Thoughts on The Law of God by Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy

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Thoughts on The Law of God by Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy

Post by Грешник »

Does anyone have any thoughts on this book?

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Post by Tessa »

Hey everyone...

I'm back, for now anyway.

I purchased this book about 3 years ago. It has a wealth of information and great illustrations and photos. I used it for the base curriculum for two Sunday school classes that I taught. I like and agree with most of the information in it. Some of the stuff on the Creation, the really detailed scientific explanations, was a little too much though. Why can't we just believe that God created the world, without trying to over- analyze everything.

I think it's a really good book though and I am grateful that it was made available in English.

In Christ

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Post by joasia »

This book is very well known amongst the seminarians of ROCOR.

I actually sent an email to a co-worker on the scientific evidence of the miracle of Joshua. I believe that the scientific explanations are invaluable as they prove that the Biblical text is not mere story-telling, but an actual account of real events. Of course, for children, the information is overwhelming(it's not a book to give to children), but for adults who can understand, it is fabulous. I learnt so much from that explanations.

We believe that God created the world and consequently mankind, but mankind has fallen away from the truth and they cling to all the explanations that try to disprove Christ. But, God does reveal Himself through scientific examination. Not because God needs science but because through science, which is based on the elements that God had created, mankind has proof of his heritage.

God is order not chaos. And by the explanation of the comet's influence on the earth(slowing the rotation and creating an extra day), happening at the same time that Joshua prayed for the sun to stand still, falls exactly on the line of God answering a servant's prayer, but at the same time, showing that God uses the creation around him, in a physical way, to do it. God is the Creator of our world and therefore has total influence on the matter(molecules, atoms etc) of this world.

It basically refutes the atheists' arguement, because most atheists believe in science and the evolution theory stuff. But, if they are shown a scientific explanation which is not only linked to a certain timeline, which the scientists identify, but happens to also be at the time of a certain person in the Bible, who lived at that time AND has also been recorded by other cultures in history, then they cannot refute that the Bible is fantasy.

And if they can't argue that, then they have to believe that Joshua existed....and if they believe that he existed, then they have to believe that his parents existed, etc. etc, back up to Adam and Eve. And then they would have to consider that the individuals mentioned in the Bible were real people and not some kind of story telling fabrication.


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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