Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh vs. Ford, 9/27/2018

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Re: Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh vs. Ford, 9/27/2018

Post by Maria »

I didn't understand a lot of that, since I am not following the case. But a "Mr Flake" is involved - ?!!

  • You meant MSNBC : you were clearly thinking of the Mainstream Media and wrote that acronym instead !

  • Yahoo is controlled by MI-6 where guggl and Gmail are controlled by American intelligence ? Why is that ? Yahoo was bought out by someone not too long ago. Is the new owner British ?
    Why would MI-6 be working through Yahoo and not the other email services ?

  • Is Kavanaugh an Irish name ?[/color]

Yes, believe it or not, Senator Flake from Arizona is a flake. He says that
he is a Republican but votes Democratic just as his buddy, McCain did.
He is conveniently retiring and not running for re-election. Thank God.

I corrected the misspelling. Yes, I was thinking of MSM when I wrote MSNBC.

I suspect that GMX is now owned and operated by German Intelligence.
Just a thought. It was recently purchased by a German company.

Most of our email services are run by intelligence operators because they can read all our emails.
Therefore, gmail and Google are part of the CIA, and they can read your emails.
Yahoo has mainly Canadian and UK news. Yahoo is working with the UK's MI-6 spy operation.
There are lots of email services who spy on us. Even hushmail appears to be run by the Canadian snoops.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh vs. Ford, 9/27/2018

Post by Maria »


Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh vs. Ford, 9/27/2018

Post by Maria »

Kavanaugh is Scot-Irish.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh vs. Ford, 9/27/2018

Post by Barbara »

I didn't see your earlier reply, sorry !

Eww, that is scary about how 'they' can read all our emails. Probably no one really does read them like we imagine.
Don't you think that they are stored somewhere so that if there is some reason to check on a person, then that file is pulled up and looked through here and there ? Only a person of major interest - such as, I guess, someone being groomed for an Illu. star role - might have their emails combed through carefully for blackmail/control purposes ?

Hushmail is a project of the Mounties - ?! Oh no, even the smaller email providers are not safe.
Still, I would rather have a Canadian spy agency operating emails than a thorough German one ! Maybe that's why I immensely disliked the name of GMZ the minute I heard of it. I mean, with an x at the end.

The picture did not show up on my screen, but I will check it again later.

Scottish-Irish background ? He is Catholic ? Or not ?
I did see a picture when passing by mistake the main Yahoo page of his accuser. She looked frightening to me, if I am thinking of the right person. {I am still very unfamiliar with this story, as you can tell}.

That's a riot, Senator Flake ! I thought maybe it was a typo. Glad that party will no longer be active in congress.
McCain always seemed a complete phony, but I didn't know he voted democratic ! I was so glad he was not elected president.
But the alternative candidates for the last century at least are always either just as bad - or far worse.

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