World Orthodoxy - modernism, changing praxis, and ecumenism

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World Orthodoxy - modernism, changing praxis, and ecumenism

Post by Barbara »

That picture was SO irritating to look at, SO DARK ! - that I felt compelled to see who on earth this was.
It's someone calling himself Bishop Anthony [Michaels]. Now you may laugh at me, but compare this person with Abp Gregory of Colorado, and suddenly criticisms of the latter dwindle in the face of such a laughingstock of a "bishop". This Auxiliary Bishop Anthony of Toledo, Ohio [not Spain] looks like an American actor struggling hard to present himself in the role of an Eastern Bishop.

The priest pictured on the same website page wrote about himself :

Fr. Ignatius and his wife Kh. Maria have four children and assorted pets. He loves history, theology, archaeology, Celtic music, exploring caves, watching stars, waterfalls and geysers. Some of his favorite authors include C. S. Lewis and Edgar Allan Poe. He enjoys watching Alfred Hitchcock movies.... Fr. Ignatius likes to collect ancient coins: Roman, Greek.... Byzantine, etc., and will gladly talk about them to anyone who feigns interest.

I think Fr Ignatius meant "anyone who evinces interest", unless he was really trying to make a joke at his own expense, ie. that anyone faking curiosity would be the recipient of an hour long monologue about the early 3rd century Roman Empire denarii.

Why I copied this paragraph is that I am appalled that a priest would even consider reading morbid Edgar Allan Poe poems. "Quoth the raven nevermore" is all I remember off hand, but this author, while famous, is an example of the trash that American students are required to study. What possible benefit to the soul is there in delving into the depths of Hell via Poe's evil consciousness through his macabre writings ? Why would English teachers force students to read these essentially horror tales ? But much worse - why would an Antiochian priest claim to ENJOY them ? Odd that in only a few sentences summing up his church career and personal tastes, Fr Ignatius included this dubious information -- while he did not even mention his last name.

I won't even start on the Alfred Hitchcock movies in this regard. I had to take a class which intensively studied them, so I well remember how creepy most of his films were. What kind of people are entering the World Orthodox clergy these days - ? We may need to examine that specific reason as the key to the alarming trend to modern American dress, hair and beard styles.

The picture of bp Anthony [Michaels] exudes not a hint of ascetic striving. The beardlessness in particular removes any sense of the holy about him. In fact, ouch ! My eyes hurt gazing at him more than a minute or two to analyze. I think I will end here for the moment.

Really good thread, though> I am sorry I had missed it back in 2016. Thanks Matthew, wherever you are, for those great starting posts.

Bishop Irineos, do you mean that the World Orthodox clergy go around on the street wearing jeans ? That is atrocious.

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Re: Why Priests and Monastics Should Not Wear Secular Clothing

Post by Cyprian »

I do not see why anyone is so shocked or surprised. This is the state of graceless "World Orthodoxy". This Bp. Anthony of the Antiochians was with Abp. Demetrios of the Greek Archdiocese and Met. Tikhon of the OCA at the funeral of Antichrist's Ambassador, Billy Graham.

Follow the link and read the impious and ungodly prayer Met. Tikhon offered publicly for Billy Graham (an arch-heretic) at the meal for the guests of the funeral.

Metropolitan Tikhon represents OCA at funeral of Rev. Billy Graham ... lly-graham

All three of these bishops are accursed heretics, but I do not understand why people are so shocked, as this is nothing really new, but this type of behavior has been going on for several decades. There is obviously no grace to be found in them.
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Re: Why Priests and Monastics Should Not Wear Secular Clothing

Post by Barbara »

Good research to find that out ! Cyprian, I saw on your page of facebook a sound denunciation of Billy Graham. I recall a Biblical quotation to the effect that when everyone praises someone, it means he is working for the devil [ or like that ]. Can you tell us more about WHY Graham was so awful ? I can certainly FEEL it, but I never wanted to look at him for even a second, let alone listen to him. So I have no idea what he talked about. Some sort protestant preacher.

Truly ! That is APPALLING that ANY Orthodox bishop would attend such a person's funeral. So disappointing that they have so miniscule discernment.

Then the OCA Met. offered a PRAYER for this Graham - tempting to add 'cracker' but I won't. That is beyond belief.
Why didn't the OCA depose this fairly newly elected metropolitan immediately ? At least former OCA Met Jonah [Paffhausen] would not have participated in such a spectacle --- I guess. Though I don't know that for sure.

Oops, sorry Maria. I guess we need a new Graham thread.

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Re: World Orthodoxy - modernism, changing praxis, and ecumenism

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Good research to find that out ! Cyprian, I saw on your page of facebook a sound denunciation of Billy Graham. I recall a Biblical quotation to the effect that when everyone praises someone, it means he is working for the devil [ or like that ]. Can you tell us more about WHY Graham was so awful ? I can certainly FEEL it, but I never wanted to look at him for even a second, let alone listen to him. So I have no idea what he talked about. Some sort protestant preacher.

Truly ! That is APPALLING that ANY Orthodox bishop would attend such a person's funeral. So disappointing that they have so miniscule discernment.

Then the OCA Met. offered a PRAYER for this Graham - tempting to add 'cracker' but I won't. That is beyond belief.
Why didn't the OCA depose this fairly newly elected metropolitan immediately ? At least former OCA Met Jonah [Paffhausen] would not have participated in such a spectacle --- I guess. Though I don't know that for sure.

Oops, sorry Maria. I guess we need a new Graham thread.

Met. Jonah is now with the ROCOR-MP, which has been concelebrating with the OCA.

This thread is hopelessly all over the place, thus, I have split these three post and placed this new thread in World Orthodoxy.
Original thread = ... 75&start=7


Have fun.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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