About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

Update : Sister Vassa is now marketing usb sticks of her talks, complete with her "Coffee With Sister Vassa" name emblazoned on them :

That is interesting Barbra i went to this page and noticed in her picture it appears as her holding her hands together it the fourm of a triangle, the angle in not very good though.

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

Barbara wrote:

Having happily forgotten about sister Vassa all this time, I caught a video interview she conducted of Abbot Tryphon of the Vashon Island Monastery near Seattle.

I was not at all sorry to see Fr John Whiteford, also of Rocor-MP, intervene on Abbot Tryphon's facebook announcement of the "Saturday morning live" production. Fr Whiteford wrote, right to the point

"I don't believe our bishops have given any blessing to Sister Vassa's online ministry. I would like to see the Ukaz or epistle expressing any such blessing."
https://www.facebook.com/Abbot-Tryphon- ... 584153681/

Other posters seemingly agreed, writing "Disappointment", and questioning whether she was legitimately calling herself a nun of her Church. Fr Tryphon hastened to assure the questioner that sister Vassa is a nun in good standing in Rocor-MP.
Another commentator issued more pithy remarks about the ryassophore nun's stated moral stance on teens vis a vis homosexual situations, and her purported support for women's ordination to the priesthood.

Great to see that not every observer is fooled by the normally smooth-talking phony celebrity. Here, however, sister Vassa stumbled around in her delivery, something one could expect from me if I were giving a talk on camera ! But not from the seasoned media personality, the Very Important Nun...

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Barbara »

Aha, what would you make out of that, OrthodoxinMichigan ?
I went to look at that picture and didn't remember seeing it. At 1st glance, I assumed she is doing that trendy use of hands to form a so-called heart. That image is corny and overdone ; that's why I say 'so-called'.

Also, the nun is looking strange in that picture, as though suddenly much older than her years. I wonder what happened ?
She has a distinctly sad ambiance. [ Hardly a good advertisement to sell her wares... ]

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

Barbara wrote:

Aha, what would you make out of that, OrthodoxinMichigan ?
I went to look at that picture and didn't remember seeing it. At 1st glance, I assumed she is doing that trendy use of hands to form a so-called heart. That image is corny and overdone ; that's why I say 'so-called'.

Also, the nun is looking strange in that picture, as though suddenly much older than her years. I wonder what happened ?
She has a distinctly sad ambiance. [ Hardly a good advertisement to sell her wares... ]

https://www.thecut.com/2016/07/donald-t ... ymbol.html

Could it be the same thing that is seen done by most celebrities, sports athletes, and media personalities, ? Or just a trendy way to pose ?

Forgive me for the title of the link i posted , it just happened to strike what i seen as similar int the photo of Sister vassa , the repetition of it is very noticeable.

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Barbara »

That's a sharp eye, Orthodox in Michigan ! I just noticed that you spaced out the words in your user name.
Appalling about the many times that symbol appeared in the stance of someone who should exude respectability but is playing a little kids' game - ?
I don't know what to think but it's a shocker.

That parallel is even more bizarre - what on earth could this mean about Sister Vassa ?
After all, it seems that that is not really a common way for a nun to sit and hold her hands. The picture strikes me as looking like a tormented teenager posing for the cover of a blog about self-reflection or how to make an important life changing decision as an adult.

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Barbara »

I just realized that the picture to which Orthodox in Michigan linked is the cover banner for sister Vassa's site ! I had pictured it as just a side page of little importance. Hmm.

Well, to soothe one's eyes after such strange things, here is a restful religious-associated scene.
Today being the Day of the Valaam Mother of God Icon, I happened upon this pretty tea mug titled "Valaam Skete".
See the lower picture to view the entire picture, which wraps around the mug.



https://society6.com/product/skete-on-v ... p30a27v199

One wonders why sister Vassa needed to feature herself on coffee mugs instead of lovely pictures like this. One feels the monastic spirit just by looking at the skete surrounded by verdure. She should SHOW this to her followers, not aggrandize herself.

Update : it seems as though Sister Vassa has taken the coffee mugs off her online gift shop. Perhaps they are out of stock, OR her Bishops stepped in to put on the brakes on this marketing endeavor.

Conclusion : the nun card is way overplayed by 'Sister Vassa Productions'. In addition to the other problems mentioned on this thread and elsewhere, the widespread use of cartoons make one feel that monasticism is being trivialized or turned into a light joke to make her audience chuckle.

Note : these sensibly are sold in 2 sizes, 11 inches and 15 inches, to allow for comfort for different customers. These are priced reasonably.

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

Barbara wrote:That's a sharp eye, Orthodox in Michigan ! I just noticed that you spaced out the words in your user name.
Appalling about the many times that symbol appeared in the stance of someone who should exude respectability but is playing a little kids' game - ?
I don't know what to think but it's a shocker.

That parallel is even more bizarre - what on earth could this mean about Sister Vassa ?
After all, it seems that that is not really a common way for a nun to sit and hold her hands. The picture strikes me as looking like a tormented teenager posing for the cover of a blog about self-reflection or how to make an important life changing decision as an adult.

Has anyone noticed a change from her original picture to a new one? Maybe the word has gotten to her she is using a Masonic hand sign ???
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