVED after his root canals ? I am glad if it's so.
But my impression is quite different. Root canals were found in the 1920s to be nightmarishly dangerous by a shrewd dental practitioner named Dr Weston Price. He is well known figure in alternative circles, but is of course far from a household name. We easily understand that his work was fought vociferously by official dental channels, in fact up to this day. Thank goodness his findings have survived.

I 1st heard of him myself when researching adrenal fatigue. This very common - if not epidemic - problem in America is thought to be related in some cases to an immune system drain caused by mercury in the notorious "amalgam" fillings.
After reading that paragraph, I insisted my dentist remove the only such filling I had. He resisted "It's not necessary", but when I pressed, finally agreed. Sure enough, under the "amalgam" was - the beginning of a tiny infection !

I recommend everyone who still has any mercury fillings to get them out immediately !

As for root canals, they do more harm than good.

"The toxicity of root canals was disclosed by Mayo’s Clinic and Dr. Weston Price jointly back in about 1910. Close to a century ago. Price’s textbook on root canals, published in 1922, upset the dental associations at that time, and still does today. The American Dental Association (ADA), denies his findings and claims that they have proven root canals to be safe; however, no published data from the ADA is available to confirm this statement. Statements, but no actual research....

Dr. Weston Price, despite being one century ahead of his colleagues, was absolutely correct in determining that bacteria-laden root canals have no place in the body of people interested in their health. This toxic waste spill can be stopped, but not with the assistance of dental associations, which continue to insist that the procedure of root canals is perfectly safe. The recent increase in suggested quota up to sixty million root canals per year is not in the best interest of their patients, nor can that action do anything but increase health costs for the innocent patient.

Price was right. Root canals are not worth the price."

Read the full explanation here :

https://www.westonaprice.org/health-top ... l-dangers/

PS - Not only the problems mentioned by Maria in the subject line, but the above article shows that heart attacks are linked with root canals. It's all very sobering.
Best where at all possible to avoid dentists, except for cleanings, as far as I can determine.

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Root canals can lead to cancer and even depression

Post by Maria »

Barbara, please read my post again.

Xenios improved after all his root canaled teeth were REMOVED.

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Root canals can lead to cancer and even depression

Post by Barbara »

Oh, good. I am glad to hear that. I was confused because I assumed that a 'root-canaled tooth' meant one which NEEDED a root canal operation. I have never had one, so I am unfamiliar with even what they are. It sounded like the canals were acting up, so required to be removed.
Now, reading it again, I see what you meant, that the teeth had already had the operation but caused massive trouble for Xenios.

We can conclude, then, that the only solution is to remove the teeth altogether when such an operation goes wrong.

I am wondering what the ideal solution would be to the original problem ? Instead of today's dental standard procedure, what can one do ? The article I referenced didn't encompass that question. It's quite interesting how brainwashed we all are that there is only one option : that which a certain profession decides is the right one.

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Root canals can lead to cancer, diabetes, and even cancer

Post by Maria »

See this free seminar before it is over. Monday, March 19, starting at 10 AM EDT is encore day when all the videos will be played.

http://holisticoralhealthsummit.com/exp ... k-mcclure/

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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