Forget kibbles: US sales of fresh pet food are soaring

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Forget kibbles: US sales of fresh pet food are soaring

Post by Maria »

By The Associated Press April 3, 2019 12:07 pm


U.S. pet owners are increasingly feeding fresh food to their dogs and cats. Some order pre-proportioned meals of meat and vegetables or frozen raw meat online. Others find them in refrigerators at big retailers like Walmart.

Later this spring, Petco and its partner, California-based JustFoodForDogs, will open a kitchen at its flagship store in New York where it expects to make 2,000 pounds of fresh pet food every day. ... ... g/slide/1/

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Re: Forget kibbles: US sales of fresh pet food are soaring

Post by Barbara »

It's great you brought up this vital topic. Pet foods, whether in cans or dry [ kibble ] form by any of the main brands are nightmares. I discovered this years ago and promptly took every can I had of Friskies to the recycling center, which re-directed me to the animal shelter, since the cans were unopened and rescue animals could eat.

Something in that Friskies sauce is irresistible for animals, but the actual components ? Not too far off from the horrific list that OrthodoxinMichigan posted regarding the contents of vaccines.

Friskies was a backup, not my favored brand, but even the best canned pet foods are not so great.

Real [ human ] food - cooked from scratch and served fresh - is the best choice of all for animals in my opinion.
However grapes, seen in this picture, are supposed to be off limits for cats, though this caveat may only apply to non-organic grapes. The thought being that regular grocery store table grapes are loaded with pesticides which the cat's small system can not tolerate. Bread also is not a wise idea, though once in awhile healthy bread is probably OK.
Meat, wild caught fish - NEVER farmed salmon - and greens with some condiments, however, seem to me to be the optimal diet for carnivores ; perhaps a little dairy too, to give them calcium.

I haven't been sure about this pre-made fresh food. It's the type in the plastic rolls in the small freezers, right ? Anyone here feed their pets with this ? [ I have to read the rest of the article. Maybe there are newer types of pet fresh food available now, since the article talks about proportioned meats and vegetables. ]

I know there is a big push for giving pets raw meat, but that sounds so unappealing. Or else 'sashimi', raw fish. I feel skeptical about that concept, and also worry that bacteria could abound in the uncooked meats/salmon. Too risky sounding for me, but again, have any readers here tried that out ?

PS - I found a kibble that I think is the best available now that the Natura Pet line went out of business. So not all kibble is bad, but ... NEARLY ALL is frighteningly unhealthy for one's beloved pets.

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Orthodox in Michigan
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Re: Forget kibbles: US sales of fresh pet food are soaring

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

I have heard good things about origen cat/ dog food I usually get that!

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