A Republic not a democracy

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A Republic not a democracy

Post by Wheeler »

In this election period, it is important to know what we are to vote for. There is a lot of deception out there and Christians should not be deceived. Hosea says "My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge". (Not for the lack of prayer). Knowledge is important. Eve was deceived. God warns us many times throughout scripture, Do not be deceived. I have put up the classical meaning of a republic on this online encylopedia.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_ ... f_republic

We are supposed to have a Republic and not a democracy. Soooo, many faithful are decieved in this point that this is scandalous. I thought the church would prevail against the gates of Hell. Bishops should take heed. We should not believe that democracy is the best form of government and we should affirm that the Founding Fathers of America founded a Republic and NOT a democracy.

When Jesus asked the demon his name in the one who was possessed, the demon replied, "Legion". Legion is another name for democracy.

Beware! No Christian should be for a democracy. The only forms of government okayed by scripture as the Protestants have mentioned is monarchy and 'mixt aristocracy'; no democracy.

Are Christians decieved????? I hope not anymore.

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