Kerry and Kosovo

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Kerry and Kosovo

Post by user_384 »

Here is something for everyone to think about in the next upcoming election.....



Post by OrthodoxyOrDeath »

I think the article seriously underestimates the immense damage done to America's credibility in Europe. For one, I doubt France and Germany, who first felt their current misgivings toward America with the Kosovo crisis, would stand idly by as America decides the future of Europe.

Furthermore, any resolution on Kosovo has to be approved by Russia, who will never allow Kosovo to become independent.

Just some thoughts, although I'm sure Kerry would do what he could for the Albanian terrorists.

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Post by Tessa »

forwarded email:

Dear Senator Kerry,

You just LOST my vote. I also hope that you will loose all the 3,500,000 Greek-American votes as wel. Your letter to the Albanian-Americans promising them Kosovo, Northern Greece and other parts of the Balkans, indicate that for a few silver pieces you are ready to betray your long time friends the Greek-Americans, as well as Serbs.
I am truly disappointed by your lack of understanding of what we have done in the Balkans. In the pretext of removing Milosevic, we bombed to the stone age, a Christian Country (Serbia); you reward the Albanians for having Al Queda support the KLA and the Muslim mujahideen, who have and continue to murder Christians; we established 2 new Muslim States in the Balkans and now you promise to reward the Albanians even further at the further detrimment of Serbia, Greece and other Balkan States. We can not possibly be proud of what we have done in the Balkans. Instead we should be ashamed!

Until I saw your letter to the Albanian-Americans, I believed in you. Now your letter has changed my views 180 degrees.

For the first time in my life, I will vote Republican! I will encourage everyone I know to vote Republican.

a former supporter, Tasos Nikodinos

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Post by Ephraem »

This letter from Mr. Nikodinos incredibly distorts what Senator Kerry actually said. Mr. Nikodinos seems like a man who cannot countenance anything positive to be said about Albanians or Muslims.

As far as I can tell, Bush and the US State Department have given full support to UNMIK, and the goals of that organization, of establishing an autonomous, democratic, and lawful Kosovo. Kerry's position appears to be the exactly the same. Can someone tell me how the foreign policies of Bush and Kerry would differ?

I don't see how supporting either candidate is going to make a whit of difference in this area of foreign policy.

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Post by Justin2 »

Republicans and Democrats are like two repulsive heads feeding the same insatiable belly, and in the end, they both produce the same unpleasant refuse.

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Post by gphadraig »

It was a democrat who started the ball rolling in the dismemberment of a sovereign nation, Yugoslavia....... So why be surprised? But, poor man, the responsible party faces a quadruple bypass tonight. So a prayer for him, maybe on two counts.

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Post by Natasha »

I don't see how supporting either candidate is going to make a whit of difference in this area of foreign policy.

Agreed 100%

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