Conspiracies and Secret Societies

This forum is for polite discussion of political and social topics that may be uncomfortable for inquirers and some members. This includes anything politically charged, conspiracy theories, and/or end-times theories. All Forum Rules apply.

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Orthodox in Michigan
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Conspiracies and Secret Societies

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

I feel cyprian has a valid point i dont like to speculate on why what they call conspiracy theories is really conspiracy or fact , if the book morals and dogma by albert pike is a correct masonic play book then i could speculate that the regional jocking and nato and russian federation fencing may be leading up to a planed world war 3 as predicted to be a catalyst
for bringing in the chaos needed to unify the world.

They may all very well just playing their actor roles fooling the world and the black magicians of the ruling elite guide things with their hidden hand.

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Re: Political Schism: Communion Ruptured between MP and EP

Post by Maria »

Orthodox in michigan wrote:

I feel cyprian has a valid point i dont like to speculate on why what they call conspiracy theories is really conspiracy or fact , if the book morals and dogma by albert pike is a correct masonic play book then i could speculate that the regional jocking and nato and russian federation fencing may be leading up to a planed world war 3 as predicted to be a catalyst
for bringing in the chaos needed to unify the world.

They may all very well just playing their actor roles fooling the world and the black magicians of the ruling elite guide things with their hidden hand.

Interestingly, the term "conspiracy theory" was formulated by the Deep State CIA.

Nevertheless, the owner of this board has stated that he wants all "conspiracy theories" placed in the Private Political Forum because there are some weird conspiracy theories about aliens and UFOs, and I have seen some of these now debunked UFO pictures that have been photoshopped. For example, there was a moon shot showing a bunch of dots floating over it. Looking at the pattern, it was a gif created by photoshopping.

What is a conspiracy? It is a group of people, usually men, who plan a series of illegal events to accomplish their planned outcome, much like Albert Pike, Adam Weishaupt, et al.

For example, the Democrats along with the CIA have a plan to derail, delay and demoralize Brett Kavanaugh so that he will become unemployed and penniless. This is immoral, but to them, the end justify the means. They will do anything including assassinating Judge Kavanaugh so that he does not become a Justice in the Supreme Court. Currently, he is under protection, as his life and that of his wife and children have been threatened.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Conspiracies and Secret Societies

Post by Barbara »

That's funny you mentioned spaceships, Maria. My worker was telling me very seriously that he saw a very large one hovering over his house while growing up in western Mexico -- just this evening ! I didn't really believe it, since anyone can mix up pictures they have seen with imagining that they themselves saw such a phenomenon. He insisted there were windows with lights streaming out, as it was nighttime. I still didn't believe it [ though I diplomatically did not express my skepticism ]. I disbelieve in the entire UFO industry.

So what kind of conspiracies did you mean ? About the methods used to persuade the world that UFO's exist ? Or about humans being kidnapped by purported aliens ? Or some other type of conspiracy ? Not too important, but to clarify what you meant.

And what is the story with this Justice ? Is he actually a good person ? I don't know myself, am just seeking information to counterbalance the media onslaught [ which I didn't read but merely saw a headline or two ].

Or mainly the perceived problem is that he is a Republican when so many democrats and leftists have been permitted to take over the Supreme Court ?
Why is there such an intensive campaign to slander him ? What does he have to offer, do you estimate, that those forces want to squelch ?

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