Matrona of Moscow: Distraction from the REAL Saints

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Re: Matrona of Moscow: Distraction from the REAL Saints

Post by SavaBeljovic »

I don't know if it's a mistranslation or not, but with this Matrona of Moskva, I know one thing our dearest brother Nektarios (who is on this forum) pointed out was that Matrona of Moskva has a near identical vita to St. Matrona of Anemnyasevo, who was a Katakombnik and a New Martyr who died in prison in 1936, in fact, the MP will sometimes recognize this: ... d-matronas (the life of St. Matrona of Anemnyasevo) (life of Matrona of Moskva, for side by side comparison)

Besides this, there was an actual woman named Matrona who was born blind, but other than that, almost no details about her life can be corroborated, and most came decades after her repose. Fr. Joseph can tell us more about it but most of the stories of her life didn't get recorded until the 1980s and by people who sometimes didn't even meet her, just second hand accounts. I know Saints accidently being conflated and confused with each other is normal, like in the case of the two Saints named Peter from Damascus, or the two Martyrs Conon and Phocas who were both gardeners, but with Matrona of Moskva, especially as the MP tries to use her as their Paisios the Athonite of "well this Holy Woman wasn't against Sergianism therefore you shouldn't be either", I think the lack of details and confusion is more than likely deliberate. 

Once again as our dearest Father Joseph says, "I think she was canonized as this 'blank slate', so they could make the life around whatever is convenient for them", Need to justify Sergianism? New story from the life of St. Matrona! Need to justify blessing statues of Stalin, well here's a new story from her life where she gave advice to Stalin! Need to justify modernism? So on and so forth...
 p.s. Nektarios also pointed out there is *another* almost contemporary St. Matrona (though yet to be canonized), Blessed Matrona "the bare foot" of St. Petersburg (reposed circa 1910-11), who had also a very similar life to Matrona of Moskva, and this Blessed Matrona of St. Petersburg was apparently venerated by the Royal Martyrs. Which adds more confusion to this whole matter.

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Re: Matrona of Moscow: Distraction from the REAL Saints

Post by Barbara »

Good for you, eish ! Thanks for confirming that's what was actually written. The term did sound strangely modern.

I hate to think but maybe in a few years, the MP will advertise Matronushka's feats : "This dazzling wonderworker will match you up with your
significant other" < even worse term !

She will evolve into a new Orthodox alternative to a 'dating site'. Perhaps parish priests will be recommending that way to meet husbands or wives as a safer route than the dating site mill, full of liars and sociopaths.

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Re: Matrona of Moscow: Distraction from the REAL Saints

Post by Barbara »

Sava, great summation ! [ You mean Nektarios Lopez, right ? He is too quiet, he should speak up more here ! ]

There may never have been a real Matrona of Moscow as a holy figure, it seems like -? Only a regular laywoman.
I remember seeing some of these other Matronas listed in calendars, so I know it is probably so vague that SOMEBODY decided to capitalize on the confusion by playing the game "Invent-a-Saint".


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