British Royals wear tasteless hats

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British Royals wear tasteless hats

Post by Barbara »

Couldn't they do any better with their high wardrobe budget ?- !
The fake media will be raving about their elegant head attire, but to me both ensembles look bizarre.
What does anyone else think ?


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Re: British Royals wear tasteless hats

Post by Justice »

Barbara wrote:

Couldn't they do any better with their high wardrobe budget ?- !
The fake media will be raving about their elegant head attire, but to me both ensembles look bizarre.
What does anyone else think ?


The British have always worn silly hats to weddings. I do like Prince harry's uniform as it reminds me of a uniform that Czar Nicholas II would wear.

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Re: British Royals wear tasteless hats

Post by Barbara »

Well, surely harry's uniform was modeled after those of the line of Windsor monarchs.
But if we go bac to George V, though outwardly, this monarch appeared resplendent, his face looks nothing like "Cousin Nicky", the Tsar. Have you ever noticed the remarkable difference between them ? Nicholas II looked every bit the Tsar in HIS uniform, but "Georges Cinq" [ the name of a top Paris hotel ] just doesn't measure up.
Thus, harry does even LESS, in my opinion ! Harry looks sloppy to my eyes.

England's George V, 2nd son of Edward VII, who in turn was the eldest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.
It was George V who changed the dynasty's name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha during World War I. He wooed the future Queen Marie of Romania, but was turned down ; he settled for May of Teck. It's interesting that - my own observation - had George married Marie, granddaughter of Tsar Alexander II, Russian blood would have filtered down to the current crop of English royals.
As it was, the closest George got to Russia was attendance at Tsar Alexander III's wedding and the subsequent marriage of his 1st cousin "Nicky" in St Petersburg. UNFORTUNATELY no amount of socializing with 'the cousins' led George to grant the Russian Royals refuge in England after the Bolshevik revolution, thus contributing to their sad and terrible demises at the hands of soulless diabolical creatures.

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Re: British Royals wear tasteless hats

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Couldn't they do any better with their high wardrobe budget ?- !
The fake media will be raving about their elegant head attire, but to me both ensembles look bizarre.
What does anyone else think ?


What was this setting of this picture? Wedding, race?

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: British Royals wear tasteless hats

Post by Barbara »

Wasn't sure, so I looked it up.

Seems that this was the hat Kate wore to the 'wedding' which is roughly similar but different color, so it must have at some earlier occasion. Note the difference in Kate's appearance. Maybe some months before.
Looking through the wedding hat - related photos, I am astonished at how ugly ALL of the millinery creations are.
Look at Camilla's [ left of Kate ]. Again, absolutely tasteless.

IF ONLY all of that money could have spent on a good cause instead !! For example, donated to Mt Athos monastics and sending medicines to Valaam [ see ... 12&t=11993 ] and elsewhere.

Many around the world are complaining bitterly about the exorbitant cost of this wedding overall, pointing out that homelessness in Britain has soared to shocking levels. Apparently, the statistics are up around 138 % over previous years. I had no idea that this 'sleeping rough' as the English term it, is anywhere near that bad in the UK>


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Re: British Royals wear tasteless hats

Post by Maria »

The styles of worldly fashions are not something that should concern us.

Instead, we should be unceasingly praying to God that we and our loved one should be saved.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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