Abramovic, Spirit Cooking, and the Red Serbian Patriarch

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Abramovic, Spirit Cooking, and the Red Serbian Patriarch

Post by Maria »

BEWARE: This video deals with the Luciferians and one of their leaders, Ms. Abramovic whose parents were Serbian Orthodox. Skip to 16:12 on this video, which deals with Ms. Abramovic. What can lead a person to sell her soul to the devil?

Note that the ROCOR was in communion with the Serbian Patriarch during WWII and thereafter. People have been asking why the ROCOR has remained in communion with the Serbians.

Back in 2009, I had a personal chat with the western bishop of the Serbians about the loss of faith of the Serbians. He said it was tragic and that the youth were heavily influenced by ungodly music from the USA, and that is why they were deeply into drugs and alcohol. Now we know that the UK-USA music industry is heavily involved with the CIA and MI6 MK-Ultra programs, Satanism, and pedophilia.

I have placed this post in Political and Social Issues because of the very disturbing content of this video. Ms. Abramovic is connected with the notorious Jeffrey Epstein pedophilia case now in the courts.

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Re: Abramovic, Spirit Cooking, and the Red Serbian Patriarch

Post by Barbara »

I don't even begin to understand all this and the implications of this demonic creature's Abramovic's game.
But one thing is sure : the shocking news that her uncle was the usually-esteemed Patriarch Varnava [ I never did really catch his last name in the world ] shook me to the core.

THEN, what Maria points out in her title, that Abramovic's parents were PARTISANS. That means Communists working for Josip Broz Tito. I was planning for a long time to post more about this filthy creature and the - to me - heroic General D. Mihailovic. This plus another comment I saw last night from a pro-Mihailovic Serbian woman make me want to reexamine all this murky era of WW2 and post WW2 Yugoslavia.
I did start on that, showing the same thing as the latter woman : how treacherous the British were : making excuses to support Tito and withdraw help from Mihailovic, who the Brits had originally backed.

NEVER TRUST BRITISH - AND SOVIET - FOREIGN POLICY, ever ! Hand in glove with American foreign policy, all are and have been directed by this same bunch as probably described in the clip [ I didn't see those parts - thank goodness ! ].

So what about Patriarch Varnava ? I thought he was not even that supportive of Rocor. He helped only a little, giving the tiny Church that became Holy Trinity for Rocor's use but not really standing up to the MP as I recall on behalf of Rocor.

Somehow Pat. Varnava got too highly touted as some rescuer of Rocor. When he could have done TONS more --
I'd like to investigate this subject MUCH more. Who WAS Varnava really ? What was the truth about his dealings with Metropolitan Anthony and Rocor ?
Was Varnava helping the Reds as Maria implies here ? A double agent maybe ?

I think it's bad news that Rocor has felt a necessity to put on the "Brother Slav" chumly demeanor all these years vis a vis the Serbian Patriarchate. They really have little in common, in truth. Look at the liberal stances of the same Bp Maxim. He seems more like an EP figure or somewhere out there.

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Re: Abramovic, Spirit Cooking, and the Red Serbian Patriarch

Post by Barbara »

I looked this up and on Patriarch Varnava [Rosic's] wikipedia summary, it points out annoyingly that he was the great uncle rather than the uncle of the evil Adamovic.

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Re: Abramovic, Spirit Cooking, and the Red Serbian Patriarch

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

I looked this up and on Patriarch Varnava [Rosic's] wikipedia summary, it points out annoyingly that he was the great uncle rather than the uncle of the evil Adamovic.

Can we trust Wikipedia? The data there can change every hour, and it is monitored by anti-christian elites who provide disinformation.

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Re: Abramovic, Spirit Cooking, and the Red Serbian Patriarch

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

Seems like this type of witchcraft and people involved have been in families and generational practioners.

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Re: Abramovic, Spirit Cooking, and the Red Serbian Patriarch

Post by Barbara »

Yes, both Maria and Orthodox.Too bad there isn't a really independent encyclopedia.

Fascinating observation about the generational quality of this scary stuff. I am too scared to even find out what Abramovic actually does !
What is "cooking spirits" ?

Shudder to imagine.

Orthodox, are you hinting at the possibility that Pat. Varnava was right from this same mold ? I never liked him, honestly. Could THIS be WHY ?

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Re: Abramovic, Spirit Cooking, and the Red Serbian Patriarch

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

Marina was born in Serbia in 1946. And for the first six years of her life, lived with her very religious grandmother. According to Marina’s claims, her grandmother belonged to the Orthodox Church and had a liking for ditching out punishments in the form of whipping. There were also, according to Marina, other rituals that included ‘drawing blood’.

I copied this looking up information and if this is true appears her religious orthodox grandmother was a practicing witch. This stuff is very disturbing and i could only speculate about her and her family , sounds very evil to me.

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